3 Simple Ways To Generate Traffic From Old Blog Posts

Old PostsBlogging can serve myriad purposes for just about any website. For small businesses, in particular, blogging can not only help you generate traffic but also educate your customers. If you own a B2B website and are blogging for quite some time now, there must be many of your posts buried in your archives.

Google loves fresh data, which is why content generation is a regular practice. But instead of writing new content, you can use your old blog posts to generate more traffic. In order to do so, you will need to recycle or revive your older posts. There are many ways to recycle your old posts some of the ways to revive and recycle old posts will be discussed here.

1. Rewrite the post

There are lots of things you can do to old posts. One thing you can do is to rewrite the post while changing its body, style and context. You can also update your post with recent developments if it is some kind of news or information.

The main thing that you need to review in your old post is the title. No matter what kind of trading business you own, the title of your blog posts does not have to be boring. You can make the title catchy, witty or ironic – whatever you make of it, it should look interesting. The reason behind this is that the online readers are not the same as the traditional newspaper readers and their attention span is very little. If you fail to impress them within the first few seconds, you lose your readers.

Besides the title, the post you are going to rewrite should also have some substance. There is no use of rewriting the post if it contains outdated information that is not even interesting. To entice readers, rewrite the post in a funny, ironic and interesting style. Once the readers get addicted to your tone and style of writing then they become your permanent readers.

2. Submit to Article submission sites

After making necessary changes, you can rewrite and convert your blog posts into articles and submit them to different article submission directories. There are a lot of benefits of doing this as submission sites have higher page ranks and are frequently updated. These frequently updated sites receive more recognition since search engines love fresh content. One of the benefits of article submission is linkback. You can use your articles to redirect traffic to your website.

3. Convert to PDF format

Another way of putting your blog posts to good use is by converting them into PDF format. The benefit of doing so is that you will not need to change anything since there are no repercussions of posting duplicate content if it’s in PDF format because the spider cannot access the content within the PDF file. You can also submit these PDF files to free e-book directories and for free publicity. Moreover, you can also sell the PDF file to generate extra income which will cost you nothing.

So what are you waiting for? Stop procrastinating and browse through your blog archives today and locate some of your best posts and recycle them to give your business a new client base.


This article is written by Susan Smith. She is a wholesale trade and B2B marketing expert. She writes on the topics related to online wholesale businesses.

21 thoughts on “3 Simple Ways To Generate Traffic From Old Blog Posts”

  1. Thanks for these tips. I've been considering #3 for some time now and I think it's really time to do just that. creating a pdf file from your old post can just be another way of having a product you can give away and build your email list.

  2. HI Susan,

    Thanx for the article…. i was looking for a way to get traffic to my old posts….. awesome tips…. it will help me a lot.. Thanx once again.

  3. But the problem with PDF method is that it won't generate much traffic. And also don't forget to create a hyperlink in that PDF which will point to Blog. Just my 2 cents πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Susan,

    Really that PDF idea is excellent. I think it is worth trying as we will have no issues against "Duplicate Content"

  5. re-writing old posts works sometimes if your posts are still getting good traffic then it can be useful to update that post with fresh news

  6. From here, i learned there are many directions to recycle your old posts will be discussed on here. And, rewrite post it should be more attractive to all the readers on the wide. Thanks a lot for given up here πŸ™‚

  7. Turning into PDF and submit to ebook directories is something new which I heard. Probably the next move for this post which I can suggest is to provide 5-10 top directories to submit ebook for traffic. Just my piece of 2 cents. πŸ™‚

  8. Yes we can generate traffic by modifying old post. I think there is also some plugin that automatically rewrite old post and then post again.

  9. First one is very nice, it is simply updating the post. The third one is also very nice idea. I want to apply it form my some of posts.

  10. great to read this post. I love my old posts and with your tips i will be able to attract traffic from them. thank you.

  11. Nice post Susan! Rewriting outdated and old posts is the best method although I doubt if PDF files are not crawled by Google bots, In my opinion they are crawled and indexed by google.


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