Inserting Image Feature Of Gmail

Earlier we saw the Undo Send feature of Gmail, now it is time for another one.

This too from Gmail Labs. Usually when we want to send images, we’ll send it as an attachment, right? These attachments are not seen on the email body. Those are old times.

Gmail Labs introduced another new feature Inserting Images in Gmail. You can directly insert the image in the body of the message.

Insert Images In Gmail
Go to Settings | Labs | Enable "Inserting Images" | Save Changes

Activating this new feature of Gmail Labs:

Go to your Gmail account | Settings | Labs | Enable Inserting Images Feature.

Click Save Changes.

Now whenever you create or compose a new message, you will see a button to insert a image, check the below screen shot to observe the changes.

You can notice a small icon present for Inserting Images
You can notice a small icon present for Inserting Images

8 thoughts on “Inserting Image Feature Of Gmail”

  1. Smiley code: |:mrgreen:| 😐 | 😈 | ➡ | 😯 | 🙂 | 😕 | 😎 | :evil:| |:grin:|:idea: | 😳 | 😛 | 🙄 | 😉 | 😥 | 😮 | 😆 | 😡 | 🙁 |

    you have used some common smileys, and here you can do more. the smiley code to use in wordpress blogs.

  2. i asked many friends how to add image in body,none replied, but this is very nice dude. now i can send my aite logo and invitaion with colourful 😈

  3. I will use this for my business emails to insert my logo. Now if there was a “tips and tricks” post on customizing your signature, or sending html (no allowed, right) in gmail that would be great. I use merchantcircle for free newsletters right now.


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