If you are of the view that pulling content daily on your blog and optimizing is key to your success, then you might be wrong, pulling a bunch of garbage daily on your blog is nothing BUT a great loss indeed.
The main thing you need is to submit quality content that really Google loves, because blogging is the only better way to communicate with your clients/friends etc.
These days people thinking that blog with nothing but a bunch of garbage which are totally unrelated to your business or niche of blog will help you get success. They just thought to pull a lot of content in blog no matter if it is duplicated as well, and interlink them just to get loved by Google, which is never possible thing.
People mainly rely on their blog design which is really not important, what important is unique fresh content and link juice towards your blog. BUT if you are facing all those problems mentioned above below are some tips you must follow to get out of it, try to go through them carefully.
Unique and Valuable Content
As stated million times before that valuable content is just everything what we want, just keep focus on what you are writing about and give proper solution to your readers, because now a days people are finding for some quick tips. Like if someone need information about what you are typing he/she will give you time and try to learn from you, so don’t disappoint by making your post irrelevant.
You Might Consider reading this as well : Tips for writing a great Blog Post
SEO — The King
Rather then writing unique content you must also inform Search Engine spiders that you are existing in the world, by doing some basic SEO (Search Engine Optimization) for your blog. For this you first need unique content, because duplicate content is the most hated thing by Search Engines. But don’t try to be over smart by adding too many use less keywords because it will dis appoint your reader if your content is not for them.
You might consider reading this as well : How TO: Choose A SEO Optimized Domain Name
Post Consistently
Posting frequently does not mean that you pull garbage in your blog, try to write articles in your niche daily or most probably 3 times a week. Because Google always love freshness, and when you are loved by Google, you are done achieving your destination. So, try to post daily (not garbage but unique content).
Hi Usman,
I wish i read this marvellous tips from you before i set up my blog,
Thanks for sharing this awesome tips, just spread it!
you’re most welcome. Kimi.
SEO is always been the king, but content also plays an important role in it…
both have significant roles, seo and content.
These are really the formula to a successful blog or website… you have once again stressed their importance! Good stuff.
thanks for liking
Google takes a lot of time to index blog posts for me!
Ayush I can see your blog is pretty new, new blogs will face these kinds of problems at early stages definitely.
even though you have good post and fresh one, you need to have basic knowlege of seo, or else, it may not be visible to target users..
yes seo is always needed
It is not SEO, the King!. It is the content which is King!
yeah, Content is king and SEO is queen……
there are other things that matter other than that like the social networking, when one posts personal updates on facebook pages, followers seem to feel, yes the blogger and the blog is active..
activity means possibility of good content coming up.
ofcourse, activity is necessary.
Both are kings, but without SEO, we would have nothing in our hands. 🙁
some nice points included here
regular posting + seo + perfect promotion + consistency in work
helps you to achieve everything not only traffic but also money 🙂
I can’t deny seo is king. If you’re using a wordpress blog like me. Head on to plugins and search for all in one seo, Might take a while to learn it, but i assure you, its worth the learn.
Spiders are going to come in your site and love it. Also its good to install the privacy plugin. Cheers and hope my comment can help those who are in desperate need of seo knowledge. Google it on youtube for all in one seo plugin.
Worthy tips Usman.. Fresh content is really important for blogs…
Along with that, the content should serve not just bring visitors, i mean if you are writing about something, you should know about it in all respects too!
I am trying all this but still my blog is not generating traffic up to my expectations. Traffic is improving but at slow pace
this is due to too much competition.
You are forgetting social bookmarking. It plays an important role in success of a blog. Many big blogs get significant amount of traffic from StumbleUpon, Digg, etc. Try to get appreciation from fellow bloggers in the form of social bookmarks.
Nice Tips Usman…posting consistency really matters a lot in driving new traffic….
Ya Rohit you are right 🙂
Doing SEO should be the final step and truly finalizing step but before that every blogger should read as if he were the audience and see that the keyword for which he will SEO the post is worth the content or not.
Intelligent SEO brings targeted visitors who leave with happiness – loyal readers.
Nice share man….Even I wondered a lot when I was initially like blogging but now I’m quite well with this traffic thing and believe these are those tips I followed.
Any ways thanks for this post.
Have a nice time
Nice point. People always search for the content they want. If they found useful, they’ll return on the blog in future 🙂
yes right Anum.
thanks for the complement.
You provide very valid points because they complete each other.
Posting valuable content often and enabling search engined to find it in the most efficient way possible, that really is a successful mix.
I am sticking myself with a 3-weekly posting schedule as I have no way to blog more often, however seeing how things are proceeding and due to some analytics I have still to examine more in depth, I might stick to a 2-weekly posting schedule very soon.
Totally agreed.
Consistency is very important. Otherwise you may loose regular readers and then it will become hard to get traffic. Good Post for everyone.
yes this is another reason as well for consistency.
i think the blogger needs to target one niche , to get traffic . write related targeted article .. so that readers can get to read more of that type artciles in his blog …
its really depends up to you, if you want to target only one niche is also good, but targeting more then one niche’s in special categories will be more beneficial.
Hi,How do you get these sharing icons ?
I use Digg Digg plugin mate.
I also use the same Pradeep