4 Simple Tips To Make Your Blog A RockStar

My blog rocksBlogging is something which seems to be pretty amusing and full of fun in the beginning, but as we go ahead we find the ugly truth.

It ‘s easy but it’s pretty complicated and you might or will get frustrated that despite your efforts you’re not getting the desired traffic or whatever you think you deserve. Earlier we saw 5 Simple Ways To Make Your Blog Addictive.

I too faced the same problem and that feeling occasionally comes back to me, but here are some things that I did to defeat that fear or anxiety of failure. And here is what you can do to make sure that your blog rocks :

Make sure you get into the right niche!

This is an important point. Think twice(if not more) before you step into that niche. If you don’t choose the right topics, you might find it really difficult to find something to write about and interact with other blogger’s in your niche.

If you can’t find the right niche, why not start with a personal blog till you find the one which suits you!

Blogging for just money ? Abort!

Many bloggers admire the humongous earnings of famous bloggers but they don’t realize the amount of effort that went in to build up that blog.

Moreover, people assume that they will be making money from the first day of their blog and hence stuff their blogs with affiliate links and advertisements.

Avoid having any kind of advertisements until you gain the minimum amount or the threshold traffic that can really convert into profit.Till then just concentrate on building up quality content for your blog and money will automatically flow in.

Decide your look!

Well, I too faced the same problem as I never got satisfied with the design of my blog and I had to pay for it!
Finalize the design of your blog before you start branding it.Frequent changes are not good for SEO as well as it might confuse your readers.

Don’t get too personal

People are looking for information and they care the least about what you had in dinner last night. If you like to get personal in your blog posts, you should consider starting a personal blog.

Getting too personal is different from sharing your experience and the conclusions that you deduced from your mistakes. Sharing what might be helpful to your readers is great but telling them about your pet in a blog post about Search Engine Optimization is a bit awkward.

Well I hope that these tips helped you improve your blog and fix any issues that you might have in making your blog a rockstar!

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31 thoughts on “4 Simple Tips To Make Your Blog A RockStar”

  1. Right niche and superb content is needed . Nowadays every guy starts a mmo blog without knowing anything

  2. Thanks for posting

    Quite good reasons to make u r blog look reasonable and professional to the blog followers .
    Blogging is all abouot information sharing and getting too personal would only dampen the very purpose of it though it also gives u traffic

  3. it’s really very tough to make a blog successful….but really nice tips…very useful for all bloggers…..

  4. Yep, changing themes like dresses is a big no-no in Blogging. It badly confuses the readers & largely affects the SEO. So never make that mistake. Get a redesign done after 1.5-2 yrs.

    • Lolz, I always face this issue of design.
      I gave freshlife a chance too but it wasn’t able to keep me holding it for long.

    • once your website will get approx 1000 visitors then you don’t have to think of design because most of the readers search for content and they only read contents, rest design, they are not bother.

  5. Hi Karan,
    4 tips, you do think it simple, but to me? – 4 piece of jewel. sometimes i think, how tough it is to make a blog stand out of millions of blogs. now i feel competitive to work on my blog. sometimes it’s so boring, then i think, if the days would be larger enough. when i get some tips from my friends, again i’m inspired.
    thanks, Karan. thanks a lot for sharing these valuable tips to us.


  6. What do you mean by the right niche?! I person should blog about what he knows and wants to share. A graphic designer can’t blog about SEO. Can he?

    I may be wrong here, buddy.


    • Well that’s what I am talking about…..

      Many people get into a niche just because it is high paying and less competitive.

      Well that’s okay if you just want to earn quick money from it but in the long run this kind of decisions don’t work out well.

      I hope now you understand my point!

  7. It is a challenge to build and make a blog successful. Of course we need the right mindset when we get into this kind of business. We make money but that will not encourage us to be better in what we do. We also need to put heart into it. πŸ™‚

    • Well, the feeling that I got when I received my first bucks from my blog was the thing that keeps me inspired.
      That worked out for me!

  8. Do you have anything against personal blogs? Should they follow the same advice as technical or informative blogs?

    I get a lot of information from you, your friends, and your site. Thanks for adding these tips to the list. πŸ˜‰

    • Why would I have anything against personal blogs, what I meant to say was “Getting too personal won’t be a nice idea on a niche specific blog” .
      if you really like to express yourself then you should consider starting a personal blog too as that way you will have the freedom to express all your feelings without getting carried away with the topic.

  9. Hi Karen,

    thanks for your post.

    I agree with Gabriele, it is important to have something that will make you different and help you to create your brand. I read many blogs daily because I like their authors’ writing styles and this makes them different and unique.



    • Yes Adam, now a days most of the blogs sharing same type of content but to become popular we have to share updated and unique informations. πŸ™‚

  10. Good tips here, I want to make my blog a rockstar too! Anyway, I would also add “Get a reliable hosting” to your list of tips, as without a good hosting and when your blog is not accessible most of the time, it will become a failed rockstar! πŸ™‚

  11. Hi,

    Thank you very much for the tips.

    I think design will make a good impact.You are telling frequent changes not good,In six month period we can change ?

    • I would suggest that you should stick to just one design.
      You might have observed that many popular blogs have a basic design and they still are popular, because it is the content that they offer.

      But if you are running a site on design then it becomes immensely important to bring about changes according to the changing needs.

  12. I would also add “add an original touch” to your list of tips.
    Blogging is becoming the new cool thing to do, and hundreds of new blogs are born every day. You really have to provide something original to stand from the crowd of similar blogs, as the arguments are limited.
    Among 100 blogs talking about blogging, people will prefer 3 or 4, what do *you* want to do to get among those 4?

    • Yes Gabriele Maidecchi, Original Contents are really important for success of any blog otherwise after sometime the blog will not help you any more.


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