5 Ways To Track The Quality Of Your Link Partners

link qualityBy link partner, I didn’t mean partners for exchanging links. Link partners can be a website in which you are willing to write-up a guest post or a blog that can give you quality backlinks. Finding link partners these days somehow becomes very difficult. It is very necessary to search for a quality website before you waste your precious time. Today we are providing you with the factors that will help you to determine the quality of your link partners, by these tips you can learn to build links for good search rankings.


  • 5 Essential Ways To Build Links For Your Blog
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1. Monitor crawl frequency

Quality websites in the eyes of search engines get crawled more frequently than any other website over the web. Monitor the rate when the website has been crawled. For monitoring, check the cache of the page in the search engines to see whether it has been crawled in the recent times or not. Obviously if the page is not been crawled in the recent times is not the site you are searching for.

2. Check for unique & fresh content website

Search engines always prefer for a website that has fresh and unique content. Always great to have back links from a website that has fresh content. Try to avoid link partners that flood their website with copied contents, these will not add any value to your website growth.

3. Monitor the quality of the incoming links

It is always great to check the quality of incoming links the site is getting. Examine whether the website is getting same or different types of links. Probably if the website is getting link from a single domain, it lacks somewhere in its quality as a good quality website always gets variety of back links. Moreover, don’t get fooled by just checking the quantity of back links, as spamming will create a good quantity for any website.

P.S. Always use variety of tools for checking up the quality of links as many times number of back links vary from tool to tool.

4. Check the MozRank of the site 

SEOmoz provides a brilliant algorithm to determine the authorisation of the website & quality of backlinks it is getting. Check for MozRank, Page Authority and MozTrust (condition is that you need to be a promember at SEOmoz). Here’s a tool for you.

5. Check for Google PageRank of the site

Not a full-proof tool to check the quality of website, that’s why I mentioned it in last. PageRank is always over-rated. Many of us thinks that PageRank is a good way for checking up the reputation of the website, but in fact it’s a least rated algorithm used by search engines. In general,quality websites always have good PageRank, but don’t focus on this criteria as a whole. Google PageRank is unpredictable.

Wrap up : It’s not possible to determine the exact position of a website but the above mentioned steps will give you the brief overlook of the websites & check its quality over the web. Make sure if you are spending your precious time, then you really deserve to get right link partners. Best of luck.

This article is written by Rajat. He is the founder of techzags, a tech blog. He is an Indian Student Blogger with huge interest in technology, Gadgets and blogging. If you wish to write for us, kindly check this.

17 thoughts on “5 Ways To Track The Quality Of Your Link Partners”

  1. Relevancy is very much important in Link Building.To build backlinks is not game over if we have to get results or improve search engine ranking then it very necessary to build links from relevant websites.Blog Commenting is another powerful way to get backlinks as well as traffic.Only we need to find relevant blogs and that is explained in this article very smart way.
    Many thanks!

  2. Really nice tips Rajat.Getting quality backlinks are really important and good for a site.These are some nice points that you listed for getting quality backlinks

  3. Unique content will be more helpful to get high ranking into the site. And, it will be more powerful on here. Thanks a lot for sharing your post on here πŸ™‚

    • Unique content plays a vital role & add ice to the cake if you are a serious blogger.Search engine always looks for fresh contents.


  4. Absolutely right, before we getting link from other source it is always good to observe the link profile and other stats of the site. The more quality link we gain the more our site will be trustful for search engine.

    • Absolutely true chandan.Its always great & benificial to check the quality of our link partners.


  5. Nice way to track our link partners no doubt in for make our blog post/site perfect we need to get backlinks from others and many times it happens we get it and some time we are not get them.

    So i think these are the enough tips to follow get good backlinks.

    • Sam I also think that if any blogger follows these tips,he'll probably get success in getting quality backlinks for sure.

      thnx editor

  6. Good tips, Rajat. I will have your tips in mind and check these points in my next guest posting… anyway, HBB definitely passes all these "tests", right? Hehe…


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