Every website adopts a monetization avenue such as advertising to earn revenue. We find banners promoting brands placed along the sides, top and bottom in a website. YouTube, originally a video sharing website, also has a monetization method called the revenue sharing program. This video website competes with Facebook for the amounts of time people spend watching videos on YouTube daily. On YouTube people explore, watch and share original videos, acquire rates, comments and respond to videos with a respond video. If you are Youtuber, use the revenue sharing program to earn money from your own videos.
Revenue Sharing Program
The revenue sharing program comes as an incentive to Youtubers who have a lot to share with world through videos. To be a part of the program you need a Google Adsense account and an invite from YouTube to enable revenue sharing for that video. YouTube shall approach you when your video is an original video (not a copyrighted one!), has video copyrights and distribution rights to display and has valid views. By valid views I mean good traffic and subscription to your video. I guess nobody is able to figure out the exact view count as yet, probably a view count of 1000 will definitely get you an invite from YouTube to join the program. You would also need to tell about your video for an approval.
Once you have joined the program, ads will placed will be on the right side of your YouTube video box or sometimes at the bottom on the video player. When people click the ad to see it, you get paid into your Adsense account. Just a click on the ad is required for you earn! YouTube and the advertisers pay for promoting their brands to your friends. A separate menu in your YouTube account called the revenue share videos shall have all your earning videos. If you are able to earn from two or three videos, you’ll have the option to monetize almost every video you upload on YouTube. Videos with ads bring along curious subscribers apart from some money.
Youtube Monetization
YouTube considers monetization options for popular videos which are not a part of the program to expand the reach of the site’s program. So any Youtuber’s viral video gets a chance of being a revenue share video.
- Upload HD videos to attract more views. HD videos deliver clarity with respect to picture and sound. People would like to stay on the video and not leave easily.
- A catchy video title helps you get more people to view your video.
- Above all creating a good quality content contributes to the success of a video.
Although the revenue sharing program appears to be an easy way to earn money, as a Youtuber you also need to know:
- You don’t choose ads for your videos so you might get ads of companies which are not your preference.
- You can’t expect huge earnings from this program. Even earning $100 would take a long time.
- Video ads are sometimes too disturbing. Your subscribers have to close them to watch the video. [Learn how to increase YouTube Channel Subscribers]
- Your video has to be original and make sure you own the rights to all the video content. There are chances of rejecting based on copyright infringement.
A lot many profitable ways are available to make money on this video website. YouTube’s revenue sharing program although a slow pace money machine gives an opportunity to work towards sharing good video with world.
Youtube’s Revenue sharing and Monetisation Program [VIDEO]
You can check out YouTube Partner Program.
Getting views to the video is the tough tasks and new youtubers can not make money now until their channel reach to 10k views
A good insight. You tube can be a good source for sure but need to put a lot of effort on choosing a good and interesting topic is a must.
First time i’m hearing about this. Thanks for the share Pradeep
Can you write a post related to setting up of adsense for youtube vdeos? please
great article dude….earning from youtube is a great idea but that earning is very few
I know YouTube Revenue sharing program can makes handsome money yet I have not yet tried it because I am not much into video related stuffs. But sometimes I think it can be handy if I make some videos and make money using Youtube.
very useful article… i actually have a youtube account but never used it for revenue purposes…wil bookmark this post..thanks for sharing! 🙂
 This is a great article, and is the first time to hear about Revenue Sharing Program.. I’m not too king with youtube, although I know it gets a lot of traffic and with a lot of hard work I know you can make money from it.
Don’t get me wrong, just about everything you do these days takes a lot of HARD work and I’m all for that. I have stayed away from youtube, but after reading your article things might change..
Thanks for the information…Â Â Â Â
The truth is that it doesn’t matter what monetization platform you use for your videos. Its all about making quality videos in quantity and getting thousands of views on all of them.
Youtube revenue program really works well which we can earn a lot thanks for sharing an nice post
I have a YouTube revenue account.My problem is that a few week ago i uploaded a Video called “How to Play Limbo Game on Ubuntu” .it has a 100-103 views.But still ads is not enabled.It says “Under Review”.I published that Video on June 23.What should i do to get Approval?
Youtube revenue sharing program is nice for earning money. I have heard about it but never read about it carefully. Thanks for writing about this Now I am fully aware about this revenue sharing program.
Hi Puneet am so glad that you got some useful points from my post keep visiting 🙂
Could you please explain more in details as I am unable to make my youtube video to earn money I have got this email in my mail box but uncertain about what to do next ?
Hi Rohit try to add catchy titles in your video, submit quality and unique video, also add tags and more…
YouTube revenue share is best option but its earning is tooo less
Try to make your video more popular to earn more money…
Unless You are a musician, composer, It’s really hard to make a living with Youtube Revenue Program, It does adds a great addition to your ad income and provides traffic and advertising to your main blog. Great post
YouTube is a great video site as well a marketing site. I love YouTube because we can earn a lot by monetizing our videos. Thanks for your article.
How do you earn a lot by monetizing a video o.0
I mean it’s hard to earn on YouTube unless your video has a million views or something, What videos do you have on youtube which can be monetized and can earn you a lot.?
its not like before . Many things have change in youtube ! every video we upload will be reviewed and then only we will get approve for ads display.Â
yes I agree with you Suresh…
and this review is getting increasingly more accurate
This is the popularity of youtube from where you can attract many customers for you product. One more thing is so good about this site you can find anything there just after an one click.
Well said…Thanks for stopping by…