I’m In The Cloud; Now What!?

Ah, Cloud Computing. Is there anything more serene and beautiful than the realm of shared Internet space? Can any other ease-of-access concept go so far in allowing you to retrieve important files and functionality from wherever you are? Can any tech support group do such a good job at retaining a stable environment? Still, for all its wonders, cloud computing must be treated with care.

Passwords become your electronic locks

Cloud ComputingLocking your virtual content using passwords is an important step in making sure that your cloud world doesn’t become stormy. Remember, if someone gets access to your cloud space without your permission, that means this person has access to any content you put there and can delete your files, alter your settings, or lock you out. When you’re creating a password, remember the following simple tips:

1) Use multiple types of characters (capitalized or not, spaces, symbols, and numbers).
2) Use different passwords for different accounts.
3) Make sure the phrase is not predictable, even by those who are close to you.
4) Don’t ever, ever, ever share your password with anyone you wouldn’t trust with your life.

MORE TIPS : Tips For Creating Secure And Strong Passwords

Sharing is caring, but be careful about it

One of the great benefits of the world of cloud is that you can share your documents with anyone. This can mean simply allowing people to view your project, inviting collaborators, or adding administrators. Be cautious about who you let in because people who aren’t careful or are feeling malicious can use their access to severely damage your operations. One of the most obvious risks is having terminated employees go postal on your shared space. Make sure that you restrict them from your email hosting, shared documents, and other sensitive areas prior to dropping the ax.

Beware of what is shared

In the movie Inception, the protagonists make a living stealing business ideas and sensitive business information from the brains of their subjects. They do this through elaborate intrusion into an individual’s dreams. Those ideas are so valuable that they are highly paid for these complex and advanced operations. If you have truly vital business information that must be kept from your competitors, try to keep it in your dreams instead of on the web. If you must store it on the web, then secure it by using more than just a password. Use Cloud Encryption and highly restrictive permissions to keep this information safe.

Now that you’re an inhabitant of the cloud world, you’re likely to find that your life is easier, information is more accessible, and difficult tasks are simpler. However, increased accessibility for you could also mean more accessibility for people you don’t want seeing your information. Because of that, take the needed steps to secure your online space. It’s even more vital than locking your office doors at night.

If you like to share some similar tips, please share them in the comments!

10 thoughts on “I’m In The Cloud; Now What!?”

  1. It is upto you how you are privatizing your content. Its very necessary to have a effective and strong passwords. Different passwords need to be used for different account. It is upto us how we can make our password strong so that no one accept us can access out account.

  2. Using spaces are very important in passes. but not certainly linking to your name with space. That could be easily guessed. A combination of alphabets, spaces,chars & numbers make the password unique & it would be remembered well too if it’s custom made & not generated.

    • I think it will improve with time, adding more security features and options. Often times we have to find the security leaks within a new product/service before we can actually plug them for good.

    • Thanks!! I think security will always be a big concern- it’s hard to trust your data in the hands of another entity but the benefits far outweigh the possibility of a security breach in my opinion 🙂 Just take the precautions necessary.


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