The What, Why And Whodunit – August 2009

I like to ask doubts and questions in topics which interests me. There are many ways for making a question answered or getting a doubt cleared. You can google for the answers and doubts or you can make use of forums. But both latter and former didn’t satisfy me much. Thats when I started asking all my tech-related doubts and questions to my blogging and tech-savy friends. I owe them a lot. I’m here because of them.

Even in their busy schedule they reply me with satisfying answers with references too. If they don’t know the correct solution, they will give suggestions. I’m proud to have relationship with cool bloggers.

The What, Why And Whodunit is not link love. I love to ask questions. In this post, I’ll display some of those questions with their answers. I’ll also include good comments made on the articles in this blog. I want to share information I learned with my beloved readers.

Below I mentioned some of my queries and doubts with answers made by bloggers aka friends ! ๐Ÿ˜‰

Questions and doubtsQ. How will you explain the term “Blog” to a non-tech savy guy?

A. Arun Basil Lal, ย Million Clues : A Blog is a online diary, a place to save and store your ideas online where others can read it and they can leave their comments on it. You can check this slideshow A for Apple, B for Blogging for reference.

Q. ย Changing a blog’s theme affects the blog in any manner?

A. Harsh Agarwal, Shout Me Loud : When you decide your blog design and theme , you need to spend some extra hours to point down what qualities you are looking in your theme. Make sure it serves atleast these purpose : SEO, Typography and Ad placement.

Q. If blogging gives you more than enough money, then will you quit your job (consider u have one) ?

A. Simrandeep Singh, Tricks Daddy : Ya I will surely quit my job if blogging gives me enough money. Reason is simple. I don’t want to do a 9 to 5 job. I want my own work. Blogging will help me doing my own work as I can open my office to start blogging.

Q. Is it ok to manage two same niche blogs at the same time ?

A. Hรฉctor Cabrera, Blogging Diary : Yes, if you can handle it. I know people that are running at least two blogs simultaneously and they’ve been successful at it. However, you gotta be extra careful. Trying too hard, too fast and on too many fronts can be risky if you don’t know what you’re doing.

In The What, Why And Whodunit I’ll post some of my questions and doubts, of course with answers. I’ll ask mainly through blog comments or mails. I decided to make one post like this per month.

BTW, last week ย I came to know that some people got annoyed with the mails(with questions) I sent. I’m really sorry for that. I won’t repeat it. I regret for it. Sorry !

10 thoughts on “The What, Why And Whodunit – August 2009”

  1. What is the harm in you asking questions people answering them? Blogging is such an interesting thing most of us want to know as much as we can.This is a great effort,keep it going.

  2. The Q and As are good and help a lot of people who are interested in Blogging but do not know how to go about it.Good work indeed.

  3. I guess everyone ask many questions about blogging and I guess there is no harm. No one should get annoyed , if someone is asking question. This kind of articles will help many to find answers of their questions. Keep posting.

  4. Trying to explain the meaning of the Word Blog to non-technical person takes a lot of time for me! First I need to tell then that it is an online dairy where you can write anything you want which you want to share with the people all round the world! You also need to explain Blogging in detail and what it constitutes of. Also, people often question about making money through blogging.


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