Don’t Click Any Third Party Links In Orkut!

OrkutRecently some of my friend’s updates showed a mysterious link titled New Orkut Version (Don’t ever click it!). I thought they only kept like that. But it was not true. Almost 30 profiles in my friends list have been taken over or hacked. Yesterday one of my Orkut friend told me he has the feeling that his Orkut profile has been hacked or taken over. He has some problems like automatic status bar update and addition of unknown Orkut Communities.

If your Orkut account has been taken over, feel free to report to Orkut regarding it. It helps !

The best way to avoid such troubles is to avoid or never provide your login information to sites other than in

And also don’t click such links like New Orkut Version or any other thing similar to it. These links are mostly available in Orkut status bar and in about me page. A Click is all needed to get your profile hacked. If you are lucky enough to have access to your orkut account still, then go and change your password and security question immediately. Change all the previous settings. If you found a phishing page, please report it to Google. It could save someone in Orkut. If you are not aware of phishing websites and emails, then consider reading Beware Of Phisher – Review.

There are a hell lot of websites or webpages that look similar to Orkut. Don’t ever provide your login information as said before. They take control of your orkut profile to advertise porn or other links. It may be used for illegal purposes also, who knows.

Check these Google Forums for details regarding it :

Another Orkut Bogus/fake website!

How to save yourself from such Phishing

Protecting Your Orkut Account

Better be Safe than Sorry. Prevention is always better than Sure!

As per our concern, don’t ever provide your login information to such links other than to (or and never click any links from Orkut status bar and in about me page. Frequently change your password and security question. Happy Orkutting!

18 thoughts on “Don’t Click Any Third Party Links In Orkut!”

  1. Yes.. there is so much news around that people are hijacking your accounts using fishing aware of them..

  2. Today I got a popup (which Firefox and Google toolbar didn’t block) displayed exactly like a Windows Dialog box displaying “This program has performed an illegal operation. Click Ok to close” There was also a cancel button, but both the ok and cancel buttons were fake even the whole dislog box was a pic linking to an exe file. The point here is to think before you click as these phishing/hacking websites use social engineering techniques that make you click where they want you to.
    .-= Evans’s last blog… =-.

  3. Twitter also is repeatedly coming under hacking attacks nowadays. We have to be very very alert while using any social networking sites be it Orkut, Twitter or Facebook. Thanks for your tips
    .-= Shiva | WP Shopping Pages’s last blog…WP Shopping Pages Plugin – Create your own affiliate store using WordPress =-.

  4. Now many twitter id’s also got hacked …. and they spreading via DM
    .-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…Tips to Boost Pagerank – Next PR update March-April 2010 =-.

  5. My problem? In the past two weeks I have found 8 urls (articles) from my website that are blocked on Google. When I go to Yahoo they are unblocked. The blocking has been achieved by someone changing the url address by removing a dot and replacing it with an asterisk. At what level is this unauthorized changing of a url address being done to deny access to an article? A hacker? Someone at Google? or Homestead (my website host)? Who do I contact or what can I do to get the correct urls restored? Thanks.

    • Walter. I think you should try Google’s Webmaster Service and Tools. They will clearly display the broken links and the location of it, so that you can manually remove it.

      Someone at Google ! ? πŸ˜€

      Maybe you can mail Google and ask it ! πŸ˜€ Just kidding….

  6. Ya I had this feeling myself, as u have said I have immediately changed my password. Infact it’s a good practice to change passwords often, if u are sure u ll not get perplexed with the changing passwords :p

  7. gr8 post buddy…. I must have read this before….. i too was affected by it … thanks for the tip …..


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