5 Features Of WordPress 3.3 That Will Impress You

Hi guys. Hope you are all great. Today I am going to reveal all the 5 new features which you will be seeing in the upcoming version of the most popular blogging platform i.e. WordPress 3.3.

Many of you were expecting this post as there’s been a lot of hype about WordPress 3.3 lately. We all are excited about it, so let’s get down to it shall we?

1. All new “Pointers”

Well it’s not pointers concerned with the C language. To begin with, this is a complete new idea the WordPress team have come up with. What WordPress pointers is, it is basically a notification system. Whenever a new update is added into WordPress, pointers displays a tooltip to let you know that a change has been made. You will understand it better by glancing the pic below.

WordPress 3.3 all new pointers feature


Additionally plugin developers can also use this pointers feature to give a tour guide of their plugin. It’s quite handy isn’t it?

2. Smart Media Uploader

Previously, uploading files onto WordPress was a slightly arduous task but now it has been made more smart by including the drag and drop feature commonly seen in Windows file management tasks. You can now simply drag and drop files (any media file) into the box and your files will begin uploading automatically. You can also upload multiple files by dropping one or more files.

WordPress 3.3 smart media uploader


3. New and improved Admin bar

The new admin bar is less gray and more black. Well not only colour it has been improved on the functionality frontier too. There is no need of clicks, the admin bar responds to you just by hovering. That’s right and many of the links have been rearranged to give you more space and to look nice.

WordPress 3.3 new admin bar


This might come as a bad new to you but the WordPress team has permanently removed the option where you could turn off the admin bar when in your dashboard. In a way this is a good thing because some people think it is better to have admin bar visible in the dashboard as it gives us quick links to fly to.

4. Flyout Menus are now permanent

You must have seen that when you collapse your menu, there are flyout menus visible for you to jump to other pages. Well now in WordPress 3.3 they are visible even when the menu is not collapsed. It’s just a feature where you get to avoid an extra mouse click but useful nonetheless.

WordPress 3.3 flyout menus


5. Post name is now a permalink option

Lot of us bloggers decided to define a custom %postname% structure for our permalinks as its easy to remember our posts and  avoids unnecessary parameters such as day, month and numeric names for our permalinks.

WordPress 3.3 Permalink

The WordPress team realized that this structure was being used by many of the bloggers so they decided to make this structure permanent. The new WordPress 3.3 now sports all our favourite permalink structure i.e. Post name as a separate option.

Random Screenshot Credit : NSpeaks

Have you enjoyed this feature list about the new WordPress 3.3? What new features do you expect to see in WordPress 3.3, please comment and let us know!

24 thoughts on “5 Features Of WordPress 3.3 That Will Impress You”

  1. WordPress 3.3 has some great adding features and it helps blogger easier in their life.

    Thank you for your post here.

  2. Word press 3.3 has an great features and its one of the great upcoming versions of the most popular blogging platform on here. I would like to say thanks for given update information on here πŸ™‚

  3. Those five features of word press 3.3 will be attracting in the wide. And, its one of the most popular blog on here. I would like to say thanks for sharing your post on here πŸ™‚

  4. I am really eagerly waiting for this version to go live (out of beta). It have really some awesome features in it, especially drag-drop upload. Thank you for this post. πŸ™‚

    • welcome saket. i too like the drag and drop feature…real easy for uploading files and avoids unnecessary clicks and selection of files…easens up the process for upload of multiple files too πŸ™‚

  5. Improved media uploader and Flyout menus are impressive. Admin bar is changing in every WordPress update so its expected. Pointers can remind users to try all new features in WordPress updates.

  6. WordPress 3.3 is going to be a great improvement. Let's hope it rolls out soon after undergoing the Beta Testing phase.

  7. These features are really useful.And impressive and waiting to try out in final release. But the SEO features I can see in admin are they native features something else?

  8. Hey Gautam,
    Nice post, did not know that the Wordpess team was coming up with so many new features in the 3.3 update. My favorite update from all in the list is the Smart Media update, can come certainly pretty handy.

  9. #5 The new WordPress 3.3 now sports all our favourite permalink structure i.e. Post name as a separate option.

    LOL you made that up, now don't you?

    Earlier there was performance concerns on that permalink which was resolved recently and that's why its been added in 3.3


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