7 Great Tips For Writing A Killer Blog Article

A Killer blog article or post is a key to traffic on a blog that could be written so well, and it should contain all the flavors that are needed by the general audience.

What Is A Killer Blog Article?

The killer blog post is a post that can boost the traffic on your blog and it may bring lots of exposure through various Social Media sites like Digg, StumbleUpon, Twitter and Facebook. The killer post is not a post with correct grammar and lots of words. The killer post has a unique style, containing lots of information at one place, having lots of link backs, so that readers can get some better resources.

Great Tips For Writing A Killer Blog Article

How To Write Killer Blog Article?

Well, it is tough to answer this question because there are different strategies exist among bloggers to write and market their post. But certain points were taken in mind while writing and promoting your post.

1. Make a list of resources

Resources are really necessary if we are going to write something which is going to hit the internet wildly. You should have a collection of data and proper back links so that you can really connect the blog post through several other articles.

2. Content

Content is always the king. A blog post with lots of Grammar and Spelling mistakes and too long descriptions are never going to work. Try to make your points small. Write a blog post that would stay in readers mind for a long time. The chances are high that they will link your article in their future post. Try to make a list post. 40 free Twitter apps or Top 10 Twitter background design is most common kind of killer post.


5 Interesting Ways You Can Get Fresh Content Inspiration

3. Headline of the post

Well, the headline of the post is another big thing. Make your headline killer if you want to make your post killer. For example, suppose in a blog post you are telling your readers about blogging tools used for blogging. There could be two possible headlines: (1) Blogging tools, (2) 25 Amazing and killer blogging tools. Which one sounds better? Obviously second one; the chances are high that other user retweets the article by other Twitter users without having any look on the post. The headline will make everything easier.

4. Try to increase your list

If you are making any list post, try to make a huge list. If you are listing some useful ten websites in a particular field, try to make it 20. People like more. 10 is common if it would be 20, 30, 40 then it will spread virally in social media.

5. Add effects

People love effects, add more and more effects. Effects should be in a form of images, video, presentation, slide shows. It will go to warm the reader’s eye while reading an article.

6. Linking

Linking a blog post to another post is vital. The link could be inbound or outbound depends on the nature of the post, but make it sure that it will be useful for other readers. Donโ€™t link to any old crap articles which have nothing to do with the current article. Try to link your article to some other killer article. It will make it authorize post. It is also good for SEO.

7. Promotion and networking

Promotion and marketing are critical after publishing the article. Immediately after publishing the post try to tell all the people in your network about your blog post. Try to send the tweets to fellow bloggers in a direct message and ask them to RT it. Try to spread the post in Facebook and reply all the comments you get.


Your Great Content Will Go Viral If It Passes These Tests

It will increase the popularity of post and the chances are high that your post will come at the sidebar on your Facebook friend. Ask your readers to take part on Digg, Reddit, Stumble, Delicious to give the greatest exposure to your post.

59 thoughts on “7 Great Tips For Writing A Killer Blog Article”

  1. Please answer it :
    1.Which commenting system are you using in thus blog ?
    2. Is this WordPress blog or Blogspot ?

  2. great article himanshu.., gained a lot form this.., hope these tips will work for my new blog.., thanks again.. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. whooooo…great great great post…learned a lot from this…thnx himanshu…this one too is a killer post..

  4. Informative article Himanshu. I hope it will help a lot of bloggers to cut through the competition and make a mark for themselves. Great info !

  5. Linking is something what people fail to do. It is good for the search engines and also for you to keep your visitors on the blog.
    .-= NpXp’s last blog…What Is Alexa and Why Is It Important For Your Blog or Website? =-.

  6. You offer some great tips. Focusing us your subject line and the first part of the article is important because that is what attracts readers.

  7. Pingback: Serious Monday Roundup #14
  8. Awesome insights and writeup. but I would like to suggest include that if you write article through practical experience then it would be click and you will get more visitors. as this I’d experience on it and it will work.

  9. Looks like there is a series of 7 articles on 7 tips to increase blog’s traffic and revenue from you Pradeep. Way to go man. Keep them coming.

  10. Great tips…. I was reading on copyblogger that now a days context is more important than content. Context is becoming king but contest is still a prince ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. It’s a very wonderful tips. Thanks for sharing your knowledge and valuable tips with us. I am looking for the same kinda tips. Really appreciable. Thanks……

  12. One must keep in mind to make use of first paragraph. It should contain your all important keywords plus a brief introduction. People will judge you from the first paragraph of your article(search engine also).

  13. I had a doubt regarding the 6th point , should we link the posts to our own site posts or other blogs posts.
    If in our blog only then if we try to write a first killer blog post then it would be difficult to link to other posts of our blog which is not a killer post. Can you be little more clear about this???

    Thanks for the guidance Himanshu ๐Ÿ™‚ ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. 7 worthwhile pointers there. The trick it coming up with the worthwhile content thats unique.

  15. That is true, readers today don’t want to read monotonous content like history or philosophy books. What if the history books would be written in the way that “100 big mistakes that our ancestors made” and put all the history under it! Oops a good blogging idea ๐Ÿ™‚

  16. Thank you for sharing the info. You really know what your talking about that’s why I subscribed to your blog. Thanks!

  17. Very good tips! I would suggest that the “Killer article” must be ever-green so that you can get traffic from it for a long time! There is a typo in the Heading of the 4th point. Check it.

  18. Great post.

    If only we could create killer post every time we blog. Woudn’t that make life easier. I think creating good content + havinf a attractive headline are the first steps to a killer post and if promoting and marketing goes well it can complete the killer post.

  19. Great advice. I hadn’t really thought about your tip on list posts. I’ve written several list type post but I don’t think I’ve ever had more than 5 tips per post. Glad to know that people actually like more.

  20. Another killer post from you!

    Title YES! it matters a lot to attract the crowd to read and ofcourse need to have a strong story line to write.

    And another thing is if you give data points like %, numbers that drags people interest more.

    am finding little difficult to understan the 4th point :-)!

    Great Effort buddy!

    • @Malini 4th point means try to make a list post. It should be like Top 50 WordPress pluging, or top 10 WordPress SEO tips, try to make this list as huge as possible.

      @Marlene Thanks very much for appreciation.

      @Teen blogger Thanks for the kind words. Killer post is aways a traffic booster for any blog.

      @Shriganesh Great headlines always a start of killer post. Thanks for your comment.

      @Techfreak stuff Thanks for the appreciation. Yes you are correct, killer post never dies , it remains useful for every pne for a long time.


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