5+ Websites That Will Help You To Get Good Guest Bloggers

Guest Blogging is a perfect example for Win-win situation. Earlier, for some months, this blog was maintained by Guest Authors alone, I was not able to concentrate on my blog those days. For thanking them, I created “Guest Authors Of The Month” post, by which I was able to refresh their faces to the community once again. You can find these posts useful if you are about to guest blog somewhere,

#1 – Guest Blogging: So Why Should You Care?

#2 – You Blog. Should You Guest Blog?

Below I mentioned some websites which helps your blog to get good guest bloggers. You can also find excellent high authority blogs to guest post too.

#1 – MyBlogGuest : My Blog Guest has been started by Ann Smarty, a fairly well-known weblogger and social media user. She’s been guest blogging and building relationships in the blogosphere long enough to understand the power of a guest post – and that’s what she wants to share via her little cozy web community.


This is the one of the recommended websites for building solid relationships with fellow bloggers. You can get high authority blogs to write guest posts and find good guest bloggers for your blog. Love this site!

#2 – Blogger LinkUp : BloggerLinkUp is a service provided by Cathy Stucker and Special Interests Publishing. The purpose of the service is to help bloggers get exposure for their content and find content for their blogs. BloggerLinkUp provides the leads, the rest is up to you. We make the process of finding guest bloggers or placing guest posts easier for everyone.

Blogger LinkUp

#3 – Blog Synergy : BlogSynergy is essentially a catalog of host blogs who are keen to receive guest blog articles. You search for blogs related to your own blog, and then make an offer to write for that blog. The owner of the host blog can then accept or reject your request. BlogSynergy also has a list of guest bloggers who are keen to write guest articles for your blogs. You just need to find writers who write about topics covered by your blog.


#4 – 20 Something Bloggers : 20 Something Bloggers has brought together thousands of bloggers from all over the world, and spawned a vibrant community of like-minded, fascinating people who thrive on one another’s support and feedback. The network includes an active forum, more than 250 subgroups, and an endless stream of community events.

20 Something Bloggers

#5 – Problogger Forums : ProBlogger.com is an opportunity for bloggers to come together to collaborate, learn and network in a private forum.
Areas of discussion include finding readers, making money, writing content, blog design, collaboration, tech issues, blog critiques and much more. This site was recommended to me by a friend of mine, who got lots of contacts and guest bloggers easily.

Problogger Forums

#6 – Gig Logo : This site managed by Karla Campos, is a perfect place for guest blogging, commenting and sharing. It is an interesting community with 200+ members and active participation. A good place for seeking guest bloggers and for guest blogging.

Gig Logo

Do you know any other websites which helps you to find good guest authors for your blogs? Kindly share them in the comments. Cheers.

39 thoughts on “5+ Websites That Will Help You To Get Good Guest Bloggers”

  1. Hi,

    When we don’t want to write post or articles to our blogs then we can hire guest blogger to do it. Although their will be beneficial to both blog owner and guest author.

  2. Pingback: Great Tips From Pradeep Kumar of HellBound Bloggers to Get More Guest Authors
  3. Great list. This list is going to help me a lot in future. Thanks for this. Problogger forum will be my first choice. And I will also check the others.

  4. Thank you so much for the mention Pradeep!!!!!!!!!! You have no idea how you have made my day = D

  5. I have been using Myblogguest for quite some time and it seems fabulous to me. Haven't use other guest blogging services, but I should give them a try. Thanks for the list I was looking for it.

  6. This helps!! Thank you! I'm looking to get many guest bloggers so having multiple sites for resources is just what I need πŸ™‚

  7. Good article! I would point out that 20 Something Bloggers has an age limit, as the name suggests. They have a right to have any rules they wish, of course, whether it be by race, nationality, age or whatever, but they are necessarily limiting their membership that way, and probably missing out on a lot of good bloggers who don’t fall into their age category. The remaining four sites are a great resource for everyone.

  8. I’ve tried the bloggerlinkup service but the quality of guest posts there is quite disappointing. I will give the rest one more try. Thanks for sharing.

  9. I am aware of the first two websites, but I have heard about the third and fourth. Well I know a lot of problogger forums, but I never tried them. Anyway, thanks for sharing the info.

  10. This is great list!

    Thanks for sharing this.

    I have also started Guest Blogging on my blog. Will try my luck over there.

  11. Hey,

    I have a new website its an attempt made to be the #1 site to hold the largest collection of user generated contents across the country.

    There are a lot of good bloggers over there and writers get there much needed attention and comments. Even though you cant expect a million comments the response over there is better than the blogg site that I already have.


  12. I think Ann from MyBlogGuest is doing a wonderful Job. Always keeping her authors updated on info. The best support and involvement I’ve seen from someone supporting a community.

  13. This is an awesome list. i think tonight i may use these service and may comment on any outcome i would get (if any) Thanks πŸ™‚

  14. Oh, these are really good resources to find guest bloggers and get good guest posts. I especially like MyBlogGuest, although the name sound a little weird. I think most likely better domain names are all taken up already. Will check out the rest, is ProBlogger’s a premium service just like their job board?

  15. Well Pradeep I do understand the importance of guest blogging. Because it is very important to get exposure and traffic when you are a new comer.

    However, above mentioned 5 websites are very competitive and getting their a blog post published is not that easy. Hence we should try to write good blog post.

    Thank you!

  16. I have ever visited Problogger community but it is a premium service instead of open one like others above.


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