Twitter marketing takes some skill, and it certainly takes some time to build up a loyal following. With a limited amount of text, we need to be careful how we use that space. As an individual, or small business, we can learn from what others are doing. In this article, we look at some of the common mistakes, even the big companies are making, to help us make better use of our Tweets. Online marketing is a tricky business. As always, we need to have a step-by-step strategy for our growth. Twitter is no different, and actually, most mistakes made on Twitter relate to us trying to get too much out of a single Tweet.
1. Multiple URLs
Multiple URLs in a single Tweet will not only confuse users, it will confuse search engines. Each Tweet should only ever contain a single URL. It is important to remember users are normally seeing a lot of information on Twitter, and we do not want to make what they are seeing any more complicated.
2. Multiple Hashtags
Like multiple URLs, multiple hashtags will not make it easier for others to find your information. Hashtagging only makes sense if you want your Tweets to be found in search. With multiple tags, your Tweet is lost in a sea of options, instead of being easier to find. Limit hashtagging unless you are specific about a conversation you want to join, and always only have a single hashtag.
3. Not Using URL Shorteners
With a limit to the number of characters we can ever post with Twitter, using URL shorteners is the only way to post a URL. Our original URLs need to make sense, and this is not the case for shortened URLs. At the same time, we can use those websites that provide those shortened URLs to gather more information on those Tweets, such as, how many times they have been clicked on. If you are not familiar with URL shortening, now is the time to learn. We can use URL shortening in other ways, such as with email outs to our subscriber lists on our websites to help us gather more data too.
4. Irrelevant Language
SEO (search engine optimisation) should be applied to everything we do online. It forms the basis of our website design, and our content marketing strategies. We need to keep our language and terminology appropriate on Twitter just as we do will all content. Using different terms to attract attention will only confuse followers, and confuse search engines. It is important we use the same terminology across all social media marketing platforms.
5. Over Twittering
Perhaps it is the temptation to send out something else, or put an extra piece of information out there, but over Twittering continues to be one of the biggest mistakes of just about everyone on Twitter. Even when someone is following only 10 people, it can be hard for them to take in all that information unless they are doing nothing but follow Twitter all day. If you want your Tweets to count, less is definitely more.
6. Over Following
Following others to have them follow you may seem a polite way to act on Twitter, but the fact remains if someone is following too many people, then they cannot possibly take in all that information. If you are contacting those who follow you, and following them in return, you will soon be following too many people. If others following you are following a lot of people they cannot possibly be seeing your Tweets in their see of visible posts.
The core of good online marketing starts from the very beginning. You cannot build up more followers and build up importance of your Tweets with haste. It is only those who are extremely popular outside of social media who have this ability. The fact remains there is an imbalance with Twitter. Being popular and followed by a lot of people is not easy. None of us should expect we could do it, especially over a short period of time.
Great tips…people often make the mistake of sending continuous tweets which are irritating for the followers and ultimately end up losing a few followers. Getting lots of followers is a patient task and you need to tweet timely, tweet relevant and always need to thanks others who retweets your tweet.
nice tips. i never used URL shortner while tweeting will use it from now
nice tips
I agree to all the tips
Over twittering and Over following is of no use
Thank you for the tips. This will help us how to become a good entrepreneur in the online business.
I totally agreed with 5th and 6th points, i had made those mistakes and my my "Klout" score has been worst. even no more referral traffic from Twitter. now realized well.
Twitter is great marketing tool currently and if used it to perfection, you can do wonders with it. I will make sure I don't make this mistakes for the promotion of my blogs…
I agree with the above mentioned points. I not using twitter like Facebook but i heard that lots of blogger using twitter for Promote there Blog. But they forget all above mention points to consider. We should follow the points to avoid our Mistakes. Thanks Neel for sharing such a nice Article with us.
This is great advice. I have been guilt on multiple occasions for some these. The multiple hashtags is one I have done the most. Now I know. Awesome!
I have been using multiple hashtags till now and after reading this, I will start using a single hashtag… makes sense not to confuse followers and others looking for information….
Overloading your followers with more tweets that is necessary is a fast way to lose followers. But on the other side, not twitting often enough can make your followers feel that you are inactive and you donβt want to interact with them.
Your point on Over Following is well taken. But, whether we like or not, in the beginning, that is a solid method to build up Twitter followers.
I'll take care of these things to avoid any mistake.
I agree with all these points that you have shared here thanks a lot for making new user aware of all these things.
Nice tips sure I will follow this thanks a lot for this.
Twitter replaces our real life conversation. And the worst is it was limited to 140 characters. Over twitting is not good. For example, twitting your friend to say thank you on his wedding is not as good as sending them thank you cards.
Last points was good if your followers have too many friends than they may not see ur profile tweets .. I will try to follow people who have less friends π
i agree with you mate π
Hi Neel.
Totally agree with you but I am a little bit confuse about over following in twitter. are you saying don't follow anyone unless you want to contact them? or tweeter follower exchange is useless?
I have made some mistakes from your list,This article quite helpful for me to reduce it.
great tips for a twitter newbie like me.
Hey Neel great tips. Twitter is the best medium to bring a tons of traffic to the website and blog. One should avoid all the above mistakes in order to make the effective use of Twitter. Thanks once again for sharing a awesome stuff.
Good Tips Neel, Over Tweeting really looks un-professional and when you are tweeting the same thing again & again follower might get frustrated and end up un-following you.
very nice points Nell .6th point is really true,but now twitter have limit for following people .really twitter is a different world, bloggers have lot of benefits from twitter π
These 6 Top Twitter Mistakes You Should Not Make is very important for new blogger because out of 6 i have done some mistakes when i was new and it's very bad.
I agree with the above mentioned points. I always refrain from using multiple hash tags in a single tweet.