Google Search Rankings Considers Site Speed

Google Webmaster ToolsGoogle officially announced that they are now considering the loading speed of a site in search rankings. Site speed reflects how quickly a website responds to web requests.

Post excerpts from Official Google Webmaster Central Blog,

While site speed is a new signal, it doesn’t carry as much weight as the relevance of a page. Currently, fewer than 1% of search queries are affected by the site speed signal in our implementation and the signal for site speed only applies for visitors searching in English on at this point.

MUST READ : 20+ Tips To Improve Your Blog’s Loading Speed

In the above mentioned article I provided 20+ tips to improve and increase your site’s loading speed, which includes many tools too.

Search Rankings
Optimize Site's Speed To Get Good Place

You can also try Site performance feature of Google Webmaster Tools. This shows you performance statistics of your site. You can use this information to improve the speed of your site and create a faster experience for your users. I think now it’s time to consider your site’s speed. I need to tweak my blog too… 😀

20 thoughts on “Google Search Rankings Considers Site Speed”

  1. Oh that seems we have to consider our site design and other widgets too. SEO is becoming more and more easier these days.

  2. I am also SEO with good concept but carrying only my sites editions (
    Thank you for these tips, you read a lot of contradictions on this subject.

  3. This comes into thinking that Google really aims for the users’ convenience. This is a good move for Google, considering they’re like the king, once they said it everyone follows. Besides, who wants to go in a sluggish loading site anyways.

    I think I got to reduce my image file size now.

  4. So its time to remove those friggin' pictures and videos in some of my sites! 🙂 Thanks for sharing.

  5. Google has been talking about doing this for a while now, finally happening. I have been using the WP Super Cache plugin few weeks back and it works great.
    Thanks for the tips.

  6. After reading that Blog Post over Google Blog, I removed many widgets and some extra HTML/PHP Codes from My blog.

    Than tested the performance using YSlow and PageSpeed FF Extension. YSlow is still giving my Site/Post Pages Grade= C and PageSpeed: 84/100 🙁

  7. Hey this is completely new information for me that Google is considering the speed of a site.I have also read those tips to improve blog’s loading speed.This will be very helpful for me and I really like that you have shared this valuable information with us.I will also try for site performance feature.

  8. Man am I late to the party. 3 posts now on this before I write mine up…I think I’ll just do one with backlinks to y’all. 😉

  9. It is a good move that google is giving more value to site speed and now that the site speed is a ranking factor, many people will take it more seriously. However, lets face it that adsense, analytics, friendconnect etc are google’s stuff that slows down the site speed and which clearly means that google itself is responsible to slow down the internet…

    perhaps, google should also focus to improve its services speed before valuing site speed this highly 🙂

  10. First I want to know what happen to your blog layout? Why you change your blog layout? Yes now site loading speed will greatly effect on ranking. I have recently read an article from Matt Cutt’s blog, where he explained about how site speed effect on ranking.

  11. i heard this on youtube today and was wondering if it really is like this!

    looks like its time to change the theme of my wordpress blog 🙁

  12. Hey Pradeep, your Google ads below the post title is looking cool :0 just like mine. But it’s it’s not looking equal size.


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