6 Best PageRank 6 Blogs To Write Guest Posts

Seriously almost every blogger know about the below mentioned 6 blogs and they are perfect to write guest posts. Because they are ruling the blogosphere quite well and they deserve it. I personally recommend these 6 blogs to write guest posts and also don’t forget Guest Blogging is also enabled on HBB, though it is PR 4 :|.

#1 – Problogger : Problogger is the brainchild of Darren Rowse. Founded in September 2004, Problogger has almost 3500+ articles, tips, tutorials and case studies. This site is dedicated to helping other bloggers learn the skills of blogging, share their own experiences and promote the blogging medium.


#2 – DailyBlogTips : DailyBlogTips is founded and maintained by Daniel Scocco. Daily Blog Tips is the place where he shares what he learned along the way. The blog was nominated under the β€œBest Web Development Blog” category in the 2007 Weblog Awards, and currently it is ranked among the 500 most popular blogs in the world (according to Technorati).


#3 – QuickOnlineTips : Quick Online Tips, also fondly known as QOT, is a popular PR6 blog regularly publishing Technology news, practical blogging tips, social media buzz, and useful computer software. Launched in late 2004, QOT has come a long way is now a respected blog in the tech, blogging and social media niche. [UPDATE: QOT stopped accepting Guest Posts right now.]


#4 – CommentLuv : ComLuv.com is a PR6 site and has multiple PR4 pages across the whole domain, write to your own subject and squeeze some fresh Google Juice to your own site. ComLuv.com guest bloggers get to write about whatever it is their blog is about. That means if your blog is about cats, you get to write about cats!


#5 – Digital Inspiration : Digital Inspiration, launched in 2004 by Amit Agarwal is among the Top 100 technology blogs on the Internet out of an estimated total of 130+ million blogs. The purpose of this site is to help you take maximum advantage of the software tools and web technologies at your disposal so that you spend more time doing things your really love. [Digital Inspiration accepts your post if it is really good, I repeat ‘really’]

Digital Inspiration

#6 – Copyblogger : Copyblogger was founded in January of 2006 by Brian Clark. Brian is CEO of Copyblogger Media, a serial entrepreneur, and a recovering attorney. The Guardian named Copyblogger one of the world’s 50 most powerful blogs.


Useful Posts For Guest Bloggers or Wannabe Guest Bloggers :

  • 5 Websites That Will Help You To Get Good Guest Bloggers
  • Guest Blogging: So Why Should You Care?
  • You Blog. Should You Guest Blog?

Have you ever written any guest posts on these blogs? Do you know any other best PR 6 blog? Do share them in the comments below.

90 thoughts on “6 Best PageRank 6 Blogs To Write Guest Posts”

  1. You need to write great quality posts for getting approved now a days. Guest blogging is a trend in IM now. So alot of spamming also happening. Write your best and ask them a author bio link. This is working for me. Try it guys. πŸ™‚

  2. Guest posting on high pageranking websites/bogs enable backlinks to point to your website of choice. It also allows your target audience to get to know your blog or website, especially if it is one of relevance.

  3. You post inspired me for guest posts on these seven blogs (of course 6 in list and 1 is HBB). no doubt i will not only get traffic but a high pr back links. Thanks

  4. Pingback: 7+ Ways To Get High Quality Backlinks For Your Blog | Nth Blogger
  5. can you suggest top blogs which allow guest blogging in the field of stocks/commodities/forex trading and technical analysis. i have a niche segment and not a general one like you guys have.
    thks in advance.

  6. It is certainly a great thing to have guest bloggers write for you, but it really has to be a meaningful post or you won't get much out of it. In other words, be careful who you choose to write a guest post. Make sure they know your style and will fit in with your audience, not have everyone scratching their heads. It's great to be entertaining, but to impart some wisdom or real great information is even better in my opinion. By the way, you have a great list going of sites for gaining back links, that is very useful!

      • Pradeep, I read the page where Digital Inspiration accepted guest blogging option. But, I’m not really sure it still applies. I sent a guest blog proposal once, but there is no reply. Maybe it has been closed. I also never see Amit replies readers’ comments as well πŸ™

  7. Thank for the list Pradeep. I will try two or three. If I get rejected, it's fine. I want to get the experience πŸ™‚

  8. I personally feel like guest blog posts are going to be the be impact on SEO now. It is a way to get your link on reputable blogs. Since the blog owner has to accept it then this really makes it hard to game the system.

    Of course you can post on bogus blogs and but the end it quality blogs will really determine you ranking in the end!

    Have a great day people!

  9. I am new to the blogging universe and I only just came across the concept of guest blogging. Great list and I'll definitely check out comluv in more detail since its allows me to write about the topic i am interested in !

  10. Hello friends
    However, thanks for your list. I myself are planning for a further trip with guest post.Really very nice.

  11. Pingback: 6 Must do SEO tips for bloggers
  12. Great article. This is a wonderful resource for bloggers constantly struggling on search engines to find the best blog to post. Thank you!

  13. hi..i am a new blogger and researching on how to get backlink….some blogs are saying that guest posting is only 15% effective..plss let me know your ideas

  14. Thank you for your Incredible post.This is a great idea, nice share. I love this idea. Keep up the good work and I look forward to more of your superb posts.

  15. Thanks for the mention in your wonderful list. We host a vibrant guest blogging network, thanks to all the amazing guest bloggers who choose to share their best content with our readers.

  16. These are some of the best blogs. One day I too might write a guest post for them.
    Thanks for listing them.

  17. Thanks for your Post,

    Everytime I become more convinced about the merit of reading other peoples Blogs, because there you can alway’s find little interesting and useful Insights. For example the Idea of being able to reach an even bigger audiance with Guest Posts on other Blogs than only on your own Blog is definitely an good example

  18. Hi Pradeep, thanks for the list. I can use it along with yours to build powerful links for my blog. Thanks for sharing

  19. This is some great information for those looking to do guest posts. Maybe guest posting on lesser blogs first to get your feet wet would be a good idea.
    Hell why not aim high, you never know it could catapult your blog high into the blogosphere.
    Thanks Pradeep.

  20. Thanks for short and useful list for guest posting. I am soon going to start with Guest posts again but I would prefer to start from HBB rather than above one πŸ™‚

  21. Hey Pradeep, I write guest posts for CommentLuv and I get plenty of traffic and backlinks from that site. I read Daily Blog Tips but I don’t even visit the rest of them anymore πŸ™‚

  22. i am a fan of Digital Inspiration, but didn’t know that Digital Inspiration accepts guest posts…. will try out soon…

  23. some excellent sites on the list, however i don’t think it will be easy to land a guest post on blogs like problogger, labnol never replied to my guest post request email anyway, and i never dared send any email requesting guest posting on copyblogger…

    however, quick online tips, comluv and dailyseoblog are good and definitely worth submitting guest post. also, hellblog is cool as well, in the past i have submitted guest posts here and it was worth it.

    The more you guest blog, the better it gets,
    Uttoran Sen,

  24. Just what I needed. I have some guest post drafts I am working on and I was thinking wheer would be the best place to submit them.

    I will have to go through all of those guest posting policies and see where to try first πŸ™‚ Thanks for the list, I sure found it very useful!

  25. S.Pradeep – You have put together a good list for guest bloggers to utilize. I visit most of these blogs frequently, but I haven't heard of Digital Inspiration until now. This post couldn't have came at a better time since I am planning to start guest posting some time this year. Hopefully I can begin my guest posting journey before March. Thanks for your recommendations, I really appreciate this post.

  26. What kind of posts do they accept? I don’t think I can write a post good enough to get on these websites!

  27. Its pretty difficult to get into problogger.com because the site has already achieved a high authority status and the article queue is pretty long and includes only articles of the highest quality.

  28. I’m quite aware of four of these, but Digital Inspiration and Quick Online Tips are new to me. I’ll be doing guest posts soon, so this is a welcome list.

  29. List is fine, but why commentluv in between?
    It is some wat different from rest of blogger rite ?
    and do amit accepts guest posts ?

  30. Thanks for sharing this informative list, I know these blogs are really helpful & full information and everyone should follow them for deep knowledge.

  31. All of them are top bloggers and that is not easy to be presented there :-P. However, thanks for your list. I myself are planning for a further trip with guest post :-P. I have just had one on Shoutmeloud lastly.


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