Responding to certain things in online life is as important as in real life. Recently many people reported abuse on social networking sites regarding several issues. While reporting to such social networks, be as descriptive and detailed as possible. It helps them to easily understand the situation and problem. By this they can help you quickly. The more descriptive and detailed you provide, the more quicker you get the response from them. This is my opinion ! 🙂
1. Facebook :
Facebook encourages all its users to make use of “Report” links whenever needed. You’ll find a “Report” link below the piece of content. By Selecting this link you can go to a form where you can specify the type of abuse and make a detailed report. Facebook checks these reports and makes a valid decision. All abuse reports on Facebook are confidential. You can consider Facebook Help Center or Facebook Report Page for reporting such abuses and reports.
2. Twitter :
Twitter, a microblogging website, is one of the leading social networks today. Many celebrites are there too. If you are still not familar with Twitter, consider this Newbies Post ! I’m not responsible if addicted you are to it by this ! Ha ha. Twitter, like all the other social networking sites, takes such reports importantly. Because such things help them to build themselves. I can’t find a direct link for reporting, but users can consider visiting Twitter Support for any questions and other resolved answers regarding this. I got many doubts cleared here.
3. Youtube :
YouTube is a famous online video sharing site. Google like all its services, takes care of YouTube Also. YouTube faces Cyber bullying now-a-days. So you better watch your online activity there. Let it be an abusive comment or abusive/ violating video, YouTube is there to help you anytime ! I myself tried some reports, and believe me, it indeed worked well. They took action to remove that video. I’m happy with YouTube’s help services. If you are having any problems like I mentioned here, feel free to make use of YouTube’s Report Abuse section.
4. Yahoo :
Yahoo! as we all know, needs no introduction at all, like Google. But such reporting cases occur in Yahoo! too. Yahoo! welcomes such abuse and other related reports. I suggest these two links for contacting with Yahoo ! during such report issues. One is Yahoo! Abuse and another one is Report Abuse on Yahoo! Local . These mentioned links will also be useful while dealing with Yahoo ! products and its services. Flickr is a part of Yahoo! so you can easily get more details regarding both.
5. Flickr :
Flickr, as we all know, is one of the leading online image sharing and storage service. These kind of services have more such troubles when compared with others. But Flickr won’t let you down easily. You can easily describe or report your problem to Flickr. You can do if you feel that a photo violates the Flickr Community Guidelines or someone posting your privates photos in their Flickr account. You can also complaint about a Flickr member regarding his/her behaviour. Flickr encourages its users to report again spam and phishing.
6. Digg :
Digg is a social news website. It made people easier to share and discover new ideas and content. One of the leading websites of its kind, if you ask me. I rarely came across reports and other activities I mention above. But if, by chance, you are having such problem, you can send an email to the administrators of at or if you wish, you can also make use of Digg’s Report Bug section. Make sure you provided all the supporting evidence in the mail or in the Report Bug section. As usual be detailed and descriptive. It helps a lot buddies !
I also wrote some similar topics in my previous posts. You can check these, it will be as important as the one mention above.
- Don’t Click Any Third Party Links In Orkut !
- Cyber Bullying in Youtube
Come on… Who are not yet aware of those? I am sure even a novice would know that the report link is the link where they can send reports, right?
useful list , post tweeted
Nice one there, Pradeep. I won’t agree on the ‘lazy blogger’ part as I think you’re working pretty well and dedicated to your site. Keep up the good work and in no time we’ll see you in <10,000 in Alexa surely. =)
Social/Blogging Tracker
yaar this is the best blog in my opinion how do you write so much posts in one day and of good quality?