7 Tips To Be A Hero On Blog Commenting

Everybody wants backlinks for their blog to increase their search engine ranking. Lots of people comment on 100’s of blogs. But do you know blog commenting is also a great art. Today I am focusing on how to comment like a hero and become a hero in the comments section. Well it is not as hard as we think really. Remember Branding your Comments can drive Traffic to your Blog too.

Super Hero

#1 – Before start commenting

First of all you should do some simple job for integrating yourself in the blogoshpere. Register yourself in leading comment plugins such as CommentLuv. Why I choose CommentLuv is because of its great feature, whenever you comment on a blog which is powered by commentLuv you will see a link with your recent post which is automatically published in the comment box. So never forget to register yourself in CommentLuv. You should also register on Gravatar, which is a global avatar recognizer.

#2 – Move to the first step

Search the blogs in your niche, I recommend dropmylink for that. You can read the full story on how to use dropmylink here by Nikita Mishra. After finding your niche blog start commenting. But never forget some great blogs which really give quality backlinks such as Problogger, Copyblogger, Shoutmeloud, and ofcourse HBB.

#3 – Common mistakes you should avoid.

  • Don’t ever comment without reading the whole article.
  • Avoid linking to your site, as you have a great box “Your website” to use it.
  • Never try to be over smart, like using “You are wrong”, “me too” words because the author of the article knows much as compared to you (May be you are but…:) )
  • You are human don’t use keyword in the name section, hmmm you can something like this name@yourkeyword.

These are the common mistakes which should be avoided while commenting, mostly on High PR blogs. Always read the Comments Policy of the blogs if they have one.

#4 – Make this routine

Try to make daily routine just for commenting. Take atleast 30 minutes for Commenting on 5 different blogs. So you have to become a regular commentator for increasing your profile on blogosphere.

#5 – Start with the headline

Headline gives you lots of information about the article, so it is easy to understand that the article is compatible for you or not. Read the headline, read the whole article this is most important for commenting never comment until you read the whole article, because sometime what we think is not happen (I think you are getting me ๐Ÿ™‚ ).

#6 – So you read the article

Now you understand the article, so if you have any doubt you can ask the author about that. The author will surely love to answer their readers. Believe me asking question is really a great art of blog commenting because both author and the readers love to converse. Sometime the author fails to answer but remember many people answer you. Start conversation with them this let you make the people to know you.

#7 – If you can?

Remember other readers also ask questions, if you think that your answer will help that person, so why not to move one step ahead give the solution to him with the reply button. Let the person know you for next time and will ask you directly. At last try to build relationship with author and other readers.

By doing this simple task you can become a hero on the blog commenting section. Let us know if you have some more tips.

This article is written by Ifham Khan. He is the author of geekspalace and dailytechtips.co.cc. If you wish to write for us, kindly check this.

93 thoughts on “7 Tips To Be A Hero On Blog Commenting”

  1. Fabulous Share!

    I prefer blog commenting which not only help to drag traffic to my website but also allow me to communicate with people to get more innovative ideas.

  2. Always leave thoughtful comments instead of one liners.

    Also make sure to read the post before leaving comments. Use blog commenting as a way to engage with others instead of using it as a traffic source.

    Great post!

  3. Wow It’s a great idea to comment on as much as blogs as you can in one day. Try to schedule your time for commenting also โ€“ I love this quote to myself

  4. Blogging is about sharing and deceptive practices like spam comments take the fun out of having a blog. As a wedding photographer I share a lot of our wedding photos on our photo blog but for #3 there is nothing worst then spam comments with fake names. Use your real name or name of company

  5. Good post I am following near about 5tips which you said and I try to follow other two..I found commentluv which is unknown these days, but it is paid , is there any alternate available to test it.And in dropmylink the suggestions are only internationally from google.com not from google.co.in..Is there any option kindly reply…

  6. nice tips. i didn’t know about dropmylink i just checked it. we can find different tupes of link by using that simple tool. and your tips and quite effective loved the super hero style ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. I think #6 is very relevant.ย  Many times I find a post or article that is of interest and within the comments section I find a significant piece of information just because a question was asked by a commenter.ย 

  8. Blog Comments are a huge part of my link building, Id like to think I’m adding something back to the blogging Community rather than just ‘nice post’, this is an excellent article Ifram, thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  9. I have that Superman Action Figure ! B-)
    I have started to create backlinks for my site just now and I stumbled on the right article @ the right time ! ๐Ÿ™‚

  10. you are right Ifham khan , so many new bloggers posting comments with out reading whole articles . that's the reason why they don't get back links ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. It's a great idea to comment on as much as blogs as you can in one day. Try to schedule your time for commenting also – I love this quote to myself ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I must follow this tip consistently to increase my network in blogosphere

  12. I especially like tip #3 about not using a keyword as your name. What normal person that is truly interested in your blog would do that?

  13. Must read article before getting in to serious commenting.
    Thanks brother for sharing this information.

  14. You have a lot of good points. Personally I donโ€™t have a problem with keywords in the name on my blog comments unless the person leaves multiple comments. In that case it can seem like a lot of spam

  15. I really appreciate this post! Blog commenting is always been the most delicate way to gain backlinks! Nice!

  16. No.3 using keywords in place of your name is my pet hate. The quickest way I can think of to make a post look spammy is to let people get away with it.

    And Google isn't stupid… They know that your name isn't "SEO Specialist" and they can see that the field is for a name.

    You can get some really good rankings just commenting using your name on blogs that are related to your industry.

    Google loves it, and you're a lot more real IMO.

    In any case, nice post and thanks for sharing!

    John Detlefs

  17. Blog Commenting has always been part of link building and to grow traffic, And if one is able to be successful in it, then he will see that his rankings are growing! Informative post shared!

  18. Registering at sites like CommentLuv and Gravatar really helps in branding your blog… I think dropmylink is a great resource which I did not know about before reading this article… ๐Ÿ™‚


  19. I was a little confused at first because I thought you were telling us NOT to use the website and name@keyword field and I thought that was a bit of an odd marketing move! LOL But I read it a couple more times and realized you were telling us it'd be silly not to take advantage of them, which is absolutely correct. Plus, if you don't I totally agree with taking 30 minutes a day to just comment. It will help out SO much! Valuable comments are far more important than anything. Great article!

  20. Hero, hero and hero…… who didn't want to be a hero? Really nice guidance on this important topic to get marvelous success in this task. Thanks a lot.

  21. Wow. It is good sound to hear about commenting of hero like superman ๏Šโ€ฆ
    I like your post and want to be one of them.

  22. Wowโ€ฆwe become hero on blog commenting. Post comment according to blog is a good way of commenting. Really a nice work.

  23. Wowโ€ฆ these tips make me hero on blog commenting. Really a nice post and I really enjoy this. Keep it up man. I want more post like this in future.

  24. Hi Ifham Khan! Great tips to do commenting with some precautions for professional Commentators. Then it will be also beneficial for bloggers to control spam comments. Thanks for pointing out on this important topic.

  25. Thanks for the great tips. As I am starting my SEO campaign you are so right. As for #3 my name is Charlotte and I am a wedding photographer but It can seem annoying and spammy when a commenter uses the name section for key words.

  26. I've doing SEO for over 3 years now and your post is really true. Blog commenting is one of the effective techniques in doing SEO. I bet tip no.3 is one of the important thing to consider before posting any comment on a blogs except the idea of reading the whole article first.

  27. Thanks for the blog commenting tips superman :). I agree in what is written above about getting higher percentage for your comment to be approved.

  28. Nice and very useful informative post on this topic, as previously I have commented on different blogs fast and randomly but now care to get success in this task by your guidelines. Thanks!

  29. This is seriously good, you have really highlighted some of the great points one should know. Awesome work !

  30. Thank you for this post. I thought that I already do know some things on blogging and commenting but I didn't know DropMyLink(.)com. So thank you very much for your recommendation. I have just tried it and am very excitet.

    Maybe I do have a little hint as well ;-): If you use SEOQuake-Plugin with Firefox it will also show Pagerank of the DropMyLink(.)com – results. You can then select High-PR-Blogs straight from Googles results page!

  31. A good relevant Commenting is always appreciated by Bloggers, Blogpost authors and other users. To be a hero if we do commenting with some care and keep our speed slow and steady in a smart way, then it will be appreciated.

  32. Hi! its a great fun and interesting job for me to do commenting on different blogs and share knowledge and experience with different beloved communities all over the cyber world. By this strategy I've got a lot of experience in this regard.

  33. Hi! we know that real commenting is not so easy to get quality backlinks, it need some some tricks and practice. Thanks for putting light on this important issue.

  34. Actually there are different sources to get backinks, in which commenting is comparatively easy way if we got good quality and daily updated blogs for comment posting. All works need some techniques, so nice tips you have defined here, Thanks.

  35. Al works need some concentration and hard working, so in the same way real comments posting to get effective backlinks need also some kind of tips and tricks to get success in this task. Very nice and useful sharing on this subject.

  36. Some people forget what is blogging about espically helping other people who are on that web page with questions. Your post instills ethical blogging manners that everyone should follow.

  37. No doubt Everybody wants backlinks for their blog to increase their search engine ranking. It is the reality. To get success in this task nice underground tips here. Thanks for sharing!

  38. Great tips and strategies to get a high rank in commenting. Really if we success in this strategy then we could got a good source of strong backlinks by commenting.

  39. To be Hero on commenting is not so easy, as we have to read in short but with deep concentration to each post for real commenting. But nice guidance to get a top rank in this strategy. Thanks Author!

  40. You are the one who encourage real commentators to visit the site again and put their suggestions about the post, on the other hand we fear from authors while commenting.

  41. Wonderful suggestions and guidance about getting strong backlinks. Also "dropmylink" help us to do our work easy. Thanks Author.

  42. Actually every hardworking guy want to get a top rank in their tasks. Your nice attention to be a top ranker or hero while commenting. Also thanks for your guidance in a simple way to get success.

  43. Wonderful! great 7 tips to be a hero in this commenting task. I've never thought that anybody can leak out these useful tips. Thanks a lot mate.

  44. Nice and informative great underground tips for free lancer commentators to got much more backlinks. Thanks for this informative post.

  45. Actually all the professional commentators want to be a Hero on commenting and got a top rank in some blogs having facility of home page link for some top commentators. Anyway, nice post on this important topic. Thanks!

  46. Hi Ifham khan! This post is very captivating. I am glad I found it because I learned new facts today. Thanks a lot for so nice and useful tips.

  47. Great Tips my Friend.

    I didnยดt know about commentluv tool iยดll register ASAP.

    I` ll test your tips in spanish niches, thanks for sharing.

  48. It is not necessary to be a hero, even we could write correct comments then we should also got a lot of experience and knowledge by this strategy.

  49. With the comments postings or comments discussion the theme of article is to be more clear than reading the post.

  50. It quite tricky to get comment posting while i also influence the quality of backlink score.
    But yet i believe lot of expert blogger to accept what people criticize them because most of them are open minded. That what i respect about them.

  51. Genuine and helpful comments do get noticed easily…like submitting doubts, or clarifying others' doubts…
    Valuable article Ifham! ๐Ÿ˜€

  52. Thanks for your offer to give strong baclinks to us on good comments, as you mentioned here you are in the list of top quality blogs like Problogger, Copyblogger, Shoutmeloud. Thanks again.

      • We also appreciate your open heart offer to Genuine Readers or Commentators to express their feelings about the post (with their link). Thanks to Author.

  53. i thought i should bring this to your notice that the article you linked to drop my link is not working properly andd i really liked your blog will surely come back

  54. Hi Ifham,
    thanks for posting your comprehensive tactics on the blog commenting technics and special thanks for recommending Nikita Mishra article. I have started using his dropmylink website.
    Regards. Robert

    • @robertlee Thanks for your valuable comment and thanks to Nikita also for dropmylinks article ๐Ÿ™‚

  55. Love the Superman picture, probably one of the best I've seen in a long time.

    In any case these are great tips, especially for new bloggers looking to build traffic by commenting on blogs.


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