Easy Way To Choose A Perfect Niche For Your Blog

Niche BloggingBefore you start blogging, you must make it clear to yourself what you are going to blog about or very simply the main topic of your blog. You can not go and just blog about anything you want, like you start blogging about technology, then someday move to entertainment and later end with video games. This will kill your blog from the SEO point of view. If you are not serious about blogging, and consider this just as your past time, then you may not put importance in this. But if you consider this seriously and want to continue blogging for a long-term, then you must find a niche for your blog. Before even buying a domain name, you must decide what niche you are going to run your blog on. Without a niche you are just wasting your time unnecessarily and should never expect traffic from the search engine’s at least.

But if you have already started a blog, and have spent quite a long time without selecting a niche, then you must stop now and select a niche for your site immediately. In this article, I am going to discuss some of the most important things I used while selecting the most appropriate niche for my own blog.

Find a topic you are passionate about writing

It is very important to understand what you are passionate about. You must also understand the work or job you love the most to do. Suppose you are interested in writing about blogging, SEO, Social Media, etc (like I do), but you are are starting a blog which is in the entertainment niche. Will it match? You will just be wasting you energy and time. If you want to survive in the long run, then you will surely run out of topic. Decide very wisely before selecting a niche for your blog. Only choose such a topic that you are really interested in writing about.

I myself faced a big problem with my previous blog, which was on a mixed niche. I tried a lot to build links and rank high in the SERPs, but nothing worked for me, because I had committed the biggest crime in blogging by making niche very wide. I wrote article’s from various genre’s and expected to rank my page’s in the search engine’s. I was pretty good in SEO an year ago, and did quite a good on-page and off-page optimization with it, but the only reason I suffered is the niche factor. If you are seriously doing SEO, then niche should be the first item on your first SEO checklist.

Find a High Search and Less Competitive Niche

You might be thinking this to be something extremely difficult, but hopefully it is not. If you know how to find the most highly searched and the least competitive keywords about a certain topic, then it should not at all be a problem for you to accomplish this not-so difficult but yet a very important blog activity. Suppose you are going to manufacture a product, but to make it more commercially viable and profitable, you must choose to manufacture such a product which has the maximum number of customer’s and minimum number of competitor’s. Just like this, in blogging, you must select such a niche that has huge monthly search volume but still is very less competitive.

You can use the Google Adwords Keyword Tool for this purpose. There are many other paid tools like WordTracker which work like magic in this context. But personally I would recommend you to use the simple yet the most powerful tool made by Google. There is not need to spend money on this, you just need to understand this clearly and implement it efficiently.

All Niche are Profitable Niche

This is a complete myth, that there are some niche that are profitable and some that are not. This is just a wrong statement, but can be re-framed a bit. There are some niche that are more profitable than others. This would be the most correct statement.

If you are the best in you niche, then you certainly will be profitable. At least being good and dominant in you niche is very important. If you can achieve that, then earning revenue from your blog will not be a matter of much concern. So concentrate on how to become the most dominant blog in your niche rather than wasting time on finding a niche that is the most profitable one. Remember one thing, the niche that is the most profitable, will certainly be the most competitive one, as it attracts the eyes of most bloggers. But a bit less profitable niche can be easier for you to dominate as it will be having much less competition.
So, I think in this article, I have made some of the most basic things about blogging clear to my readers. As blogger’s and SEO aspirants you must understand the value of selecting a perfect niche for your blog. If you still have any problem’s and doubts you can refer to me anytime. I will try my best to enlighten you with more valuable knowledge.

This article has been written by Aritra Roy. He is the co-founder of daPazze.com who writes excellent articles on Blogging, SEO, Social Media, Technology, Tutorials, Make Money Blogging and many more.

29 thoughts on “Easy Way To Choose A Perfect Niche For Your Blog”

    • You can use the Adwords Keyword tool. First, collect some keywords that are influential in your niche. Make a good list of these keywords. Now check the search volume and competetion of these keywords in the Adwords Keyword Tool. You will get an idea roughly. 

  1. Hi Aritra Roy,
    I was on my way to start a new blog but I was confused on what to start with and just then I read this article. It helped me a lot to start my own blog with a perfect niche and hope to continue with it definitely for a long time as u said. 🙂

  2. 100% truth..!! All niches are profitable. Just we need to work with passion for the ultimate success.. Thanks for this super informative post Aritra.

  3. we should only start a niche blog,when we feel confident that we are expert in that field,i had comitted the mistake,and dont want you guys to repeat it

    • I too had committed a big mistake by starting a blog which was not on any niche, I didn’t even knoew the proper meaning of niche 🙂 But after that I read about it, then go on the right track…

  4. I will be referring to this post many times, I'm sure. I am just now in the start-up process of my "new" blog, so I'm glad I found this post. I would love to be the dominating force of my niche.

  5. Getting the perfect niche for blog is really a tough job! If the niche is not perfect then, the blog will not going to get the desired traffic. Bloggers should write on the topics which are of readers interest. Only then one will receive high page rank for their blogs. I have been following these tips which you have posted and found they are highly effective.

    • Thank you mate, and don't concentrate too much on PageRank, as the PR that you see in the toolbar is an apparent PR not the real one. The real PR is only for Google and it ranges from 0-1.

      I will write a complete and detailed post about Real and Apparent PageRank and it's importance in SEO. Check out by blog soon.

      Thank you.

  6. Yeah thats right all niche are profitable ! Aritra Roy you provided a supperb information here ! I just choose my blog niche before reading ur blog post 😛

  7. Hi Aritra, good informative post, but I would be more interested in the process to find a profitable niche, i mean something apart from that, any other innovative process to follow in order to find that Goldmine. Any tools you use other than Google Keywords Tool or a unique process you follow in order to find a money making niche.

    • I got your point, Eapen. Thanks for making me aware of this need. Thanks a lot for this thought provoking idea. I will definitely write an article on this topic as soon as possible on my blog, http://dapazze.com.

      Check my blog regularly, I will surely add a guide on finding the most profitable niche in an unique way very soon.

      And thanks a lot for this great idea mate.

  8. Yes i am totally agreed with you on that point all niche are profitable but it would be make profitable only then when you write a article with unique and nice content because we all know very well what is the importance of content in every blog post.

  9. Nice topic took upon by you! Niche plays an important role throughout one's blogging career! BTW Niche should be taken by one should be something that he/she is really passionate about or is interested in.
    Cool Share!

    • Yeah mate, I have included that in the very first topic. If you are not interested or is passionate about a certain topic then you will fall short of content later.

      It is thereby very important to choose such that you are very passionate about.

      You can also check out a detailed guide on choosing the PERFECT NICHE written on our blog.

  10. Exactly, some month ago I had misunderstand that only the niche that have high paying keywords are profitable niche, but It is not correct actually. As you mentioned here high search volume and low competitive every keyword is profitable. If we want to monetize our site with google adsense then only one thing is traffic, then more traffic you drive more clicks you can expect.

    • Yah you have now got the right idea. Am glad that I could help you in this. Stick to a particular niche, because all niche are profitable. Try to be the best in your niche. That's it.

  11. Choosing a right niche for writing is very important. Even I had faced lots of problems while choosing my niche. You have given perfect tips for the beginners and for the old bloggers who still face such problems. Selecting the niche which has high search but less competition in the market is very important. It will be helpful for getting the desired count of visitors and also the conversions for the posts. Thanks!

  12. Hey Arita superb information. It is necessary that before starting a blogging, it is essential to select the perfect niche whether it is music, seo, social media or technology. I have seen many blogs that cover all the topics from entertainment to social media, technology and many more and the best example is "MASHABLE" it covers entertainment, social media and almost all the topics. It is a huge hit, so if any one is covering all the topics in his or her blog it is necessary that blog should be regularly update that's it.

    • Yup mate, it is very important to judiciously choose a perfect niche for your blog. And don't just think about the big fishes like MASHABLE, it is possible for them to maintain such a wide nice. But for us, it is nearly impossible. We need to concentrate and narrow down our niche and then work on targeted keywords.

      You can also check out a detailed article written on this topic titled "Find Your Niche Easily – Step-By-Step Guide For Finding A Perfect Niche"


  13. Very useful article, any niche can be very profitable, if you know what are you doing.
    Thanks for sharing


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