10 Marketers You Should Follow On Twitter

Twitter MarketersHaving invented the niche Twitter is without doubt the top microblogging website, and people use it to keep track of their favorite celebrities, and to get the latest breaking news. Twitter can also be used to follow top marketing gurus for advice and tips that can help you adjust to a marketplace that is always changing rapidly.

If you are already a Twitter user, then you know that the site allows you to follow other users whose updates you want to track. If you are not on Twitter yet, you really should use this site to keep up with the latest trends.

Following marketing experts on Twitter is a great way to get the latest opinions on developments in the business world. Here is a list of 10 top marketers that you should follow on Twitter.

Related: How To Use Twitter As A Popular Marketing Tool?

1. Neil Patel – Owner of quicksprout.com, Patel co-founded internet marketing companies Crazy Egg and KiSSmetrics. These firms worked with General Motors, Hewlett-Packard, Viacom and other corporations in achieving site monetization. Patel was named a top 100 blogger by Technorati when he was only 21 years old.

2. Andy Beal – A prolific author and blogger, Beal has worked with large corporations like NBC and Motorola. He is a regular consultant with ABC News, BusinessWeek, Forbes and Inc. Magazine.

3. Jeff Jarvis – BuzzMachine blogger Jeff Jarvis is the author of “What would Google do?, and an associate professor of interactive journalism at the City University of New York’s Graduate School of Journalism. He is also the consulting editor and a business partner at Dalylife, and a columnist for The Guardian newspaper.

4. Rand Fishkin – He runs SEOmoz.com, a leading SEO software provider. He has authored a book on search engine optimization and was listed as one of the 30 Best Young Tech Entrepreneurs Under 30 by BusinessWeek. He also writes articles for various major news publications.

5. Shama – Called the “online marketing shaman,” Shama Kabani is mistress of The Marketing Zen Group, an internet marketing company. Shama is a frequent speaker on web marketing subjects and her blog is located at shama.tv.

6. JD Lasica – A social media expert, Lasica is known for his in-depth analysis of trends in social media and social networking. He was listed as a top 100 media blogger by CNET. He founded Socialmedia.biz, which provides regular news and articles, and also offers consulting services.

7. NewspaperGrl – Janet Meiners Thaeler knows the public relations business and she is a regular writer for the American Express Open Forum and Small Business Trends. She specializes in working the press online, and has written a book about it: “I need a Killer Press Release.” Newspaper Girl is also the social media expert for marketing website OrangeSoda.com.

8. Muhammed Saleem – A graduate in economics, Saleem writes about social media and internet advertising. In addition to his own blog, he writes guest articles for a large number of well-known blogs and sites including techcrunch and problogger. In 2009, Saleem was placed in charge of the social media department at the Chicago Tribune.

9. Peter Kim – A major thinker and speaker, Kim is the managing director for North America at Dachis Group. He was worked with many major corporations including Coca-Cola, Apple, Dell, Boeing, Nokia, AAA and Eddie Bauer. A noted researcher on internet marketing.

10. Pete Cashmore – Founder and CEO of Mashable –The Social Media Guide. Cashmore started this popular tech website from a small town in Scotland. The site provides first rate analysis of social networking trends and news. Mashable.com has been rated among the top 10 blogs in the world by Technorati. Cashmore updates his Twitter site quite frequently.

Must Read For Newbies : Twitter Definitions For Newbies

Of course, there are a lot of other marketing gurus that post on Twitter that are not listed here. The list above is a good way to get started, and you will likely find others worth following since the top marketers tend to network with each other on the site.

This article is written by Tom Walker. He is a writer and designer from the UK. If you wish to write for HBB, kindly check this.

34 thoughts on “10 Marketers You Should Follow On Twitter”

  1. I have recently joined twitter. I am going to use this list as a starting point to build up my friend list

  2. All of the are new to me, will surely be following them. Hey nice blog and theme. I am visting here for the first time and like it a lot.
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  4. ya.. i think i missed some of them in twitter and now i will follow them:)
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  5. Great list, this can come in handy when you want some time-off from your blog.

    I will follow some of these people according to my need. I just hate to follow someone because they are famous 😉
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  6. My favourite is Pete Cashmore. I love the writing style of mashable. 🙂
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  9. You’re right, following experts on Twitter allows me to learn new things and keep up with the latest buzz. Thanks for sharing the list of experts, I will definitely check them out.
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  10. dude… well this article useful to know abt tycoons of famous companies …

    thanks for ur share… :)…

  11. Nice list frnd…
    But I want to learn more SEO tips..

    Whom i have to follow..??? ANy list like this ??
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