A QR code is a specific matrix barcode that is readable by dedicated QR barcode readers and mobile phones.
By adding QR codes to your blog posts you can enhance mobile users’ experience and they can visit the URLs easily by that. Earlier I showed you how to generate QR codes using Goo.gl. Now we’ll see how to generate QR codes for your blog and blog posts.
Creating QR Codes For Blog Posts
We are using Google Chart Tools for doing this. You just need to add the following code in single.php file or anywhere you want.
Creating QR Code For Your Blog
For the main URL, https://hellboundbloggers.com, I can use this for generating QR Code.
You can also add QR code parameters to customize how you want it to be. You can scan it with your QR code scanner and check whether it is working or not.
You can try QR Code Plugin for adding QR codes in Blogger.
lol this is really cool π i made my qr code π
I use a "bookmarklet" — that is, I create a bookmarket that has a bit of JavaScript in it — that makes a QR code of whatever URL I'm on now. To do that (on Firefox, other browsers make be different), right-click on the Bookmark bar, select "New Bookmark…", set the name to anything useful like "QR" and set the location to
You can use to generate the QR's for later use, or just if you want to see something on your phone, press the "QR" button and scan the resulting image with your phone.
Thanks for the information, As I am new to QR codes for posts this might help me to get mobile users.
Hey Pradeep,
This code didn't worked for me. !
instead of I used this –
<img src="https://chart.googleapis.com/chart?chs=150×150&cht=qr&chl=<?php the_permalink(); ?/>&choe=UTF-8" width="150" height="150" alt="QR code"/>
Thanks for sharing this code Amit,
But for other blogs (including us), this code worked well without "WTF" attribute. π
Now it is the age of mobile phones, so care about preview of our sites with enhanced features in mobiles have sure beneficial.
Great!! Is there any way to add QR codes to Blogger blogs??? π
Oops, Sahil, kindly check the last line of this post. π
I have seen that and tried it long time before!!!
I was taking about unique QR for each blog post and not just for my main home page.
I tried replacing the permalink with data:post.url , but didn't worked??!!
Sorry mate, I'll ask my Blogger (Blogspot uses) buddies regarding this. π
You should use JavaScript to create dynamic images on blogger posts, See the #3 code, there is javascript code use that in HTML/javascript widget.
Hey m new 2 blogging n i just wantd 2 knw hw 2 make a mobile theme 4 d blog?? as in is der ne plugin dat wil do dat o do i ve 2 design it??
A mobile theme should be simple, so I would recommend you to make one using Google Reader : http://hellboundbloggers.com/2009/04/02/make-mobile-version-of-blog-with-google-readers/
Or you can also try MobilePress plugin. π
Thanks for the information, As Iam new to blogging this might help me to get mobile users
Just want to know the benefits of having bar-code in our blog ?
It will be very useful when you are targeting mobile users mate.
Regardless of them being helpful to mobile users, I understood that if your site is not mobile friendly they are not really helpful. Could you please elaborate on this. Thanks
Rebecca, even if your site is not really optimized for mobile, QR codes can still be useful. Mobile users will not be comfortable with typing stuffs, so these can really decrease the load. Check the other uses of QR codes here : http://stickerscan.wordpress.com/2011/04/03/the-benefits-of-qr-codes/