This is the first announcement of the Top Commentators Award after revamping HellBound Bloggers. Too bad last month we had only 28 days to run this contest, but we are really lucky to get some good and active new commentators.

The Top Commentator of February is Sudharsan. The second Top Commentator is Hammad Memon.
My best wishes and congratulations to them and for all who participated eagerly. Kudos.
I already have Sudharsan’s banner and Hami, send your 125*125 banner asap to this email id : pradeep [at] hellboundbloggers [dot] com
Sudharsan was also one among the Top Commentators of January 2010.
1. Brand Your Comments To Drive Traffic To Your Blog
2. HellBound Bloggers – Comments Policy
3. Ad Slots For Top Commentators
If you are going to participate in this month’s contest, then you can subscribe to HellBound Bloggers to get the articles as soon as possible.
CHECK THIS : Ways For Respecting Your Beloved Commentators
Why don’t you participate right now by commenting here? π
Congrats to the winners…..!!
Contest looking cool. i too will share the contest
.-= NavaPavan’s last blog…Password Protect Your Files With Protect Me =-.
I will try it on next time…
.-= Anup@Hack Tutors’s last blog…Top commentator contest on Hack Tutors! =-.
There is no bonus for third placed?
.-= Anup@Hack Tutors’s last blog…Top commentator contest on Hack Tutors! =-.
Oh..I am 3rd…:(
.-= Anup@Hack Tutors’s last blog…Top commentator contest on Hack Tutors! =-.
wow<it is very intersting commentators feb -10 so nise. congratulation for every commentators.
.-= reiki healing's last blog…Reiki Healing Beneficial In Mental and physical Stress =-.
Congrats to the winners
.-= Rajeel’s last blog…how your blog appear in different monitors – Check the performance of your blog in different situations =-.
Thanks Rajeel..
I have just begun with blogging and you can expect me in your top commentators list soon.
.-= Techie’s last blog…Getting Started with GTK and GLade for GUI programming =-.
@Kanchan @Techie
Thanks for your comments
Congratulations to all the winners.
I have lost the biggest chance to get featured on your blog but anyways I'll try for next to be.
.-= Kanchan 's last blog…<a href="">Contribute to the Network & Get Involved!</a> =-.
It’s good to be back reading your blog after a long time, Pradeep [I had lost your URL and as you also had not left any comment on TechChunks, it became almost impossible for me to find you again, believe it or not]!
First of all, congrats on your blog redesigning and your PR update. π
Looks like you are running a great comment contest here. Will try to be more active here. In the mean time feel free to visit us as well. There are loads of post that you might have missed! π
.-= TechChunks’s last blog…Studentβs iPod Explodes In Busy Class =-.
I also use top commentators,
maybe i will make a similar contest to make my visitors to be more active π
.-= Armando’s last blog…Top 6 Business Networking Tips =-.
@Mobile @Armando
Thanks for your comments
I too announced Top commentator award…
cheers π
Congrats Sudharsan
Congrats Sudarshan Keep going
.-= Ruchita @ IBEE Hosting’s last blog…All You Need to Know about Linux Web Hosting =-.
Thanks Ruchita…
Once again my congrats to all winners. best wishes to all for this month.
.-= Anish K.S’s last blog…Download Opera 10.50 The Fastest Browser on Earth =-.
thanks Anish.. π
.-= Hami's last blog…<a href="">Auto Send Amazing Tweets and Get More Followers</a> =-.
Welcome friend, hope this month you will rock.
.-= Anish K.S’s last blog…India requires over 1,030 Aircraft worth US$138 billion over 20 years =-.
Cool contest, great idea and congrats to the winners.
.-= Mathew Day’s last blog…How to Easily Create a WordPress Blog with Hostgator =-.
Congrats to the winners, looking forward to seeing their ads..I’ll be sure to try to qualify for march π
.-= Melody’s last blog…Twinup Of The Month: Twittercrush, February 10β² =-.
Congrats Sudarshan…..Now even I am thinking of perticipating in this comprtitions so lets start the discussion π
.-= Mad Geek @beingPC’s last blog…Add Style Boxes in your post to make it more interactive =-.
Thanks pradeep for holding this contenst..
Congrats HAMI….
Thanks buddy π
Thanks Pradeep π I will be sending you the banner in a while π