How To See Yourself Older & Your Future Child?

Hey bloggers, for few minutes forget your posts, SEO, money making tricks and all time painful job of link building. Lets have some fun.

It is said,”who has seen past orΒ future” but in digital world its not totally correct today, with image manipulation software, at least you can see how you would look like when you get older, with help of these applications you can also see you and your partner’s future kid. Face recognition technology which come up in existent during 70s is helping this to happen, when you upload a picture these applications using face recognition manipulate your face with changes like more and less wrinkles to make you look like more younger or older.

How To See Yourself Older & Your Future Child?< ?h4> is website which will help you to see your self older. This website is powered by Luxand technology, one of major player in face recognition technology.

On, upload your images , select your gender and age difference, for much sever results check drug addict button which bring some more old age wrinkles and other effects on your face. Once get result you can share it with your friends on Twitter and Facebook.

makemebabiesI know you wont be able to date Angelina Jolie but think if you could …here i have an another web application which will help you to find how your baby will look like if you get married her.

This application allow you to upload your and your partner picture and within seconds, based on skin color and race it give you an exceptional result.

Trust me its great fun, surprisingly it takes less than 9 months to see your baby πŸ™‚

Websites :



Guest Article By Vikash Kr Tiwary.

Hope you will have great fun using these apps. Do share your opinions below!

19 thoughts on “How To See Yourself Older & Your Future Child?”

  1. I tried these apps, they sure are fun to use and fun to look at. The older self was great, it’s just that it just made the nose longer LOL πŸ˜€

  2. This is really cool. I will try either Angelina Jolie or Megan Fox for my child. LOL. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Thanks, with the help of I can live without regret. The result of my fictional baby with my ex was eye-popping and I mean the unbelievably scary kind of eye-popping. Just wish the ex mentioned wasn't built like a Greek god though.(yes, there was a sigh after that)

  4. Wow thats really cool, and kinda scary too, I don’t want to turn 20 let alone see myself at 50! I’m gonna put some pics of my brother and cousins in and have some fun, thanks for sharing!

  5. Prabhakar + Angelina = My sweet kid

    lol i cant stop laughing

    blogers now time to forgot money making tricks



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