Why Bloggers Can’t Relax On Facebook

Bloggers and FacebookFacebook has always been one of the hot-spot for bloggers for fun and for connections. Obviously, everyone would like to tap the power out of 800 active million users. No wonder users are so obsessed with Facebook. As a blogger, I stay online most of the time and honestly, 30% of my time I’m on Facebook. Either going through my news feed, chatting, answering my readers questions and so on. But by the end if I think, was it any good? Was it any profitable for me? The only thing which I feel right now it: Facebook is really no more a fun and relaxing place for online earners especially bloggers. It’s a place where you have to be because of your marketing needs but if you indulge yourself into fun part of Facebook, you are missing out with your competitor.

The Era of Email has gone

It is no more than 6-8 months when I got few emails asking me to write guest posts on their blog but from the past few months, I have not even received a single email by a blogger. All the emails I get are from my subscriptions etc.

What is happening with me is that everyone who wants to communicate with me using Facebook. They send me emails asking questions, help for their problems, asking me to write for them etc. If they want to chat with me, they can simply do it with Facebook.

It’s nothing amazing that Facebook is being used for all this because Facebook is really the most simplest and easiest way to communicate with other’s nowadays.

How it’s creating problems

It’s really good that all my communications are added on Facebook and I can communicate directly with them without shifting between different sites. Well, everything has a side-effect.

Sometimes I want to relax and chat with my friends or see their pics so I turn offline but anything I do is updated on the ticker and my clients and fellow bloggers can see it. Its looks unprofessional to them and they think that I am avoiding them. I came to know this when one of my blogger friend told me that he didn’t expect this from me. As a blogger you should also maintain good relationship with your clients.

How to Avoid these problems?

There are only two ways to avoid these problems, simply turn offline and be visible to only those you want or follow the second one. The second method which I know of is to create a new profile, hide it from search results and only add your friends and family. In this way, you can sign out from your business-profile and sign in to your other profile where you have added your friends and family.

You may not know that Facebook keeps track of your online activity, sucks it into its database where it remains forever. You can read this post for stopping Facebook from tracking your web-activity.

Also check the tips to avoid Facebook Addiction.

36 thoughts on “Why Bloggers Can’t Relax On Facebook”

  1. You are right. Most of the bloggers facing facing problems with their facebook Β account and even me. Thanks for the tips to avoid them.

  2. Great tips Yousuf! Sometimes we can't control our blogging or career get intertwined when using social networking sites and to adddress this problem I made a separate facebook account for blogging/ business and another one for personal interaction with my real-life friends.

  3. The idea of another profile is great and useful for the differentiation of official and casual use.

  4. Face book is one of the easiest paths to communicate with others in the web place. From here, i learned to follow how to avoid these face book problems on here. Thanks a lot for given up here πŸ™‚

  5. Social networking sites such as Facebook cannot be ignored, there is no doubt about it. The issue only is how to make best use of them.

  6. Having and maintaining good communication to anyone is a must especially if you have a business blog. Though Facebook is a good avenue to nurture relationships sometimes it is the very reason why some didn't last.

  7. Amazing tips there Yousuf. I'm older than you but your advices fit me the same. Can you suggest a healthy schedule for bloggers? I mean…sometimes I'm working on my blogs all day longe and I wake up at night with ideas for posts. Is this natural for you too or a bit over the top? Do you have a routine? Thanx. Cheers from Portugal

    • I would have given you tips but unfortunately I also need some tips on the same. I myself sometime blog all night long and sleep in the morning πŸ˜€

  8. I am finding it as one of the biggest nuisance while writing articles. These days i simply avoid opening facebook while writing.

    Its literally like working on Facebook where we get notification constantly and got to response to them …


  9. hey Yousuf Khan well said "specially the era of facebook has gone" i really liked it πŸ™‚

  10. Facebook is the most dominent social networking site present today,and will always be praised and sometimes criticised.

  11. I already have 2 FB profile one for my close friends and family only. Other one for my clients where I can interact with them for genuinely.

  12. I didn't knew about this feature on Facebook: " turn offline and be visible to only those you want or follow the second one." I haven't done that. I always turn my visibility offline because I don't want to be disturb by anyone. But as what you said, it will be unprofessional . But filtering your real friends from a list of 4000 friends can take forever πŸ˜›

    • Hmm, now filtering looks difficult but wait, you can ask your friends to add you on your new account πŸ™‚

  13. Nice Post,

    No doubt in that blogger should be busy every time and we all know very well facebook is best site in Social Media where almost every blogger have account and he/she share lot of things on that and updated their status and etc.

    So i think this the one of great idea to keep in touch with other bloggers on Facebook.

  14. There is another features in chat , where you can visible to particular group alone. You can make use of that instead of making another new account. .

    • I already mentioned about it and it seems un-professional! Just read the second part in "How it’s creating problems"

  15. Hey Yousuf Khan .I have also this problem while using Facebook. Thanks for your tip as create another account for family and friends.


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