4 Things To Do When You Are Not Blogging

4 things to do when you are not blogging - Socialize with your fellow bloggersBlogging is a tough job, I agree. You have to have a considerable amount of patience to sit down and review guest posts and write new articles everyday. But continuously doing that loses your concentration in blogging and the result will be crappy articles. To overcome this and still maintain your blog ranking, we have to take breaks often and relax a little bit.

Remember Blogging is not the only thing that will help your site attract subscribers and valuable readers, you can implement additional means to increase your blog publicity. So here are the 4 productive things that you can do when you are not sitting and blogging.

1. Socialize with your fellow bloggers

A good example is to login to Facebook and other social networking sites and interact with other bloggers. Every like and comment counts, and every re-share too, thanks to Facebook’s poor privacy features and the well-known Ticker activity we always know who’s doing what. This will also let your friends know that you are in the loop and pro-active.

And not to forget Twitter, every blogger’s dream tool which helps your posts reach to your community and beyond easily, by a simple tweet. Also engage in re-tweeting your follower’s posts and starting conversations, even a simple “Hi” or “Hello” will suffice.

2. Guest Posting and Commenting

You are already well versed with the advantages of guest posting so I am not going to go into the details. As a blogger, I would say you are certainly doing well if you are regularly guest posting on other sites. Guest blogging on a site whose Alexa rank is under 50k will automatically get you good number of visitors to your site. That creates a win-win situation for everybody. Doesn’t it?

If you are too lazy to guest post on other sites, you can try commenting too. Remember don’t under-estimate commenting on other sites, it can earn you lots of visitors too. With Commentluv enabled sites, leaving backlinks is just a piece of cake. But even commenting requires a certain art. People will not click on your links if they don’t find your comments amusing and helpful. Try to make your comments humorous sometimes, and always be the first one to comment because people are more likely to see the top comments. Also brand your comments to drive traffic to your blog.

3. Carry out Maintenance of your Blogs

Cleaning the trash is a good way to get rid of the rubbish. Creating numerous post revisions, inactive users, unwanted tags created by other users, spammy guest posts, useless plugins, simply consume lots of your hosting space. Try to delete the unwanted stuff from time to time to keep your blog running smooth and steady.

You can also install new plugins which will help you automate your tasks such as Better delete revision will take care of your post revisions and you can make use of the mass delete tags to keep your tags in count. And as for the pending posts you can install the bulk delete plugin which wipes out all your pending posts in bulk instead of doing it manually.

4. Make your Site Beautiful and Attractive

Add new modules to your site when you have ample amount of time. An attractive site is appraised by visitors and they like to keep coming back. If you think your site needs a complete overhaul, install a new theme and see what fits best. There are a lot of things to think about when choosing a new theme such as an adequately spaced sidebar, adsense ready theme, support for widgets and a nice color combination which is easy to read and soothing to eyes.

If you are good in CSS, you can also add a featured posts section to your site which will attract your visitors the minute they visit your site and will also keep them glued to your blog, decreasing your site bounce rate. Alternatively, you can also hire professional web-designers and site specialists to look into your blog and help optimize your site by reducing the site load time and keep it running at its peak performance.

I am perfectly sure that if you keep these things in mind, you will definitely succeed in Blogging. As for all, best of luck and keep blogging!

28 thoughts on “4 Things To Do When You Are Not Blogging”

    • Hello,
      nice Article but i think u missed some really important things, like pagespeed, usability and intern linking. With a nice link structure you can lower your bouncerate extremly and pagespeed helps to rank better in search engines. Style is important, but keep an eye on the usability of your site.
      best regards

  1. You cannot keep writing all day long. There comes a time when you get very tired and your brain just stops working. So that is the time when you should stop writing and do something else which is less demanding. I prefer sorting out my site. Clearing out trash is a very good way to utilize your time in a better way.

  2. You cannot keep working and writing on blogs all day long. You need to have a break. But taking a break is not easy when only work is in your mind. So if you cannot leave your work entirely then you can wok on the aspects which are not that demanding yet helping your site look better like organizing it or uploading pictures to make it attractive.

  3. Yeah ! I already do the above things when I am out of blogging, but which I do often is Guest Posting and commenting , and made a comment here , now I’m not blogging! 🙂

  4. When I’m not blogging I take part in discussions going on in various blogging forums on Facebook. i also love using reddit and stumbleupon.

  5. Hi Gautam. 
    First of all i must say you have done a great job by listing these things together. Now these are essential other than blogging. Specially commenting  and guest blogs are really important according to me. Guest Posts in good blogs can bring a handy visitors and Comments may help you socialize with other bloggers. It may also be fruitful for increasing your page rank.

  6. I think working on design issues in the free time would be good and next one is Guest blogging according to my opinion.

  7. Building relationship with your fellow bloggers when you’re free is certainly a nice way to utilize your time, as fellow bloggers can easily help you to get more exposure for your blog by simply sharing your posts and tweets on social media network.

  8. Good idea. You can actually do a lot of things when you are not blogging. For me, when I am not blogging, I just like to catch some movies or have tea with my friends.

  9. There are a lot of things bloggers can do when they are not busy with their blogs — reading stuff to improve their trade, improving and sprucing their site and do some RandRs to give themselves that much needed break once in a while.

  10. I concentrate on work outs and Yoga when im not blogging, Really helps to keep you fit Or else blogging is something which can make you unfit in no time.

    • thanks bharat yes those are the stuff you should do when you are not currently blogging..it improves the interaction levels of your blog…try thinking of it as occasional publicity campaigns for your blog 🙂

    • thanks dennis i agree commenting really brings out that extra chunk of visitors and its a good technique to start commenting on other blogs immediately after publishing a blog posts…readers will click on your link and see that you are active and probably subscribe too 🙂

  11. Guest blogging on a site whose Alexa rank is under 50k will automatically get you 10k or more genuine visitors to your site. Lolwut? I Guess a type or something? I’m pretty sure it’s impossible.

    Also, one more thing admin, I noticed that you remove your blogs name from the HTML title. Does it bring any added advantage? 

  12. Yeah i following all the points. I think #1 is the most important. We should engage on social media to expose our self. Its always helps us to create a barnd. Thanks Gautam for sharing this tips.


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