Technogati is a blog that covers about Blogs, Blog Tips, Social Media, Social Networking for business, Internet power, Digital Advertisement system, SEO etc. This blog is managed and run by problogger par excellence, Surender Sharma.
Surender is a registered Technologist with Microsoft since 2008 and an Internet junkie who spends at least 8-10 hours a day on the Internet in front his Desktop or his Lapie.
Starting & Ending dates :
The contest started on 19th September 2009 and will end within 30 days i.e., on October 18,2009.
Attention :
This contest is purely based on your luck or based on Randomness. Participating in this contest is very much easy. Winners will be select based on the site, RANDOM.ORG, this site will select 3 winner randomly from all the given lists.
First Prize : $60 (Ony One)
The prize money will be paid by PayPal or the amount will be deposit in your account by Cash/DD/Check only for Indian winner. In SBI, PNB, ICICI directly within 2-3 business days after the result of contest.
Second Prize : 75×75 ad spot (2 Prizes)
Second prize will be 75×75 ad spot free for One month on Technogati footer. (2 Prizes)
How to enter in this contest: All you have to do is just,:
Subscribe to RSS feed of technogati (2 Points)
ReTweet this post using Re Tweet (Green) Button near the post title (1 Point)
Post on Facebook wall using Facebook post button near the title (1 Point)
Publish about the contest in your blog post (3 Points)
You need only 3 points (minimum) to enter in this contest.
Technogati has a detailed review about contest, in case you want to know further details about it. You check their FAQ’s and guidelines of this contest there. All the best!
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🙁 very late news for me
.-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…Win Dell Inspiron Laptop Free – Sizlopedia Contest =-.
very nice, and welcome. tomorow i ll be posting in my blog, retweet,facebook share.
Thanks for the participation buddy !
I wish all the best on behalf of Technogati ! 😉
Nice contest ..Thanks for letting us know 🙂
Do participate dude ! 😉
And love publishing articles about contests ! 😀
I think this is festive season for bloggers as well, lot many contests going on and nice amount involved in prize money. Participated on Technogati, now will wait for results.
Sanjeev, now we are competitors ! 😛
Yeah, blogging festival began I guess and they are encouraging me to conduct one ! 😀
Hi Pradeep,
First of all I would like to thank you for participation in the contest and the Big Thanks for publishing about contest on your blog.
Yes this is the Festive season so I think we bloggers should give the bonus for the readers.
Wish you all the best for your blogging journey.
I’m very glad to be a part of this contest buddy ! 😉
And thanks for being a part of this community ! Cheers !