Give Me 5 Minutes, I’ll Tell You The Adsense Secret

Hundreds of popular tips are available on internet about Google Adsense, but nobody will tell you the secret of Adsense. Just give me 5 minutes I will tell you how you can earn good amount from Adsense. Remember to read the full article to understand. So lets go,

Earn mobey

The most important factor

The most important part of Adsense earning is your primary source from where you earn. You can start earning through Adsense by creating a website and offering free service. This is the biggest way to earn through Adsense. Let me tell you why, for example if you have a site which offers free logo designing service, then obviously people turn to you. This is human nature, people really love words such as free, offer, discount and so on. So people will come up to you for getting free logo and other services. In the beginning it will be easy because you might get less order but after that you can hire someone. But at the same time your Adsense earning will also be increased. HOW? You know the users who visit will come for free logo, after serving the adsense they find some β€œFREE LOGO DESIGN” fortunately they will love to click the adsense ad and you will get bucks from those clicks.

Target your audience first

You should target your base audience first, because many people are well aware of Adsense, and really they don’t like to waste their time on clicking such ads. Create a website which is comfortable for normal basic people. List of niche you can use to earn more through Adsense:

  • Daily used topics site
  • Learning site
  • How to tips site
  • Free classified site
  • Free SMS site
  • Exams tips and tricks site
  • Government scheme info site

And many more…

Patience required in this job

Any business whether online or offline required patience. Nothing in this world can start generating money the day you started and online business has been lots of competition, so it is really hard to earn early. Be patient keep doing hard work.

Some legal tricks to use for Adsense

Yes this will pull your income little bit upward. There are lots of tips and tricks available on Adsense placement, like CTR, color and ad unit, you can Google for it. Normally I recommend for unit ads, use the large rectangle below the post, medium on the sidebar and horizontal at the bottom of the post. Many Adsense gurus said that blending adsense ads with the content gives you more money, but let me tell you this is not for all the blogs. This depends on the theme you are using. One more trick you can use is, use default Adsense after the post title and use one more same unit at the same place with the theme color. When people look at the first ad unit they might ignore that ad, now they move to the blended ad and they might possibly click on that.

70 thoughts on “Give Me 5 Minutes, I’ll Tell You The Adsense Secret”

  1. plz tellme whats the best payment method in google adsense(india)
    i checked cheque option
    and how to withdraw american cheque in india
    plz tell me……

  2. Get targeted audience and do niche blogging. Freebies is great way to attract visitors but make sure you also have readers who can trust you and purchase things online.

  3. Every day is a new chapter in online earning.its good to blend ads with articles but still its been one year for me and i still feel content is the king.Ad clicks come automatically…..

  4. Really great tips Ifham and blending the default with blend scheme is really great tips and used very rare

  5. Great article, thanks for the tips, it will really help me as i am new to blogging and adsense…

  6. hi..this is very useful and interesting topic..i like it..but my adsense account is blocked..but i dnt know..whats the reason for it..i under 18 was blocked …how to get it back

    • if you are under 18, then you should use your father's or any other person document who is above 18. Well let me know why your account was blocked for invalid click activity or any other reason?

      • Not for an invalid doesn't approved my adsense account itself.popping out an error your adsense account is dissapproved

  7. Nice work Irfan πŸ™‚ Some great tips are here πŸ™‚ Finally, as compare to other article, it will be looking great πŸ™‚

  8. Really informative article, everyone tells you that Google adsense is good source to make money but nobody tells how to do things to make money, but you explained it here.

  9. Though i don't like adsense i can tell you this is sure helpful post i ever seen thanks dear please cont… .writing also write some post on freelancing exam how to pass

  10. To some extent i agree google adsense earnings are effected by blending ads with the content but the real thing is that if one wants to earn above $500 per month then he must focus on content rather then on ad position because good content always boost adsense earnings without any tweaks or tricks.

  11. Almost every blog use Google Adsense to make money, I too feel that it's your ad position which impress your reader to click on it.

    • @Arti definitely ads placement has a major role on getting clicks btw thanks for your comment πŸ™‚

  12. Hi, Ifham,
    Some great tips here! I especially like the idea of blending the ad in the website, as it may attract people to more easily click on it. You are right, otherwise, visitors get uncomfortable with clicking on google ads, when they recognize them. I don't know why, but that is the obvious rule which proved itself so many times to be right.

  13. Ifham, thank you so much for these adsense secrets. The providing free service tip is good, but I am not sure if it will be worthwhile or not to get a few clicks but have to provide a lot of services for free! I am just scared I will end up working for people for free! Haha…

    • @jasmine Nyc issue thanks for share btw will it not so easy to create free classified service, and i m sure people who comes to post their ads definitely love to click on ads which comes on their niche. Am I right jamsine? πŸ™‚

    • @shanker bakshi Thanks sir for your comment the day you showed me the example, just after I started reaserching will come forward with more ideas.

  14. Nice tips Ifham. How to tips sites always work because many people are looking for them. I run a how to blog on Blogger and I am nailed to #1 position for 5 months now.

    • Yeah, I do agree with that. We too run a tech blog, wherein we feature How-To-Guides too. Our blog is running pretty awesome now. And by the way, congratulations dude. Stay in the first position and don't come tumbled down! Good luck.

  15. Well buddy i don't think that there are some secrets in this post.These are all old techniques


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