I got new friends through my blog. Guess how? I saw their comments in my blog and I replied to them and so on. Branding yourself in your comments is an important one in the Blogging field. It now helps not only to get online friends, but also drives all the traffic to your Blog’s link. Now let us discuss how to brand the comments in such a way. Commenting on others blog will refresh your blog and let others know your blog exists. You can comment in a blog unrelated to the topics in your blog, it can drive some traffic, but it will not be a permanent one. So I prefer readers to comment in a blog related to the subjects or topics in your blog, so you could easily link your blog for reference. The Golden Rule of Commenting is not to SPAM! Remember that in mind. Please don’t spam in my blog and also in others. You can refer the below stuffs for a decent commenting. Happy Commenting!
Why Should I Comment? Or/And How Should I Comment?
Search Engine : Commenting on others blog will place your blog’s URL in search engines indirectly, without much effort. So it helps someone to visit your blog.
Linking : Usually comments are made by entering details like Name, Email and blog/website link. So it helps to link your blog in other blogs.
Relationship : By commenting on others blog, you will get to know something about that blog’s owner. By asking and replying you may develop a good relation with him/her. You can also interact with other readers in that blog by similar manner.
Use Emoticons : You can also use some worthy expression emoticons to make the comments look interactive and attractive.

Be The First To Comment : Always try to be the first for commenting in a blog. Because first impression is the best impression. I meant every reader will check the first comment of a article/post rather than other comments.
Check out Popular Posts : Search all the famous blogs and other blogs for their popular post. It is popular mainly due to the maximum page visits and the comments received. It will be useful to display your comments in such a post.
Show Your Photo : Your comments will look dull if it has a default logo instead of other photos. So try to get yourself a cool Gravatar.
Branding : By commenting frequently in blogs will help others to remember your name and your blog’s name. Even the regular readers will be aware of you and your blog. Most popular blogs have top-commentator widget installed. So always try be a top-commentator of a blog. It will try to increase Page Rank and Traffic.
Quote by Arun Basil Lal from Million Clues
Never comment for the sake of commenting, readers can easily distinguish a genuine comment and a fake comment. If you just want to say congrats, do it in a special way.
As per I concern never/ever spam your comment! Don’t misuse or abuse commenting.
Commenting and posting on other blogs creates backlinks to your website. Didn’t know a gravatar was so important. I don’t usually look at the photo as much as the information that is being presented in the comment. I will try to use the be first method next time I am commenting on someones blog information.
Well yes, commenting on other blogs will let other know that a blog exists and being the first to comment is a good strategy as “first impression is the best impression. 🙂
The very first thing I want from my commenter is the nice comment which has some value, secondly must be using a gravatar. Thanks Pradeep For the nice post
all points are very nice.mainly useing emotions 🙂 is very nice trick.
Good Suggestions. Ironically many commenters don't realize this.
Comments can make news. When there are many comments happening on one thing, the topic will turn out as news.
One misses on some of things like these when one switches to DISQUS/IntenseDebate. Only if they were as open as the default comment system.
Nice tips for commenting dude. But I want to add one more thing, we should comment only if we have something to say on particular topic. just great post, nice post are useless.
thanks for the article.
Nice blog Pradeep..
I so happy to see so many indians in the blogging field.. 🙂
Branding in blog comments include adding useful information to the topic of the blog or making further clarifications on the topic. Also, never forget to be polite in interacting with other commenter. By doing this, people respect you and see you as an authority in a particular field. Thus, you are building a credibility.
This in fact motivates to interact with other people. Rightly said blogs are good way to make new friends.
Great tips…and yes most people will be reading the first comment..will now try to be the first commentator…
Nice article regarding blog commenting. It will help to everyone to get an exact idea to popularize blog further time.
really inspiring pradeep bro..I came from your interview and landed into this article. Me to like you(Persuing Btech and Blogging at nights) 😀 ..Happy to hear gud about you 🙂 Keep Rocking..
Thanks Praveen, glad to get connected. 🙂
good post… good blog commenting can drive huge traffic to our blogs 🙂
Ok next time i will have to select one of my photos as my gravatar..thanks for saying its importance
Hi Pradeep,
Thanks for sharing those valuable tips. I will try to implement those suggestion in my blog too.
Loaded with information..Will come back again. You have one helluva cerebral blog…No wonder you get so many hits..
Million Clues does not use a Top commentators plugin now! 🙁
Um… I don’t use emoticons because it makes my comment a little childish. Anyways, if you praise truly it will show and the person would know that he has read the post or not.
I often comment after reading and say what I feel.
Really nice blog, really inspirational and motivating, keep the good work
One thing i dont like in comments section of any blog is
I skip the comments which are long enough to read. So I prefer to read simple comments..
I agree, not only comments but also any LONG blog post will discourage the reader to carry on, whatever the topic is. So we should try to be simple yet effective on commenting.
Comments is really a good way to increase traffic,this is a nice do follow site.
interesting and helpful post…
Very interesting! Thank u!
I don’t think so but is it important to show your photo in comments through those gravtars? I mean i am reader of few technology blog but have not used gravtars to show my photos on those blogs. Is it important?
Nice post, good to know about these things next time I leave a comment on a blog 🙂
Dude, you sure know how to deliver value!
Nice and concise, yet with deep meanings!
Awesome article. Well explained in terms of branding as well as getting relationship. Good work dude!
Brand comments will help both the commentator, the blog and the blogger.
Great tips on how to brand your comments. However, I miss your CommentLuv plugin 😛
I am trying to drop some comments to other…
I just installed the easyComment Firefox Plugin to help me with the comment process, more than commenting its a tedious task to fill out the comment forms
Oh.. nice.. thanks for sharing that plugin Vaibhav.. will give it a look! 😉
gravatar is always important for comments, it makes a personal brand which is easily recognizable, i love to get into the top commentator list, feels good :D, would follow the rest of your tips, thanks,
Yeah… Gravatar .. adds 99.9% confident.. that it is not a SPAM comment.. 😀
I have such a hard time getting on the lists, I love to comment but usually run out of things to say after a bit! 🙂
man, you are just fill of good ideas for comment luv. Right I’m off to your next great idea.
branding comments is very important..
Yup.. glad you found it useful.. kudos.. 🙂
Wow Sam,
Your site’s name is scary!
Anyway, your policies are great. More power to Hellboundbloggers!
Ha ha.. ! 😀
I love the word “Hell”. Thanks for your comment mate! 😉
I have discovered this, and am glad to have some more tips in building traffic. Just wish it wasn’t so time consuming! : )
I don’t think it will take more time.. comment the articles which you like! 😉
Branding Comments is really a good way to increase traffic. I recently noticed a surge in my traffic after starting commenting on sites. Well written post
Exactly John.. branding is the key here… you can get new readers and followers ! Kudos.. 😉
When I first read this post and tried it, it worked. I tried commenting on other blogs related to my subject in my blog and they commented back. Great advice Thanks!
Yes, commenting really helps ! 🙂
It is one of the decent ways for driving traffic to your blog…and for making genuine relationships with fellow bloggers..
Actually most of the blogger started branding their comments much early but many of them doesn’t know this, so a great post for them…
anyways blogs and twitter help too much in building relationships , like i made with pradeep bhai from hdbs, and arun bhai from million clues..
Yes Kaushik, branding really helps and builds relationship ! 😉
And, I also knew Arun Basil Lal through commenting only ! (~_^)
After that, through Guest Blogging ! 😆
This is really commenting builds relationship i met some wonderful friends from india and even egypt through blogging and commenting i totally agree with you
Exactly Lawmacs, Comments do build relationship ! Like you, I got so many friends through commenting ! Glad to know this tactics ! 😉
totally a new concept….I never thought that even comments could be BRANDED
Glad you see you here Tushar ! 😉
Yeah.. branding comments are an unique technique for getting traffic… also it is one of the decent approaches ! 😀
Good tips! Branding comments is really important, but sometimes people try to self -promote to such an extent that it starts appearing a Spam!
Yes, many people use excessive keywords in Name Field for promoting, that makes me feel bad ! 🙁
So I introduced Comments Policy ! 😉
Well your point is well made in your post. Comments are important to build relationships and traffic. I also think it is a great way to find new blogs with more information. I often scroll through the comments, laugh at the way people are either trying to spam or argue with the author, and find new blogs.
Your replies to commentators on your blog are a great way to build comments and popularity for an individual post and connect with your readers. Great job!
Thanks Seth ! 🙂
Comments do the trick in blogging. I got cool buddies (like U) through commenting only…
It is really a cool thing ! Just think how the blogs will be without commenting feature ? 😀
nice info for dumb minds :)….link builders already found this trick years back !!
this is called blog commenting 😛
Yeah ! 😉
But I want to make sticky posts ! 🙂
Of course technology but what u say is a guy’s point of view, we again at least I have got bored on such stuff in text books and what post is that and pls talk abt my blog in my blog and not here 😀
Ok ok ! Different People Different Views ! I hope you figured out the post ! 😉
Hey btw I am a lil embarrased to say this but still too much tech stuff turns of female readers or at least my kinda of girls…lol.
THe stuff here is informative yet… try writing something cool
Hey Elvia, Everyone is addicted to Technology.. 🙂
And I liked one post particular in your Blog… 😉
Oh come on! Technology IS cool!
Wow! though things are familiar this post still is good and well structured.
Hey thanks buddy ! I really appreciate it … 😉
Kewl 😀
Thanks buddy ! 😉
Nice work dude !..
Dhankz ! 😛
Brand Your Comment always ! 🙂
I was reading millionclues and then opened this blog in another tab. I really got confused 🙂 the theme, organization, content and even the writing style is similar. Are you both the same 😆
Sometimes even I get confused ! 😀
I saw this theme in many sites and blogs, but when I saw it in Million Clues! I liked it quickly because of the neat arrangement. So I too decided to create a blog with neat arrangement ! 😉
is it just me or HBB/Millionclues has made changes to their design?
Almost one year back, HBB and Million Clues had the same theme – Revolution Church. Of course, Million Clues had it first. 🙂
Thanks pradeep for the mention, thats awesome. Comments do build relations, I know a blogger who found his love from one of the comments, so watchout 😉
Ha ha ! But I’m lacking female readers @ present ! 🙁
What? That’s really funny… internet ain’t no place for finding love.. or is it?
OMG! Who was it?