6 Amazing Wonders Of Open Source [LIST]

I still remember a time when I heard that free things or the ones which don’t have a money tag attached to them can’t have a value amongst people. This made me a lot curious and finally I started a research which has resulted into this list. To start I would be talking about a software which I am using right now to provide you this article.

Open Source Wonders

  • WordPress

WordPressThis amazing CMS created by Matt Mullenweg and is currently developed by the company Automattic, Inc. is one of the most popularly used web tool for the creation of websites and various of the worlds blog are using this as their web management software.


  • Ubuntu

UbuntuAn open source operating system which is the most used in the Linus series of distributions. It has been completely free since the time it was released and has been an awesome platforms for users as well as developers all the time. Ubuntu OS is considered to be one of the best Operating systems for development of various applications and has various versions for various of works.

  • Android

AndroidA mobile phone or smart phone operating system which is soon to become the future of the Mobile phones as of its share in the smart phones and the development it is undergoing. Currently owned by Google,Inc. the worlds biggest Internet company was initially an independent start up Android,Inc.

Red HatAnother open source operating system the best used for servers and its handling and is considered better to windows in in a lot of cases. its use is wide and has a great user friendly interface. Red hat is owned and operated by Red Hat,Inc. and is also a part of Linus distributions apart form which this also has professional certifications of it in various sectors of computers.


WikipediaAn online encyclopedia created by Jimmy Wales and is edited by the whole world for the whole world. Wikipedia has a great rank of #8 on Alexa still has nothing to do with money and the best part of it is one can use its articles anywhere by just giving them credits.


  • Google Chrome

Google ChromeA web browser created by Internet giant Google,Inc. and one of the fastest and user friendly interfaces ever. Google Chrome had tended to change the face of the web soon after it hit the web and users started to migrate to this browser leaving behind veteran such as IE and Safari.

These were some of the best works that the open source community can do for the people by sharing everything everywhere and making the web a better place.

33 thoughts on “6 Amazing Wonders Of Open Source [LIST]”

  1. Hello Shawn, its one of the great article:-). Thanks a lot for given your ideas on here. Shall i know? why you din’t add remaining open source on here ?

    • Well, here I just wanted to focus on the importance of open source as I still find people who consider open source a crap which we know well is not. So i made a great list which is like the most common names and put it here. Rest is like we all are professionals and we use a lot of softwares so the list will just go on and on.
      Any way thanks a lot for spending time reading this and appreciating.

  2. Some of this companies generate big profits like Firefox and their deal with Google so is not all about freegiving to the community

  3. I remember when i was a little kid playing Mr Wonders Amazing Toy Shop on my windows 98 XD does anyone else remember this? do you think we could get it again and re-live olde memories

    • Ya, I know I skipped out a lot even others who read this told me I forgot VLC and all others, I just wanted to emphasize the iportance of open source and that is what I’ve done. Its great that you poited out another one.

  4. I love open source too… i am using ubuntu along with windows, sometimes if i want to access net fast… i switch to ubuntu… it’s nice.

  5. Nice list of Open Source apps/sites. But you missed out on Mozilla (Firefox).

      • Well WP is the most popular in the web building scenario and the best part is you can develop it according to your uses. The only demerit with WP is our imagination !!

  6. Nice research about different Operating Systems and CMS, most of the points we have already knew, but there is no end of knowledge. Any how thanks for your efforts………..!

  7. There are many open source products which has really changed our online world & experience.

    • i also think that RedHat is not open source.. its desktop version costs about 49 USD..

  8. Free things are always waited for. In addition, the free things can help us to make money. not all of the free things are bad. there are so many free things are good.
    All of free things that you mentioned are good and useful for many people.

    • there is a Sun Product in the image “openoffice.org” .. These are all widely used open source products very useful and feature-full.. VLC and Firefox are also one of the most used open source products..

  9. Hi Shawn,
    you are right, there are still some free of charge useful things. As for Ubuntu, it is fun, for those who love to try new things and hate to clean system junk from time to time. No virus — this is one of Ubuntu advantage. Personally, I’d love a dual boot. Ubuntu for most of work and windows for something I cannot do in Ubuntu, e.g. using PPLive to watch illegal tv shows online.
    Regards. Tessa

  10. Great list and open source is creating wonders… the list can go on and on….
    I am still waiting for some alternatives for Graphics Designing. Though GIMP is there, it needs lot of improvements.


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