5 Things Bloggers Can Learn From Sushil Kumar

Sushil and Amitabh BachchanIf you are a fan of Kaun Banega Crorepati (KBC) or if you are from India, you would have probably know that Sushil Kumar is the first one to win a cash prize of 5 Crore in Indian Television. He won the prize in a well-known reality show KBC (Kaun Banega Crorepati) hosted by Amitabh Bachchan. So here I am to reflect some things about Sushil Kumar which can help the bloggers a lot in achieving success in their field.

1.Curious to Learn

Curiosity of learning is the first thing that one requires in his life to achieve something one wishes to. Sushil Kumar had the curiosity so he was able to reach the 5-crore level. From his very childhood he had that curiosity to acquire knowledge. In the same way if the bloggers studies their topics, understands them well then they can easily achieve the knowledge thatโ€™s related with the topics.


In life to achieve something you need a determined path. If you want to be a good blogger then you should be determined about your work. Sushil kumar determined his path and thus made up to it.

3.Hard work

Now you may have curiosity or determination but if you don’t work hard to achieve your goal than everything will go in vain. Sushil Kumar worked hard and at last made such a record which none has ever made..


Sushil Kumar, a poor man from Bihar was very much interested in winning a prize by participating in KBC in order to change his life. He watched KBC and took participate in the Screening Test and thus got the chance to play the life changing game, KBC. Had he been staying at his home by just watching KBC and not taking part then he would have never been able to make it. But he had the courage to do so and if you are good enough in your field then you should make your parents or your elders understand that you love to do your work. Tell them that you don’t want to do something in which you don’t have any interest.


Above all the very important thing that you need to have is Patience. You are working very hard with determination to reach your goal but you may not get the result very soon. You need to wait sometime for getting something which really means a lot to you. Now if I take Sushil Kumar as an example then I want to tell you that he waited for about 11 years to reach his goal. Yes 11 years, that shows us how much patience he has. He kept on trying to come and play KBC from year 2000 and got the chance in 2011. So his wait for such a long time didn’t go useless, he got success and made himself a unique person in front of the world.

Really Sushil Kumar had all the required qualities which took him to his goal. So bloggers start acquiring and developing those qualities and if you do so then I guarantee that you will really achieve what you want to.

46 thoughts on “5 Things Bloggers Can Learn From Sushil Kumar”

  1. Thanks Avi , you said a big lesson , many bloggers made lot of money after a long hard work.Waiting 11 year for a game is shows his mental power, many of us will loose our mind in this big period of time.ย 

  2. Pingback: I’m Not Getting Loads of Visitors, I’m Going to Leave Blogging.
  3. Unfortunately, it's all a setup all preplanned – who should walk with how much amount. The Questions they face are all relevant to where they belong from, their background, work culture, etc. At what time one should leave etc, same goes with the celebrity guests, They just for an episode and to wind up within an hour ( Accurately one hour lol).

    • ok dude.so u think that all these are fake..kbc is making people fool but don't you think that we really need some good qualities to achieve our goal?..do think about it.

  4. really nice comparison and the way they match is awesome.We can find these type of comparisons only on Hbb.

  5. Hey Avi, nice post. I haven't watched the epic episode of KBC but I have seen "Sushil Kumar" giving the interview in news channel after winning the 5 crore and one thing he said in interview that "Never Ever Give Up" and for bloggers it is must. I have seen many bloggers that they give up because they do not see any results. One thing to be remembered keep working to achieve the goal, so every blogger should work with passion and should work on a consistent basis.

  6. Definite qualities of a successful person. Personal circumstances don't stop a person from achieving success and Sushil is living proof of that! Good points connecting a TV show to blogging ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. You need courage to succeed, If you've courage only then you would make mistake, learn from it and improve yourself. There are many talented people around the world but they lack courage and nobody knows them.

    • agreed..its true dt we make mistakes in our lyf nd our mistakes only teach us to choose the right way and thus to achieve our goal..100% agreed to you mate:)

      So i conclude dt making a mistake is not a mistake but repeating a mistake is a mistake..so never repeat bt learn frm d first mistake nd which shuld also b d last mistake..

  8. Encouraging post, It's really difficult to succeed if you lack any of these points which are mentioned in the article. Always try to improve yourself and be patience, never give up only then you can succeed.

  9. This is a great article Avi ! The thing that makes this article great is the example of Sushil Kumar. There would be no better example than his to teach these 5 qualities for a blogger.

  10. Nice One,

    What a great post to motivate them who are feeling very alone and helpless. From my point of view we should always thing positive for our work and put our hard work for get good response in self business.

  11. Trying to appear on KBC for 11 years? That's a lot of patience. We see blogger's who put all their efforts for 1-2 years and then drop off the scene!

    • yah.! he ws trying frm 11 years..just imagine how long he waited to reach his goal..
      so we should nt think abt result rather shuld do our wrk prprly with full interest..

  12. Good article Avi Jit. All of these above qualities are critical to a blogger's success. And you took the most relevant and apt example. There cannot be anyone who's more relevant than Sushil Kumar. Determination and persistence are the other 2 critical qualities any person must possess in order to succeed in life.

  13. First of all, i would like to say thanks for Avi for written blogers can learn form Sushil kumar on here. Its really good example and this type of informative article can help the bloggers a lot in achieving success in their field. I would like to say thanks for sharing your post on here ๐Ÿ™‚

  14. Patience And Hard Working IS Must Have Quality For Every NEw Blogger.Thanks For Sharing This Tips With Us.cool share ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. I did not watch that KBC episode, bu listen that Sushil Kumar owned that great crown. Yes in my life I also believe that to achieve the peak of mountain you have to climb to peak. Like Sushil Kumar, each blogger should have curiosity to learn and passion of their work to success in blogging life.

  16. I watched that episode and loved it. Sushil was amazingly impressive yet humble. He was very sure about what he knew and was brave enough to take the risk. I remember sobbing when AB announced he won the 5 crores. Ah, there are lots of lessons there for those who complain about trivial things in life.

    Glad you wrote this, Avi. Very very nice.

  17. I am really pleased with this fantastic article.He mentioned everything very well and according to my point of view every blogger should read this article and also avi-cul is a nice blog and it contains popular and helpful articles.


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