BrowserShots – Test Your Site In Popular Browsers

You website/blog may appear normal and perfect in one browser, but you can’t expect the same in another browser. Let it be any platform Windows, Mac or Linux. But, at the same time it is also difficult to check your blog/website in all the browsers available. It will be quite annoying. But the suffer is no more. BrowserShots is here. This site enables you to test your blog or website design in different browsers easily. This free open-source online service was created by Johann C. Rocholl. I recommend this site for all the bloggers and website owners. Your theme might be a standard or premium one, but you can’t be sure how it will be look in different browsers.  BrowserShots generates screenshots of websites appearing in almost all the popular browsers. I prefer this site for two reasons. One is for checking how a blog looks in different browsers and to generate full screen picture of a blog.

So how this thing works?

After after the submission of your blog or website URL, it will be added to the job queue. A number of distributed computers will open your URL in their browsers. Then they make screenshots of it and upload them to the central server at BrowserShots. Interesting isn’t it?


  1. Go to BrowserShots homepage.

Now you have to enter the URL of your blog/website and choose which browsers you want to use for previewing.

And click the button Submit.

My Blog is being previewed in different popular browsers
My Blog is being previewed in different popular browsers
  1. The time duration for previewing depends upon how many browsers you chosen. You can even download the Preview screenshots as a ZIP file.

If you want to take maximum advantage of this website and want more screenshot requests for a particular website/blog, you can become a member of it. So do you want to have a full screenshot of your blog?

18 thoughts on “BrowserShots – Test Your Site In Popular Browsers”

  1. Wow I never knew this. Now I won’t have to spend time testing one by one. Thanks for the tip!

  2. Hi,

    I learned about this site last year and it helps to know how your site looks like in different browsers. Not all the browsers screenshots are the full website, I’m sure you have seen this, but it is still a handy site.

    I normally make changes to my site and view in Fx and in IE it does not show the same, funny hey 🙂

    • If you check HellBound Bloggers site you can find a lot of changes in IE and Firefox ! [Especially the logo] 😉

      I’m dealing with it now ! 😀

      Thanks for the comment George ! …

  3. Yea, I love browser shots. Very helpful for making sure that you don't lost traffic. Because you will lose a ton of it if people leave cause your sites look bad in their browsers.

  4. Yeah browsershots is very useful… But it usually takes a lot of time to render the output.. But totally its a very good service.. Im a member of it.. 🙂

  5. this is great resource to check compatibility of your blog and site

    also for free lancers and developer like me it make testing process a whole lot more easier.

    well done


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