Facebook or Google Plus or Twitter – Bloggers Choice

Google Plus Facebook TwitterGoogle Plus has definitely changed the way we interact and it happens to be a multilingual social networking website operated by Google. Google has gone ahead and given Google Plus as a different social layer. On the other hand Twitter happens to be social networking as well micro blogging service where one can read and send text based messages up to 140 characters. All said and done, from the bloggerโ€™s perspective the obvious choice has to be

Historically Facebook was launched way back in 2004 and happens to be one of the oldest social networking websites. Other than this the domain has close to one billion active users and people from all generations can use it. Lot of advantages can be associated with using Facebook as in the world of today as people tend to consider it as a part and facet of. Lot of reasons could be attributed to it which are depicted below.

Sharing of information

One can share pictures as well as videos and ask for the opinion of their close ones. The greatest advantage of it is that one can control what and how much information they want to share with others.


One can always chat with their friends on the move. It comes as a small chatting application which users can use and chat. The popularity of the social networking too has evolved to such an extent in recent times is that it has become part of meetings as well as group decisions.

Business promotion

From the business perspective, one can promote their business through this social tool. It narrows down your target base and it could be more centred on the basis of the geographical location as well as interests. In addition to this the customized advertisements tend to be cost effective as well


There is no second thoughts to the fact that this social tool is the best form of entertainment. In fact it provides tons of gaming as well as other applications. Such is the popularity of Facebook that some people tend to use it to play games only. The entertainment is not restricted to games, but they are a host of other applications which the users could enjoy as well. Some of them could be photo editing as well as horoscope

Meeting old friends as well as colleague

Since most of the people in the world of today have Facebook accounts the chances are bright were one might catch up with an old buddy of theirs. There is a feature in this social tool where one can find someone with their names or their mail ids. So on all counts it improves connections.

From the above analysis it is quite obvious that Facebook is a social networking tool which is a one stop hub for entertainment, sharing of information as well as communication. It is the most popular form and one might not find anything close to it in terms of features. Do let me know which one you prefer for your online Business and Blogging?

22 thoughts on “Facebook or Google Plus or Twitter – Bloggers Choice”

  1. I will give first preference to facebook because it gives much information neither than others.
    Keep sharing.

  2. hello
    nice comparison but i think facebook is the best my first preference always and then google plus
    thnx for this nice article

  3. I use facebook way more than the other social networks. Very rarely will use Google plus for blog promotion purpose.

  4. Facebook or Google Plus or Twitter these all three social networks are great ! Lot of people are connected with these three valuable Social network. If we talk about Blogging so I prefer to say facebook is more better than Twitter & Google Plus.

  5. I use facebook way more than the other social networks. It provides the best service for chatting and sharing information. Facebook gets my vote.

  6. I think facebook is the best and more better than twitter.i always use facebook and fb is easiest and friendly to user.

    • Hi Ammar,

      I didn’t get much success from Facebook for conversion, Yeah its best of Engagement with like minded people. But for Me Twitter Worked best and still its my top SN.
      Tough there is no doubt that i am FB addict too :P.

      But for Conversion, Always my choice will stand with Twitter.

      Thanks for Your Comment.

  7. I’m personally still using mostly Facebook. It’s been a little more of a transition for me to get into Google Plus…I’m not quite sure what to do with it quite yet.

  8. I will go with Facebook any day. Google plus will take ages to come to level where Facebook is today. I have always used Facebook to promote my blog posts and have got decent results with it well.

  9. Facebook, Google Plus & Twitter, these all are most popoular network of social media. These all three are important & valuable for Blogg. Faceboo is more popular in among of these so I think facbeook is Bloggers first Choice.

  10. I’m very glad to see you in HBB my dear amit, I like your writing style always. Personally I spend most of my time on facebook and twitter. Very rarely will use Google plus for blog promotion purpose.

    • Thanks for Dropping your Comment Sai Bro ๐Ÿ™‚
      Glad you liked my post. Yeah agree We all are Fb addict ๐Ÿ˜‰ But as a blogger we should try all Social Media Platform. Isn’t it?
      Thanks ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. I completely agree with other comments. Facebook is great channel for bringing free website traffic. That is, if youโ€™re doing them correctly! Twitter and Google plus is beneficial if we belong to some reputed organizations or brand. Thanks Amit for sharing this information.

  12. Hey Amit, Facebook is always my first priority when it comes to social media marketing and I’ve seen much more conversion from the links posted on my fb page than on my twitter account.


  13. I think Facebook is most popular and easiest way to find old friends. Twitter is great if you are a celebrity or an organization

  14. Great post like always Amit, I personally use Twitter a lot and it’s somehow my best social media tool to promote and connect with people, While google plus and facebook are more like social chats and I use them for sharing the news,

    But they are certainly also very important when it comes to blogging and getting the word out.

    thanks for sharing ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Thanks James for dropping your comment,
      Agree with you James, I am using Twitter actively from last 6 Month and I must say Twitter one of my best way to get more clients and Facebook which giving me great Exposure. . .

      So here is the Vote Stats : F-0 T-1 G-0


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