HOW TO: Copyright Your Literary And Creative Work

copyright-your-workAccording to U.S. Copyright Office,

Copyright is a form of protection grounded in the U.S. Constitution and granted by law for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression. Copyright covers both published and unpublished works.

Copyright A Name, Title, Slogan or Logo?

You can rather say this as Trademark.Β  Copyright does not protect names, titles, slogans or phrases. But for logos both copyright and trademark are available. For further reference contact U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.

Copyright, Trademark or Patent?

  • A Copyright protects original works of authorship.
  • A Patent protects inventions or discoveries.
  • A Trademark protects words, phrases,
    symbols, or designs.

Copyright A Website?

The Original authorship of a website can be protected by copyright. This includes articles, writings photographs, and other forms of authorship protected by copyright. For procedures regarding copyrighting a website, check this pdf Copyright Registration for Online Works.

Copyright A Domain Name ?

You cannot copyright a domain name. Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) holds the responsibility for Domain Name System (DNS) Management. They administer the assignation of domain names through accredited registers.

How To Register Your Copyright?

You should submit a completed application form and a non-refundable filing fee. For registering online it costs $35 and $45 if you register using a paper application. A non-returnable copy or copies of the work to be registered. You must send the required copy or copies of the work to be registered. Your copies will not be returned. For further references, check Registration Procedures.

Source : U.S. Copyright Office

14 thoughts on “HOW TO: Copyright Your Literary And Creative Work”

  1. whats about adsense complaint i.e. issueing adsense complaints against one who copied your content

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  3. So you don't need to pay any money to copyright a website or blog right? I think it is important to pay the money to get a logo copyrighted once your website or blog becomes a big thing. However, if it is just small, you probably don't have to worry.

    • Yeah ! We can either trademark or copyright the logo ! πŸ˜‰

      To copyright the contents of the blog or the original authorship (includes articles, photos, etc) through U.S. Copyright Office we have to pay some money ! πŸ™

      For registering online it costs $35 and $45 if you register using a paper application.

  4. Thanks for this info… it is new for me that you can get copyrighted your blog posts as well…. is it so?


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