Everyday while surfing internet we come across many forums, classified sites, social networking sites, free services which requires email addresses and when we share our email address with them then it is openly available for any person to see it and which leads to huge number of spam in inbox.
Today I am going to give you the best solution which will decrease your spam inbox load to a certain extend.
1. Go to Scr.im. It is a email shortening service which converts your email in URL for free.
2. Input your email and below that you can enter your desired name or you can leave that empty to generate a random name.

3. Hit on ‘ Protect my email ‘
Now you can share this URL as your email address.
This guest article is written by Mahendra. He blogs at MaheInfo, where he writes about Blogging Tips, Make Money Online, and more. If you wish to write for us, kindly check this.
It’s really an interesting fact which I just got to know via this blog. Making this blog and keeping it updated is the best possible thing which customer always ask for. So I would like to thank for this interesting knowledge given by the moderator!
seems cool. will try these fed up spams now.
Great share.. a must to use way to be protected against spam 🙂
by following these steps every can protect his email account …thanks for sharing information..
I agree Spam emails start coming once email is shared on untrusted websites
And this is best solution
This is a very nice service
Excellent tip Mahendra 🙂 By this even robots cannot scan your email id.
I think mail field doesn’t accept any url’s other than mail id’s.
Oh, this is new to me. I didn’t know there is a service to “secure” an email address like this! Cool.
similar to notsharingmyinfo. but i think in most place they will not accept link in place of email id space.
Checked it out just now…Great piece of tool . Thanks buddy..
Thnx Anubhab checking it
Thanks for sharing a useful trick.
Nice Share Mahendra..Never heard about this Service….
Nice one ! i know about it already but will be good for the ones who dont know
Hi Mahendra,
Good one man i have read about this already anyway nice share
Thanks for the information.. i will check it out…
Using Images are also a secure way to Share email with others.
Its a old way but still a working way to be protected against spam.
Excellent tip Mahendra. This could considerably reduce the chances of getting more spam emails in future.
Thanks, will come in handy to fight spammers!
Ya it is must to use tool.
Hai Mahendra, thanks for sharing the info.
I never heard about that site before. Will definitely give a try 🙂
Hey Mahendra,
Have never heard of this website before, i have read about gmail account which was deleted from Jonas — i forgot the last name lol..
So securing email is very important nowadays.