Ways For Contributing Your Favorite Blogs

Let’s be candid, most of us never thought about contributing to our favorite blogs, which indeed helped us to gain knowledge beyond the limits. Below I mentioned the ways I follow to contribute my favorite blogs. Actually many of them are simple and easy to do. You can follow as many ways as possible. It is largely a matter of preference.

Bear in mind though, that contributing under compulsion, is similar to not contributing. It decreases the worth of it and remember, contributions are limitless. The following ways are my perception and opinion.

Contribute Your Favorite Blog1. Become Their Fan : You can become a fan of your favorite blog’s Facebook page. It boosts the popularity of that blog among netizens and Facebook users.

2. Join Their Communities : By joining, you can easily interact with other lovers or followers of your favorite blog. You can find their communities usually in Orkut, Facebook and MyBlogLog.

3. Write An Alexa Review : You can write a review about your favorite blog in Alexa. All you need to have is an Alexa or Facebook account.

4. Buy A Beer : Some bloggers feel difficult to manage their blogs, because of financial issues. So donating them will help them to run their blogs smoothly.

5. Comment regularly : Involving in the discussion of the articles helps to make the articles more interactive and by commenting regularly, you can also reach the top slot a.k.a commentator.

6. Write a Guest Article: It is one of the decent and common way of contributing. Everyone writes Guest Articles in their favorite blogs.

7. Link Love : Giving some link love helps them to increase back links and traffic. Popular articles of your favorite blog can be mentioned in one of your article(s).

8. Subscribe To Feeds : Most of the blogs out there, displays their stats like RSS Feeds. By subscribing to the feeds you help them to increase their RSS Feeds and their mass.

9. Favorite or Follow it : You can follow that blog in Twitter and NetworkedBlogs or you can favorite it in Technorati.

10. Vote For Them : If your favorite blog is nominated in any contests or in sites like Blogger Choice Awards, Fuel My Blog, Indiblogger and so on, you can vote for them and leave a worthy comment about the site. That helps a ton.

11. Interviewing : You can interview your favorite blog’s owner and publish it in your blog. You can make your readers aware about your favorite blogger.

Also Check : Ways For Respecting Your Beloved Commentators

50 thoughts on “Ways For Contributing Your Favorite Blogs”

  1. What a great post.. If everyone contributes to their blogs the way you have suggested, the blogoshpere would be a much better place to be in.

  2. Pradeep, this is a great post. You make an important point here, and you've said it well.

    May I add that it's helpful to keep an eye out for posts where your favorite folks ought to comment? When I see a post or a discussion that pertains to a friend's area of expertise, I drop the friend a line and suggest that a comment is in order.

  3. Im doing all the things for you..except 2 points…surely i will do that in upcoming months
    .-= sudharsan @ technoskillonline’s last blog…Win Dell Inspiron Laptop Free – Sizlopedia Contest =-.

  4. am trying to cover all your points, started joining facebook fans, started writing guest posts, started commenting regularly… still loads to do and i love doing it 😀

  5. I always look at my subscriber stats and my followers in twitter and facebook fan page. That makes me motivated to write and of course, Interviewing is gr8 part. That makes us to show the talents and skills of the bloggers, whom we appreciate more, to our readers.

  6. Hi Pradip,

    Really stunning tips, Some of these tips i haven’t came across like alexa review and vote for them. will hope for more this kind of blog posts from you.

  7. this post is really informative in terms of making a relation between users and visitors if we follow at least 5 point listed above we can contribute a good amount of traffic to our favs.

  8. It’s quite hard to do all those but I love joining the communities and becoming a fan of my fave blogs. And commenting is a good way, too.

  9. Actually by doing these things, you achieve respect as a good reader in Bloggers mind, and by this you help or contribute to it.. That ‘buy me a beer’ phrase was cool brother.

  10. This sounds like a pro-blogger advice. I do have some favorite blogs that’s completely out of my blog’s niche. And I will definitely follow your tips here to show my support to them. Thanks for sharing this relevant info.

  11. Pradeep,

    It’s been a while since I reconsidered your suggestion of offering true value to the bloggers I read. Interestingly enough, I am a blogger myself and I can understand that challenge that exists in developing good valuable content. In the early days, valuable and meaningful comments were in short supply, so I can imagine what it may have meant to have received one of your suggested contributions.

    Thanks for the reminder.

  12. I would normally sign up for their rss feed and maybe even mention one of their posts in my Monday roundup. This helps me to give my readers a wide variety of posts/topics and also promotes the other blog. In turn, some of them list my posts and so the link love begins.

    I do my best to comment on sites where they have left a comment on one of my posts.

    • Yup George, same here, I sign up for their RSS feeds or through mail, and commenting is my routine work, because I love it very much, especially opposing or teasing comments ! 😀

      And of course, I love link love too.

  13. Hey Pradeep, Nice points. Can we have any plug-in in blog , so that anyone can directly become fan through blog only. Do let me know or we might plan something. Anyways M a big fan of “Hellboundbloggers” :).

  14. This is so true supporting your fellow bloggers is very important and will help drives visitors to your site as bloggers we need to be more active in our community respond to broadcast subscribe to feeds and post more comments

  15. Well its not necessary that the blog can be your favorite , it might be your friends also .So this all steps can be implemented by your friends also 🙂 🙂

  16. Hey thanks for those great tips. I have recently started a blog and definitely this would help me in future.


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