Tech Mahindra wins bid for Satyam Computer

Tech Mahindra, currently, the new owner for Satyam Computer. Tech Mahindra outbids all the rivals including L & T, Wilbur ...
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Submit Your Blog To Popular Search Engines

Don’t wait for the Search engines to search your website/blog. Submit your URL to search engines before they do it ...
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Undo Send Feature of Gmail

Google recently launched a new feature for its mail service, Gmail which allows its users to recall the email which ...
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Ever heard of USB Finger?

It is really interesting to make connections between man and machine. Jerry Jalava started it by replacing his lost finger ...
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Tweetag : Browse The Twittosphere

Eric Schmidt, Google CEO, described Twitter as “a way to communicate online with people and also called this service as ...
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Make A Mobile Version Of Your Blog Using Google Reader

In my previous post I explained how to create a mobile site with MoFuse. Creating a Mobile version of a ...
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Create Your Own SMS Subscription Using Google Labs

There are many ways to subscribe in a blog. RSS, Email, Twitter and many more. But you can able to ...
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Brand Your Comments To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

I got new friends through my blog. Guess how? I saw their comments in my blog and I replied to ...
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Add Animated Speech Bubbles To Your Photos

Can Pictures talk? I guess it is not possible. But it can express something. But using this cool feature in ...
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Find Your Invisible Online Friends In Yahoo! Messenger

Doodle Yahoo
It is a tricky article! You can use this trick on others and of course, others can use this trick ...
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