HellBound Bloggers Becomes DO FOLLOW Friendly Now !

Today I decided to make HellBound Bloggers Do Follow Friendly ! That means You Comment ! I Follow ! comment-in-my-blog

I did this because I love my commentators ! πŸ™‚

If you also love your commentators, then you can do the same.

So Whats so special this DO FOLLOW ?

From now onwards whenever you write a commentΒ your link will be follow by search engines and it becomes a backlink. And indeed it increases your pagerank. A single comment won’t increase or create a backlink, it should be atleast 10 or nearer to it.

Feel free to comment in my blog ! But always remember two things, never comment for the sake of commenting and don’t forget to brand your comments ! It drives traffic to your blog.

Future Plans For Respecting My Commentators

Why Future? Because I’m going to redesign this blog, so the layout will surely change and currently I’m using lot of plugins ! πŸ™

I’m going to do this within 4 months or soon.

Commentators play an important role in my blog. An article/post becomes a discussion thread by them. Below are some of the changes I’m going to make in my blog for respecting my beloved commentators.

1. Top Commentators Widget – shows the top commentators list in my blog’s sidebar.

2. Comment Love Plugin – Displays last blog posts, tweets or digg submissions in their comments which they can choose one from.

3. Announcing Top Commentator – Separate post for mentioning the top commentator of the month.

4. Sidebar Banner –Β  A 125 x 125 banner in sidebar will be allocated for Top Commentator of the month.

5. Thank Me Later – Will send thank you emails to readers after they post a comment.

My Favorite Cool Posts To Start Commenting (Random)

  • Indian Politicians On Twitter
  • Updated List Of Movies Based On Computers And Technology
  • Cyber Bullying in Youtube
  • The Truth About Webcam Hacking – Special Review
  • Introduction To HTACCESS
  • How To Create 301 URL Redirection ?
  • Don’t Click Any Third Party Links In Orkut !
  • Updated List Of Celebrities Using Twitter
  • Create Twitter Mosaic Of Your Twitter Friends and Followers
  • How to Access Blocked Websites ?
  • Make a Mobile Version of your Blog Through Google Reader
  • Create Your Own SMS Subscription Using Google Labs
  • Brand Your Comments To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
  • How to block websites without any software?
  • Change the Title of Blogger posts for better SEO
  • Use a Custom domain name for your Blog
  • Add favicon To Your Blog’s URL

62 thoughts on “HellBound Bloggers Becomes DO FOLLOW Friendly Now !”

  1. Thanks for making your blog dofollow, this is a great movement and more people should do it, i will do this to my own soon, if more people started doing this then maybe the search engine results will stop being so stale and favoured towards big corporations

  2. Wow, its great news that HBB now dofollow blog..but you need to control on Spam comments…anyways great movements at HBB.

  3. Haahahha..supper awesome. To be honest we all would like to have some backlinks from the GOD of Blogs ! HELLBOUND !!!!!!!

  4. Dont know its a good thing or bad because I never read anything like this before that any blog owner offers a free backlink service…if its true then nothing is cooler than this…looking forward to see more stuff like this thanks…:)

  5. Haha all right this will give you a lot of followers and commenters! But the question is: do you search for this kind of comments, because it will be commenting to get a backlink. But it will also raise you poularity, so it can be interesting for you!

  6. This "You Comment I Follow" thing looks like a hype. More and more blog owners are changing back to nofollow because of spam. Some are even using it to get alloth of comments and after that they change back to nofollow. When you say you follow, then always follow and don't act sneaky by gathering all the comments by promising a follow link and then remove the rule.

  7. Hey thanks for Creating do follow blog,:)
    your posts are really awesome and i learn a lot of tips from your awesome blog posts.
    Keep posting this content people love for your blog for this.

  8. i'm a blogger who usually comment on others post, not only to gain some links but also appreciate their work, its really a Win-Win move towards getting and Giving popularity.
    I want to congratulate you people for this initiative.

  9. Hi Pradeep, Do-Follow is a great trick to invite traffic. Your article made me to go Do Follow..lets see how it works…thanks :). I used “You Comment I Follow” as my name, if you have any obj. please edit it.

    thanks for following πŸ™‚


  10. The Bottom Line is this. We love Comment Luv as much as we love Keyword Luv. We only follow Do Follow Blogs, and we do not follow no follow blogs. Why waste time with them ? So many DO Follow Blogs to post on ….. so little time for a busy roof cleaning company in Tampa πŸ™‚

  11. Hi, HBB

    I have converted my movie blog from nofollow to dofollow a year ago but i have noticed one thing people won’t post good comments instead of that they just spam your blog. How do you fight against these spammers?

  12. Hello Mr. Pradeep.
    I do read HBB regularly.
    I think I can’t stop myself from asking you about a tip on backlink.
    My question is that “Does Backlinks generated from the blogs like HBB or amitbhawani really drives traffic to my blog”.
    Please answer my question if possible.

  13. Pingback: Interview with S.Pradeep Kumar of Hellbound Bloggers at FBC100 | New Media Bloggers
  14. Its good news for blog owners and link builders. Dofollow blogs can help us increase the backlinks but it will be a pain for the admin to moderate the comments. There will be much more spam and useless comments now so that it will get the backlink very easily.
    My blog is also a dofollow blog, i am getting tons of spam now, very difficult to manage. But i love to say that ” My blog is Dofollow”.

    Btw i like your blog posts, very useful informations. Keep it up buddy.

  15. Hey, great site! Trying to use your guest post from another blog on category post titles, having issues – but trying to figure it out :).

    Cya on Twitter!

    • Thanks for your first comment here dude !

      Yeah ! That was a nice guest post ! You can check this blog’s category pages for example…

      We can surely discuss those issues in Twitter dude…! πŸ˜€

  16. Sweet dofollow links now πŸ™‚

    Also good ideas for the future on this blog. I like the 125×125 for top commentator idea.

    Your top commentators will be dofollow as well right?

  17. Good, i love my commentators so i am going to make my blog "Do Follow". soungs good.

    Wanna exchange link with me.

  18. Great, sounds awesome. Is your Top Commentators widget going to be Dofollow?

    I personally use all of these plug-ins on my blog, and they really help.

  19. That is a positive move for this blog; all new bloggers need exposure and what better to do than to make your blog do-follow (if you are able to manage spam, that is). I am looking forward to the changes and do not be surprised if I continuously grab the top commentator spots every month. πŸ™‚


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