Why Students Should Start A Blog

I sternly believe that blogging has a great future and having tonnes of students addicted to Internet, they can start blogging and even they can make it as their career, if they work hard.

Through Blogging you can show your true personality and you can stand out from the crowd. The results are amazing and you will be surely surprised by it!

At present, if you are doing nothing, then you MUST try the art of blogging. It is better than doing nothing and you will never stop it!

Stop preparing your resume and start preparing your blog. Believe me, you need more than a resume to get a job now! πŸ˜›

Top Reasons Why Students Should Start A Blog Right Away

College Student1. Engineering? : If you are doing engineering, you have my sympathies mate. Then you must move on and read rest of this article! πŸ˜›

2. Low Budget : You don’t have to invest much. Blogging is very affordable.

3. Resume : Your blog will be your resume. Believe me, employers love it. They will be extremely satisfied if you have good skills like writing and, blogging is the best way to prove it. You can proudly mention ‘blogging’ in your resume.

4. Earn While You Study : Most of the students go to part time jobs to earn money, both for personal and academic use. If they have a blog (with good content), they don’t need to worry, they can easily make money through Google Adsense and Reviews. If you’re really committed towards blogging, the kind of income you will earn is immeasurable.

5. Impress Others : Some people create blog to earn money, some do it for passion and some to impress others. Many people try something to impress others and blogging is one among them.

6. Improve Your Skills : Yes, you can improve your writing and editing skills. Blogging is a great way to improve your skills, especially in writing and editing part. You can compare your old articles with new articles and see how much you have improved. You can improve your proofreading and validation skills too.

7. Good Experience : Blogging is real and in reality, it is almost similar to business. You have to promote and market it to others. You can use these skills in real life.

8. Your Career? : Who knows? Many people were not interested to become a full time blogger, but, it could quickly turn into one. If you are addicted to blogging and if you know the tactics, you will soon become a problogger!

9. Connections : You can maintain good relationship with as many personalities as possible. They include entrepreneurs, CEOs, probloggers, freelancers and so on. If you need a job you can find a good one through the connections you have made and this won’t be possible without having your blog.

10. Approaches : If you are a steady blogger, opportunities will knock at your door. If you are approached by someone for interview for the first time, trust me, that joy will be immeasurable.

11. Learning : Being a blogger you can learn lot of new things. Blogging teaches you many things and if you are writing about gadgets, by the end of the year, you will probably become a gadget expert and you would have known many things about gadgets.

12. You Won’t Lose Anything : Yup, you don’t have to invest too much money also. It is quite simple to become a blogger and you won’t lose anything.

13. Companies Will Hire You : People who are proficient in blogging and social media will be hired by Top Level companies.

14. Improves Creativity : You can easily improve your creativity by finding a new subject to write about. You can also improve it by tweaking your blog design and the manner you promote your blog! πŸ˜‰

I hope you would have understood the benefits and the mass of blogging. Below I also mentioned some blogging tips for college and school students.

Essential Blogging Tips For College And School Students

1. Don’t bunk your classes. College is a place where you can learn and blogging is one of the places where you can apply it. So don’t bunk, attend them. Degree is important!

2. Promote Your Blog. Spread your blog’s brand all over your college. Tell your friends about your blog and ask them suggestions.

3. Attend Blogger’s meet and Camps. You will still be a frog in a well if you don’t attend them. ( Thanks Arun! 8) ) Register for these events and interact with them in group and open discussions.

4. Read Other Blogs. Find blogs related to your blog’s niche and start reading it! Analyze the style and presentation of the articles present there.

5. Stick with your schedule. Create a time table and fix a time for blogging. Don’t do blogging after midnight.

You can also check out Anja Skrba’s free Blogging guide to understand it better. So how is your experience being a student cum blogger? Please share it in the comments! πŸ˜‰

56 thoughts on “Why Students Should Start A Blog”

  1. Ok. I'm going to start a blog this is clear. Especially the fact that it's quite interesting for Employers attracted me. Cause it is just simply right. A lot of employers will read it and probably like it, so it is an addition to your resume!

  2. I never wanted a trampoline for my children because I thought they were unsafe, but when I read a lot of safety articles around here I was impressed. After that we ordered one. It was very easy to put together. My 4 year old son adores it, he even wants to take a nap in trampoline! I honestly recommend any kind of bouncer.

  3. Very true… i am blogging because i love blogging.. Its fun to interact with so many people and share knowledge

  4. I would also agree with your list. I think blogging is also a chance to try out things wich you learned as a student and also to improve the things you learned.

  5. I was in ninth when I started blogging and now I love it and feel blogging is my life and I was born to be a blogger. But surely, studies are much more important!

  6. Blogging is a good way to make additional income in the short term and if yuor focussed on your blog it will replace your part time income

  7. I believe wholeheartedly in your article. Blogging is a way where students can learn and hone their writing skills too. Teachers have always encouraged students to take up blogging as a hobby
    .-= John's last blog…DiGi Bites A Piece Of Apple =-.

  8. Lovely article! Think schools and colleges should encourage youngsters to participate in internet generation . Thought provoking. thanks for sharing

    • LoL it would only make the blogging world more saturated. Just kidding πŸ˜‰

      They should actually encourage the students to be proficient in English first. And then the rest πŸ˜‰
      .-= NpXp’s last blog…Wordpress Comment Blacklist =-.

      • He..he I agree with you. First English, then Blogging. Only then a student will benefit through blogging!

  9. Being a student i have started blogging few years back. Now at the age of 19 i am enjoying the money from my blogs daily.

    we can say that blogging is the best job for talented students to make money online. Blogging helps the students to gain lots of new things.

  10. That’s a good post.

    Blogging will really helps to increase you knowledge and langague to a greater level. And i think at this century each and every students should have a blog, they should atleast learn it, Heard that there are several plans for this from governments.

    btw, i’m coming after a long vecation, please do check my blog

  11. Nice post mate! Im a student and i never knew about these things earlier πŸ˜€
    .-= Pubudu Kodikara’s last blog…Install Another OS Inside Windows and Use it Like a Software =-.

  12. Really informative post. I'm spurred into more blogging right now.
    .-= John's last blog…Future of technology – Microsoft =-.

  13. IMO
    1) Blog is a document to present your passion in any subject to all consistently
    2) Blog becomes a historical document and proof of what you were thinking and doing at a certain date and time in life
    3) Blog makes you improve the habit of writing and presenting
    4) In true sense writing blog is creating something new and any creation provides joy.

    with regards

  14. I think students should start a blog because they can create theire own diary and share it with hundrets of interested readers. Have a blog is kind of really interesting and you can stay connected with other people, friends, authors and visitors. Having a blog is much fun and so nearly every student should create own.
    .-= Tobias’s last blog…Google – Standort China wird geschlossen =-.

  15. I’ve been encouraging my younger brother to blog. He had started but stopped along the way. He’s studying computer science in college. I guess he has no confidence on his writing skill yet. I agree that blogging is a good resume, I’ve read it in a newspaper.
    .-= Marlene’s last blog…The Secret Millionaire =-.

  16. A good post it encourages beginners…..
    .-= suraj’s last blog…India and China need to team up to deal with environmental problems =-.

  17. Great article dude but the important point to be mentioned here is that we both don’t follow your first point πŸ˜‰

  18. Blogging could be one healthy activity for students which prevents them from becomes a fallen graduates. It will also developed their sense of direction when leaving the school for outside world. Ahh, blogging could be in any niche…even in engineering
    .-= Terrence’s last blog…Phase Relationships of Soil =-.

  19. I accept all the above given points dude except one, How come you suggest others not to bunk their classes, as if your regular to college :D.. Think about everyday dude, only we both are not regular to college & also to classes..

    BTW a class article.. Really this will be very useful for the upcoming generations..

    • LOL, dude… see I know the effects of bunking the college and blogging, that’s why I mentioned that tip there. I want my negative experience to be a benefit to all my readers.. πŸ˜€
      .-= S.Pradeep Kumar’s last blog…Why Students Should Start A Blog =-.

  20. I graduated in '88 and so wish this was all around then!
    .-= Dennis Edell's last blog…UPDATED: Theme Customization Part 3 – Banner Advertising NOT for Sale! =-.

  21. Brilliant Article Pradeep.. Mere mooh ki baat cheen lee.. Cool one..
    .-= Rohit Sane’s last blog…Web Hosting geeks: Solution to all your Web Hosting problems =-.

  22. Great advice for newbie bloggers (NOT only for those who are students). Blogging improves your — writing, communication, marketing, presentation and technical skills apart from other benefits. I for one can tell this — I’m better at blogging today as compared to 4 years before; and I can tell the same thing after a year too! πŸ™‚
    .-= TechChunks’s last blog…Security Warning! Do NOT Open Password Reset Email From Facebook Support. Fake and Contains Virus =-.

  23. I does this only on midnights :P, Cant find time to do it, but im addicted to it. But will change my schedule from next month :). By the way nice one mate….

  24. yeah!!! i go with the above contents student shud improvise their technical skills through blogging!!!
    nice post sam!!

  25. 11. option is the best . We can learn alot blogging .
    .-= GDI Blog’s last blog…7 Tips To Reduce Expenses and Utilize High Savings Rates =-.

  26. you are right iam a lazy student but i recently started blogging hoping i may succeed
    .-= haytham's last blog…Ω…Ω…ΩŠΨ²Ψ§Ψͺ وءور Ω†ΩˆΩƒΩŠΨ§ Ψ§ΩƒΨ³ Ψ³ΨͺΨ© Nokia X6 =-.

  27. I’m quite surprised at the way you analyzed the information… I found this article well framed… Will consider these while writing my next post πŸ˜€
    .-= Siddhu’s last blog…Self-Hosted WordPress Blog vs. Free Blogger Blog =-.

  28. Great advice, I know many college students are starting to use blogging and internet marketing as their part time job while going to school. Why not? It’s better than spending all their free time at keg parties and they have a chance at becoming the next big thing on the internet.
    .-= Mathew Day’s last blog…XHeader Pro New Release – FREE Header Graphics Software =-.

  29. I don’t know if companies like you to commercialize your work. Say if you say that you make good money from Blogging then trust me they are not impressed to give you job.

    Many employers have this clause in the Appointment letter that you can be a part of anything which makes money in a commercial way.

    On the other hand a blog like yours isn’t personal anymore or is it :p ?

  30. yeah pradeep,
    Blog is the individual resume. Sharing knowledge through the web is most effective.
    .-= Vikash Dhankar’s last blog…Script : Send Anonymous Emails or Fake Emails: FUN =-.

  31. well said pradeep…

    Sure Blogging has a great future …I totally agree with simran and Ajith .

    Blogging is not easy as it look like….you can even work in a office bcoz u are going to do a single job assigned for you but in Blogging A-Z all should be done by you..Mainly First 6 month is the crucial period of new bloggers

    If one has a passion of blogging he must read many articles in blogging, seo especially SMO bcoz many bloggers has good and quality content but they failed in marketing and quit blogging soon
    .-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…Tips to Boost Pagerank – Next PR update March-April 2010 =-.

  32. Nice post bro! is nt dat easy but once u plan ur objective and knw wot you are aiming for, you will definately make it well am a student blogger lol i still have a long way to go may GOD help us all (amen)

  33. Totally agree with Simrandeep. It’s not for all and not sure if 1 out of 1000 students can be a good blogger πŸ™‚

    However, as a mechanism to improve your writing and social networking skills, it may be a great mechanism. But that’s not gonna fetch you job in top companies πŸ˜› In my opinion, blogging may give way to some kind of social network content publishing in the future and hence it may not be a sustainable income stream over the years. Let’s remember this topic and debate on it after five years πŸ™‚ In the meantime, let all students focus on ‘education’ and not blogging πŸ˜€ Btw, I have nothing against young student bloggers… In fact, I like the writing skills of some of them.

    • I love your writing skills Ajith and I’m a fan of yours πŸ™‚
      .-= Simrandeep’s last blog…44 Most Beautiful HQ Apple, MacOS, iPhone Wallpapers =-.

    • Thanks for your detailed comment Ajith! I loved it! πŸ™‚

      I see blogging as a career and passion.. ! πŸ˜‰
      .-= S.Pradeep Kumar’s last blog…Why Students Should Start A Blog =-.

  34. Well if someone don’t have passion for blogging then they should not start a blog. I see most of the bloggers are starting blogging just for the sake of making money and such bloggers just copy and paste other’s content. We need original writers in the blogosphere to maintain the quality of articles.
    .-= Simrandeep’s last blog…44 Most Beautiful HQ Apple, MacOS, iPhone Wallpapers =-.

      • I agree, but so many people nowadays do it to make a quick buck and they usually fail or give up. It’s the one’s who have a passion for what they blog about that usually become successful. πŸ™‚
        .-= Mathew Day’s last blog…XHeader Pro New Release – FREE Header Graphics Software =-.


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