HOW TO: Get Logoless YouTube Player

YouTube Player LogoNow YouTube provides us the option to remove their cute branding logo in the control bar of the YouTube video player. You just need to make a minor change.

At the end of the video URL in your embed code, just add the code ?modestbranding=1 and the player will show without the YouTube logo in the control bar.

<iframe width=”620″ height=”370″ src=”” frameborder=”0″ allowfullscreen></iframe>

Below I have embedded Cars 2 Trailer from Disney Pixar – Without and With Logo.

YouTube Video Player – Without Logo

YouTube Video Player – With Logo

Though they have the option to remove the logo, still there will be a small “YouTube” text label which will show up in the upper-right corner of a paused video when you hover over the player.

14 thoughts on “HOW TO: Get Logoless YouTube Player”

  1. I think this is a great idea but I wonder why You Tube would give us the option to remove they're logo. HMM weird….

  2. A nice option and also this You Tube logo takes the user away from your site and ends up watching 10 more videos there and forget coming back to your blog. We can stop this using this tip. Thanks for sharing Pradeep πŸ™‚

  3. Nice tricks.. I didn't know this before.. But why they put text "Youtube" mark.. It's looking good without it…

  4. Any how this trick is really helpful for video bloggers, who doesn't want to show the youtube logo of Utube video

  5. This is a nice option in YouTube's player! Oh, can we show custom branding, such as putting HBB logo there?

  6. I wrote about this on my Blog too and a person who commented said that in the video without YouTube logo, the text "YouTube" is displayed when you hover your mouse on the top right! So removing YouTube logo might not be much helpful. I guess he had a vaild point. What do you say? Any other use of removing the logo?


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