Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Comments On Your Blog – Success Prospective

Usually we see a lot of websites with over 300 comments on each article they post. Did you ever observe why so many people are leaving comments on their blogs? Well, there are many reasons to stay active in a blog or forum via comments or replies. People usually search many different ways of getting popular via comments in popular blogs. They don’t care if the community which they are leaving comments are giving them back-links or not, but they do care about popularity and trust which is good for your site reputation.

Picture Credit: zwani.com
Picture Credit: zwani.com

When someone is leaving a comment on your website, you have to check whats the motto behind it. Majority of people comment on other sites to gain back-links via comment luv or comment URL section. They don’t give a damn about your content, or about your writing skills. All they want is to gain some back-links  and they are completely shameless about it. How can I say this? Well, ask yourself! How many people have commented genuinely on your websites? How many of them have not mentioned their website address in the comment URL section? I know these questions are pretty hard to answer. But its okay, we all pass through the similar situation everyday.

So why you shouldn’t worry about comments on your blog? The answer is pretty simple. People who comment in your website are basically looking for return of investment. May it be the Popularity, Show Off, Money, Leads, Selling services, or any other. No matter how good the comment is, it still doesn’t give you any benefit for approving it. You should stop bothering about zero comments in your blog posts, and start writing some awesome content. As content and readability are the most important aspects of any website to gain popularity, you should focus more on getting quality content and loyal visitors who expect nothing but your content.

So Why People are Commenting on Other Blogs?

If you start focusing on making rich content, you can earn a lot of money via monetization, selling services and gaining popularity at the same time. You should reply and take action on only those comments which are genuinely seeking your help on a particular product or review. These people will be loyal to your websites, and will surely generate some leads to your website in future. Other Internet marketers and blog owners who comment on your websites for back-links doesn’t add any value to your website. These people want only back-link as I mentioned above. Usually there are 5 types of people who leave comments on your websites/blogs.

Type 1: Bloggers/Internet Marketers/Web Masters

Majority of these people spam or enter a comment in your blog for a back-link. They are completely shameless about providing spam links in their comments for back-links. They always leave their website links in comments, forums and every where on internet to gain a back-link.

Credit: SEOSiren.com
Credit: SEOSiren.com

Type 2: Bloggers/Internet Marketers/Web Masters

These people are genuinely seeking your help on a particular service or product your have mentioned in your blog. Help these people with your through knowledge on the subject, and gain their trust. They just leave their website links in the optional comment URL section, and never spam in comments or replies.

Type 3: Bloggers/Internet Marketers/Web Masters

These people never spam in forums, blogs to gain popularity or back-links. They just leave their valuable suggestions via comments and present their amazing skills towards the product you review. They don’t care if the community is closed or open, or if it gives a back-link or not. They are just some loyal webmaster, bloggers who respect your content, contribution and website.

Type 4: Readers/Buyers/Ad Clickers

These people are your website readers, who consider your suggestion on buying a product. These people leave comments only about that particular topic, and gain more knowledge via other comments. Sometimes these people click on your ads or donate some money as a token of appreciation.

Type 5: Guests/Visitors/Unknown

These people are pseudo commentators, who leave bad or abusive comments in your website. Either they just hate your site, or being jealous with your content and knowledge. Usually these people send some automated messages, comments to your site for negative publicity.

These are the top 5 types of commentators in Internet world. You don’t need someones comment to keep writing. Do you? No right? So keep yourself cool, and focus on producing more valuable content to people. Comments will automatically follow your website once it is popular. I hope this article has helped you in understanding why comments are not that important for a blog to succeed. Please leave your valuable comment on this article, and show your type level in this blog.

14 thoughts on “Why You Shouldn’t Worry About Comments On Your Blog – Success Prospective”

  1. I think blog comments with links are really useful, but need to be made by real person. Every single comment need to bring something fresh for Discussion. Anyway good article…

  2. This is very useful article about blog commenting. i was ask somebody about blog comments with backlinks is that important for SEO. Some of guy told me is pretty important and some not. But i think blog comments is important for SEO, am i right?

  3. I remember one article which I contributed to HBB. It primarily explored tactics to get more comments but this article takes a different approach. I really liked the way you’ve presented it buddy. πŸ™‚

  4. Hi Satish,
    The author will be writing an awesome content and few commentors just comment for the purpose of getting a blacklink. A Writer gives his best to produce a content with Quality and also in Quantity to make his readers enjoy the article. !!
    coming back to your post, i have come across ” Tips for Blog commenting ” ..etc but this article seems to be Very different. Clearly explained about people who make the writers efforts to go in vain just by commenting silly comments !!

  5. I completely agree with you Satish. Most of the commentors are either looking for backlinks or promotions.

  6. ya you are right,. most commentators are commenting for back-linking.They never read the content properly.They just read the title and and start commenting without any clue of what the author want to say or what he said.I am not getting much comments in my site, but as you said there is no need to worries.I just try to provide good content .

    • That’s what I was bothered from long time! I hope people start sharing your valuable thoughts through social media and website comments pretty soon! πŸ™‚


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