6 Simple Ways To Make Your Blog Pinterest Friendly

Pinterest FriendlyPinterest is not just an interest sharing tool, but also a good traffic generator for blogs. According to an Infographic ‘Pinterest for Business‘, Pinterest traffic makes 27% more conversions than Facebook referral traffic. So when you want to see more people clicking on your ads, or more people following you on Social Media, or more people subscribing to your blog feed, you will need to consider Pinterest as a profitable resource. You can also track your site’s popularity “in and with” Pinterest.

There are two cases we can think of.

Number 1: People come to your blog because they see a pin from your blog on Pinterest.

Number 2: People pin your blog posts to their Pinterest profile.

These two actions are equally important for your success. You need to work on both the aspects of Pinterest Marketing of your blog.

We will focus on the second case in this post. Your goal is to gain more pins for your blog posts. Ready? Here are few tips to get started:

1. Include a Pin This button

Pinterest has a bunch of Goodies for making it simple to pin your interests. The most used goodie is the Pin It button. You actually don’t need to worry about this because most of the WordPress social sharing plugins already include Pin It button in their bunch. If you don’t have the button, you can add it easily.

2. Have a Pinterest friendly WordPress theme

If you want to use your current theme and don’t want to change that, then you can happily skip this part.

This part is quite interesting. People like posts to be organized into squares. If your blog is organizing blog posts in Pinterest style, you may have more user interactions on your blog.

3. Keep your featured image seductive!

People won’t just pin your images for no reason. Your featured image has to be attractive enough so that people repin and like it.

There are many ways to get attention for an image. You can either put a slogan or a cartoon which is related to your blog post. (For example, this post’s featured image shows what it represents.)

If you don’t want the featured image to be displayed on the pin, you can keep a pin in button to every image of your blog post. The Pinterest Image Pin plugin can help you for this task.

You can check this list for Copyright and Royalty free images.

4. Videos works the best!

Videos are good content type to pin when it comes to sharing an interest. If your blog has videos and you have a pinterest friendly blog, then you will see lot of people pinning and repinning your blog posts.

You can also boost traffic to your site with viral videos.

5. Infographics are the most shared type of photos

When it comes to research, people do not have enough time to read journals or lengthy survey data. So Infographics help you to get what you want in minutes. If you share useful Infographics on your blog, you have best chance to get more pins.

6. Have a Recent Pins Widget

There is a Pinterest RSS plugin which can display recent pins to your blog. I am actually not sure if this idea will make people follow you on Pinterest or not, but this is a good idea if you are an active Pinterest user and pin awesome stuffs regularly.


Do you think we can improve this list? What are the other techniques you are using for making your blog Pinterest friendly?


11 thoughts on “6 Simple Ways To Make Your Blog Pinterest Friendly”

  1. When i pin anything on my blog only the featured image shows up on the pinterest site, any way to show all the images or to select from few?

  2. nice information about pinterest really pinterest is very important for traffic so you need more traffic you should put pinterest button on you blog and website 🙂

  3. I think Pinterest theme work better for image blogs.
    Simple Tip!
    To make some serious traffic from 3rd popular social networking site you need spend more imte on it. 

    • Agree, 

      Pinterest like theme works good for image based sites. Not only on this social site. you have to spend more time on any social site to get traffic. 

  4. Now no ways to compromise with your wishes because if you are good blogger then there is no boundation  for you on search engine because now-a-days many option are available which makes your blog post more rocks.


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