7 Free Online Feeds Validation Tools

In this article I’m going to share 7 Great Online Feeds Validation Tools, which will be really useful to identify and fix invalid feeds.

Why You Should Validate Feeds?

From W3C, Validators help you to codify the specification (literally, to translate it into code) to make it easier to know when you’re producing RSS correctly, and to help you fix it when you’re not.

Many feed readers (including Google’s FeedBurner service) will not accept invalid blog/site feeds. So it is better to validate your site’s feeds first.

I mentioned 7 free feeds validation tools here and, to my knowledge, they are genuine!

1. Feedvalidator.org


This is a validator for syndicated feeds. It works with RSS 0.90, 0.91, 0.92, 0.93, 0.94, 1.0, 1.1, and 2.0. It also validates Atom feeds. To use it, simply enter the address of your feed and click Validate. If the validator finds any problems in your feed, it will give you messages for each type of problem and highlight where the problem first occurs in your feed.

2. W3C Validator

W3C Feed Validation Service
W3C Feed Validation Service

This is the W3C Feed Validation Service, a free service that checks the syntax of Atom or RSS feeds. The Markup Validation Service is also available if you wish to validate regular Web pages.

3. Experimental RSS 1.0 Validator :

Experimental Online RSS 1.0 Validator
Experimental Online RSS 1.0 Validator

This prototype is based around a Schematron schema for validating RSS 1.0. The schema is used to generate an XSLT stylesheet which performs the actual validation. In this version of the validator the validator produces a simple HTML report listing the errors, as well as copy of the original RSS 1.0 file.

4. Validome – Feed Validation

Validome Feeds Validator
Validome Feeds Validator

Validome is a non-commercial Validation Software, offering ambitionned Webmasters and professional developers a fast and reliable tool in order to check their Feeds. This site offers tools for checking out your HTML, XML, DTD-Schema, RSS and Google Sitemaps.

5. RSS Validator

RSS Validator
RSS Scripting Validator

This Online RSS Validator is Userland Software’s online validator for RSS 0.9x. To try this Feed validation service, enter the URL and it would evaluate validity of feed RSS v9x validator.

6. RSS Validator – Firefox Extension

RSS validator 3.0.0
RSS validator 3.0.0

RSS Validator allows you to easily check the validity of an RSS feed by using the right-click context menu or by making the choice from the tools menu. You are then sent to a separate tab to see the results and any potential errors.

7. Weblogs Validator

Weblogs Validator
Weblogs Validator

Weblogs.com provides this service so that you can verify whether or not your feed satisfies the most common syndication standards (i.e. Atom, RDF, and RSS)

If you find this resource list useful, share and tweet it! Did I miss any other good validators? Please share it in the comments! 😉

34 thoughts on “7 Free Online Feeds Validation Tools”

  1. Feed URL : http://feeds.feedburner.com/CoralsCrimsons

    This feed does not validate.
    line 2, column 219402: Undefined item element: georss:box [help]
    … int>19.0759837 72.877655918.835877699999998 7 …
    In addition, interoperability with the widest range of feed readers could be improved by implementing the following recommendations.
    line 2, column 190: Use of unknown namespace: http://schemas.google.com/blogger/2008 [help]
    … dburner.com/~d/styles/itemcontent.css”?><rss xmlns:atom="http://www.w3.o
    line 2, column 0: description should not contain trbidi attribute (25 occurrences) [help]
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" media="screen" href="/~d/styles/rss2full.xs …
    line 2, column 0: description should not contain imageanchor attribute (168 occurrences) [help]
    <?xml-stylesheet type="text/xsl" media="screen" href="/~d/styles/rss2full.xs …

  2. I have seen there are couple of feed validators available in the internet. But why do we need them? Any specific purpose, or just to make our mind more confusing about RSS feeds? 

  3. It's very important post for me, I didn't think about it before. Now, need to check all of my feeds.
    Thanks a lot for sharing

  4. Pingback: 20+ Simple Tips To Optimize RSS Feeds
  5. for wordpress we won’t require feed validators, however if its a custom CMS and it allows feeds then its time that we test it on the validators and see if there is any error or compatibility problems…

    • w3c is a standard, i use it to test my custom CMS or non-wordpress sites all the time. if its a w3c pass, it will most likely do good on most platforms. however, the more you check the better it is 🙂

  6. Nice informative article, which leads me to ask the following question – What feed do you need for CommentLuv? Then the CommentLuv link at the bottom of your comment – does that change every time you update with a new post / content, right across the board? Meaning does the link at the bottom of every comment change every time, including your old comments?



    • CommentLuv detects all the available feeds dood! So you don’t need to worry about that! 🙂

      And the link won’t change. It will display the recent article at the time you post the comment and it will last forever!

      • Thank you for the information, Pradeep. You have been most helpful. It sure is worth adding a feed to your website, especially if you got regular fresh content coming!

  7. As of now i am not using any of this plugins. After seeing this i feel i can go with W3C plugin. Thanks for sharing the list bro 🙂

  8. I used Feed validator and it worked for me.. though I would like to know more about combating feed problem these validators actually indicate.

  9. Thanks for this information. Well I do not think that feed validator is very much important for SEO prospect.


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