3 Off-Page SEO Techniques Killed By Google Panda

Google PandaEverybody knows that Google Panda has rolled out, of-course it increased the user’s experience but literally messed up those search ranking manipulators. I also tried these things in March-April and these techniques was working very well, like One can easily rank any keyword in just 15-20 days with those tactics. But, now scenario has changed, Google has advanced its algorithm and slapped those grey practices for artificial link building. So.. which were those link building techniques? I am pointing out those techniques and explaining below. have a happy read!

1. DoFollow Blog Commenting

Dofollow blog comments was one of the easiest and most popular techniques to build backlinks in those days. If some one is smart enough to understand how Google respond to those dofollow backlinks discovery than It was quite easy to rank well. The only thing mattered was Daily Link Building number, Consistency and Strategies for Anchor Text (Targeted Keyword variants. If someone come up with proper mix of this variables than It was very easy to rank. But Now Google, started to see the place from which the link is coming ! So those all dofollow comments are messed up because Google can see that link is coming below 50% of the full-page means it likely in comments or footer. Even link from sidebar is also carry less weight than before. So Bad Time!!

2. Link Exchange

Link Exchange was another good way to rank high on search engines. Because when you exchange link on homepage with any website, It will create hundreds of backlink from that website (Link on). So, If you are good at Anchor text Metrics than your site is likely to perform well in search engine ranking. But Again those links used to be in Sidebar or Footer, so Google has caught this techniques also.

3. Indirect Layer [Sort of Link Wheel]

It was another practice of Indirect layer when we used to create some blogs pointing to the main website and other blogs in that layer. And we used to create hundreds of backlinks to those blogs which are in indirect layer and ultimately those blogs passes link juice to main site. So our main site didn’t look spammy in Google Eye, but Again this strategy is Busted!!

Note: All those website created from these techniques are performing well now also, the only thing required in that case is visitors engagement. Like If you ranked for such website, where it’s bounce rate is low and page view per visits is high then Google Panda is effected positively to those sites. But, If you will use those techniques now on new site then you are wasting your time.

So these are some manipulative techniques which are dead now! If you are having something which really working after 15th october then come up with it and Comment Below! Thanks.

This article is written by Mihir Naik. He is a whole day internet surfer and blogging is his hobbie. He is blogging on India Price Buzz, a website which provides information about latest products launch and it’s Price in India. If you wish to write for us, kindly check this.

36 thoughts on “3 Off-Page SEO Techniques Killed By Google Panda”

  1. Hmm – I’ve actually seen some positive effects from do-follow blog commenting, although I’ve got very good user engagement statistics to support my site. Social News seems to help as well.

    What I find interesting – judging from the volume of spam I moderate – is the continued focus on no-follow blogs by the spammers… given that they probably think about this stuff more than we do (since it is their livelihood), could there be something we’re missing about Google’s handling of theย no-folow tag?ย ย 

  2. Google Panda was built through an algorithm update that used artificial intelligence in a more sophisticated and scalable way than previously possible. Human quality testers rated thousands of websites based on measures of quality, including design, trustworthiness, speed and whether or not they would return to the website.

    • What about automated article syndication/ article spinning technique? I have thousands of spun articles to my site embedded with keywords pointing to my root domain. Will I get penalized? Should I turn it off (the system keeps churning out spun versions, ad infinitum, and posting on the blog network).

  3. I agree with you, but i still confused about DoFollow Blog Commenting. How I know that the blog is DoFollow or NoFollow ??

    Thanks for your attention for my question,
    Success for you,

  4. I agree that google panda update change the scenario of internet marketing its not easy as it was before gogle panda, but still we are getting results by link exchange

  5. I have Noticed That Google Is Giving Unique Contents Value.
    I Have Posted 3 Posts 1 copied 2 unique.
    i have noticed that copied post is on page 2 and unique are on page 1.

  6. In other sense Google make it easy for us too. Now we dont have to rely too much on SEO if you can write unique quality articles.

    • It seems as though Google uses lots of different animals when rolling out updates. If it’s not an animal it’s a drink. (Caffeine) then we had Panda and now more recently the Penguin. I wonder what animal name they will use next.
      More still, I wonder how many new SEO services will start up and be called anti-panda-SEO or something!

  7. Despite Panda's new restrictions commenting dofollow blogs still gives some link juice thoug less than it was before.

  8. This is wht i have been discussing on a FB page since last Panda Update!!…the most that i have been hurt is with DOfollow Blog commenting..coz i used to comment 30-40 blogs daily…but thts a thing of past now coz of this Panda! ๐Ÿ™

  9. Hi that's good article from you.This is the most important subject specially at this time when seo is been the most effective marketing at present and increasing rapidly.

    I am still not sure how google is acting on these types of backlinking process.I do provide backlinking services which you mentioned above.They keywords are ranking well and we have back to back customers.
    The point what you made is absolutely right. If you do backlinking to a new website which is not even older than 2 or 3 months then it can get axed by google.
    But i read just few days back somewhere i don't remember that if your blog is older 2 or 3 months old then you are little bit on safer side.
    I am still unclear about this.would like to know more about this story.

  10. Indirect link wheels were NOT killed by panda. Are you kidding me? Almost the entire first 2 pages of results are nothing but link wheel spam sites.

  11. Do follow blog commenting is one of the great directions to get more back links into the blog. Its really great effort in it. So, i would like to say thanks for sharing your post on here ๐Ÿ™‚

  12. Hey! I really liked that pandas image.. :p and nice post but I don't think this will going to help much from panda effect.. These are thing we should also (must) do but with these we need to many more thing like no-duplicate content, put useful and unique stuffs, delete not-so-useful pages, give proper tags, title, etc.

  13. Dofollow may not help much in ranking but it can bring a good amount of traffic and large amount of comments. However other two tricks are obsolete.

    • whEN you get traffic in dofollow blogs they will be more of spam in nature. You can even see same thing on some auto approved blog.

  14. These are helpful tips. In the end, what we all need to do is to write good content. That is what Google is trying to do. No wonder in my recent weeks, I tried building link and the effect is not really there. Probably I need to do something else.

  15. I can just say that like after 9/11 the world changed after Google Panda Internet changed. SEO is no more an easy job now!

    • It's for sure that SEO is not an easy job, Though its not impossible. you just have to adopt the policy and guidelines of Google. It will be helpful in longterm. One more thing, Now it not a task for link spammer, Now its not gonna be like, You just create few targeted keyword backlink and you will be ranked for it. Now its an old story.

  16. Yes, that what I think. I see that in the previous time dofollow blog commenting was very effective in ranking, but now a days I do not see the ranking improvement by this strategy. Google punda is really like the death of SEO.

  17. "Google can see that link is coming below 50% of the full-page means it likely in comments or footer".

    Are you sure about this line because if a person write a long guest post, generally a link appears in footer and it may be that the link below the 50 % of page.

    Please explain more on it !

  18. WRT the last point, I wonder what happened to the sites of free theme designers as they always have links pointing to their sites from the footer, which in-turn translates to each page of the blog?

    • If your link is detected in Sidebar or Footer, then Google pass less or no value to it. It means Ignorance of such Link. But If you automate such task and Google detect plenty amount of such Links on so many sites then it may adversely affect you.

      But If you have only one or two link, it will pass less or no value.

      • Mihir, what do you mean when you say "adversely"? Do you mean that Google might punish your site by pulling it down the rankings, or worse, sandboxing it? Because it that's the case, then we now have a very effective technique of destroying our competitors. All we need to do is to create thousands of automatically generated links pointing to our competitors' sites and bam, they're out of the first page of the serps.


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