WordPress: Allow Contributors To Upload Files

Lot of contributors suffered from this problem. They can’t able to upload any kind of files through their dashboard. I also got lot of complaints regarding this. So just thought of sharing this.

Actually there are two ways to allow contributors to upload files. Either you can try a WordPress plugin (Recommended) or try some coding.

But personally I prefer the WordPress plugin method. Through which you can increase the capabilities of contributors.

A Contributor is somebody who can write and manage their posts but not publish them.

1. WordPress Plugin – Capability Manager

Capability Manager
Check Upload Files In Capabilities for Contributor | User role

#1. Install and activate Capability Manager Plugin.

#2. Go to Users | Capabilities.

#3. Select Capabilities for Contributor|User role.

#4. Check Upload Files and Save.

2. Paste the following Code in functions.php

if ( current_user_can('contributor') && !current_user_can('upload_files') )
add_action('admin_init', 'allow_contributor_uploads');
function allow_contributor_uploads() {
$contributor = get_role('contributor');

Just paste the above code snippet in your theme’s functions.php file and for thesis users, just copy and paste the code in custom_functions.php file.

First of all, make sure you take a backup of functions.php or custom_functions.php file before implementing this tutorial. Play it safe.

If you enjoyed this article, please consider sharing it! 🙂

27 thoughts on “WordPress: Allow Contributors To Upload Files”

  1. Thanks, buddy.. just opened guest posting on one of my blogs… didn’t want to give the author role to guest authors – this tutorial helped me give the desired permissions to the contributor role…


  2. Using "Capability Manager" I have allowed contributors to upload media to the media library of my wordpress website

  3. wow! will try this badly needed this and thanx a ton man,,,g8 job……………….

    i need a pluign for visitors to be allowed to download the uploads any help…pls

  4. This plugin is really amazing. It serves not only as contributor but also serves as author, editor, administrator, subscriber as well.Thanks for sharing this valuable information.

  5. Pradeep. Thanks for heads up. I was using a similar plugin called role manager for my blog and problem was that it wasn’t updated since long so had compatibility issues. This plugin is almost similar in functionality but its compatible with 3.0.

  6. Going to try this out, however i feel that wordpress needs to add such features in the coming updates, the user management panel/moderator panel etc. should be given more importance.

  7. Two questin:

    During the latest rash of hacked blog, several concluded it wa because of a backdoor open due to allowing contributors in such a manner; any thoughts on this?

    Is there a readme file in the package showing the code you display here?

  8. I also used to face this problem of attaching my file thanks For sharing this
    useful Plugins with all of us,It’ll definately save lot of time of all wordpress user.

  9. Another great resource I’ll have to bookmark for future reference! =)
    It’s probably also a good idea to suggest appropriate file sizes for uploading images onto your site.


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