Build Links Successfully For Higher Search Rankings

The two arms of the Search Engine Optimization are content and link building. Link building assumes a very important role for gaining more traffic to the websites. However, there is a continuous strife between the web masters and the search engines regarding link building. This is because the search engines do not take artificial links into consideration and also devalue such sites. A good webmaster knows how and where to place link in his content so as to gain the links towards his or his clients website.

Here are certain pointers to take care of while building links for gaining more traffic to your website. First and foremost make sure that you provide a genuine link. A valuable link can attract viewers automatically and will also satisfy the search engines. The important factor for making links worthwhile is by posting the content that is relevant and valuable not only in terms of quantity but also quality. The more valuable your content, the better chances of having more links.

Link Building

A good SEO expert knows the significance of Link Anchor Text. It is always beneficial to have a varying link anchor text as it will make your link look more natural. A smart webmaster follows the technique of deep link. In this the SEO experts simply link to deep pages on the site rather than just the homepage. SEO Companies in India, USA, UK or any other place, are following the same quality criteria to achieve better search engine rankings.

One of the other ways is also to get links from the other sites based on the similar business. This is called linking with the relevant sites. The idea is fairly clear; the birds of same feather flock together.

Nevertheless, there are still plenty of options and solutions to avoid the clash between link building and search engines. How about sharing a few with everyone to improve the link building performance?

54 thoughts on “Build Links Successfully For Higher Search Rankings”

  1. Link building is most important for seo.yiu must need to backlinks for website to incraese your serps

  2. Link Building is very important but remember for quality links because quality links build up lots of juice for your website.

  3. Yeah link building is the important part to rank higher in google search.Thanks buddy for sharing the post for more brief information.

  4. Some good tips here. Link building is very important if you want a good search engine ranks. Thanks for these wonderful tips. I hope this tips will surely help us to rank higher in search engines Thanks for the share.

  5. Link building is no doubt very important. But, as rightly pointed in the first line of the article, content is an equally important aspect of SEO. Good content + good links = Good search engine ranking. No one knows what exactly is relative importance of these two pillars of SEO, but in my opinion, they are more or less equally important.

  6. Pradeep, do you know if link wheel works for PR building? I ask some people, and I get pros and cons, lol..

  7. I appreciate the article but I guess it lacks too many information that should have been there. I thought I could learn a thing or two but I was disappointed. 🙂

  8. Pradeep,
    You’re right on the money. Of course, there is the whole debate on which types of links are the most valuable (follow vs. nofollow) and whether reciprocal link arrangements are worthwhile. When it comes down to it, link building is hard work when done right, however the results are worthwhile.

    Thanks & look forward to hearing more on your insights.


  9. I enjoy this post however, I would like to see some examples of linking. I am still learning these things. You always have good advice.

  10. nice post ,but it kept me distracted ,guys u should have tried to make it a bit for common bloggers like us-but overall its a nice post.

  11. Hi,
    thanks for the feedback,
    i can understand that you are looking for more tips but i am writing articles by considering newbies too.
    currently i am working on writing articles that will includes tips for experienced SEO.

    please keep him informed once i will submit my next article on link building tips.

  12. Link building is definitely important. I’m kind of concerned. I have a blogspot blog and I recently purchased my own domain name. It’s similar and blogger automatically redirects but I’m wondering if these two address will have any affect on my ranking.

  13. Thats a great post on seo, i know how important seo is. This can be a great resource for newbie’s . Well done

  14. I wish all that link building wouldn’t be necessary, it’s one of the most tedious jobs I know. Some day, search engines might be able to judge relevance without counting backlinks. I hope that day will arrive soon.

  15. I think link ranking is important to a site and I would like to hear more. This is a good subject thank you for sharing.

  16. Nice article. I totally agree that we should think of SEO of internal pages as well and not just the homepage.

  17. Hmm. I accept your points. Content and Link building plays the role in SEO. But I believe Content plays much.

  18. Unfortunately I have to agree with the rest and say that the post were a bit vague. I will have a look, later today, at the link you provided @Tech-Freak Stuff.

  19. Nice Post.

    Link building is a importent part of SEO, but does Anchor text still play a big roll or is it just a hype?


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