Almost every blogger loves to comment on other similar niche blogs. Brand Comments gives you good number of visits & loyal readers indeed. But it is really hard for them to check their last 10 comments and the replies they received. Seriously that is a hard task for a busy/professional blogger, because it is time consuming and quite difficult.
Although there are some plugins to notify you regarding replies, still they are hard to maintain. Fortunately we have some worthy tools for tracking blog comments easily. I mentioned some useful tools below.
#1 – Co.mments
co.mments helps you stay on top of the conversation by keeping you updated of new comments. Just bookmark, track and follow. One page to track all your conversations. Check on new comments, remove conversations, add your comment. You can also subscribe to your tracking feed and read new comments in your feed reader or e-mail client.
#2 – CoComment
coComment is a service for managing, powering and researching conversations online.
When using coComment, you can keep track of your comments across any site, share them with friends, and get notified when you get a response.
#3 – Commentful
Commentful is a service that watches comments/follow-ups on Blog posts, Digg submissions, Flickr pictures, and many other types of content.
When ever there is an update, such as a new follow-up or comment, Commentful notifies you instantly.
#4 – BackType
BackType is a marketing intelligence company that develops products and services that help companies understand their social impact.
BackType has built the most powerful system in the world to analyze social data. They also power social features for over 100 companies including The New York Times, SlideShare, Automattic (creators of WordPress), Bitly and more.
#5 –
Delicious (formerly, pronounced “delicious”) is a social bookmarking web service for storing, sharing, and discovering web bookmarks. Delicious is one of the most popular social bookmarking services. By posting the blog entry link to and tag it with ‘self’ you can track the blog comments easily. [Check Tutorial]
#6 – Google Reader
Google Reader is a Web-based aggregator, capable of reading Atom and RSS feeds online or offline.
Users can subscribe to feeds using either Google Reader’s search function, or by entering in the exact URL of the RSS or Atom feed. New posts from those feeds are then shown on the left-hand side of the screen. You can see per blog how many articles you have commented on and the timeline of your comments. You can also use Google Reader for finding the subscribers of any blog or website. [Check Tutorial]
#7 – Google Analytics
Google Analytics (GA) is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website. It can track visitors from all referrers, including search engines, display advertising, pay-per-click networks, e-mail marketing and digital collateral such as links within PDF documents.
We can also use Google Analytics for tracking comments by a small tweak. [Check Tutorial]
#8 – YackTrack
As a content producer, you can search for comments on your content from various sources or other blogs that talk about your content.
Granted, this may sound like it is targeted at the content producer, but it can also help the people commenting on the content themselves. If you have commented on a blog post, you can find other people that are commenting on the post and join the conversation on other sites.
#9 – Twitter
Twitter is a website, owned and operated by Twitter Inc., which offers a social networking and microblogging service, enabling its users to send and read messages called tweets. This is one of the most popular social networking and microblogging service, and this service can also be used for tracking your comments on the web by setting up a comment feed for each blog you want to track. [Check Tutorial]
#10 – Comment Save
Comment Save can help you in these cases. It helps you keep track of what you have been writing. Clicking the icon beside the address bar brings up a window showing you the last thing you wrote along with a link to the page. A link in the window allows you to view your post history where you can delete specific posts.
#11 – Disqus
DISQUS is a comments platform that helps you build an active community from your website’s audience. It has awesome features, powerful tools, and it’s easy to install. Many famous blogs like Mashable use DISQUS, so having a DISQUS account will help to you track the comments. You can also use another similar comments platform account, IntenseDebate.
Do you use any of these tools for tracking your comments? If you know any other cool tool for tracking? Kindly share them in the comments below. Meanwhile, you can subscribe to our feeds to get such collection of useful tools.
Not a single of the 10 listed comment tracking tools is good enough. Some don't exist anymore, some are too restricted in which platforms they can work with, or intrusive (would you like all of your comment to go into a public news stream, no choice? g'bye co.mments!)
I am still looking for a viable comment tracking tool. (free)
Good share man!DISQUS work great as you said
I like . This service is really cool!
I have been using for tracking my comments for a while now. It has both real time and detailed visitor and comment tracking. works great, i love it plus its free
Thats a lot of ways. thanks for the share 🙂
Great list of comment tools. Hey, any tips for getting more comments on my blog?
Hey Pradeep,
I had used intensedebate once instead of wordpress default comments but did not like it much. So moved back.
I use twitter and Google Analytics. Love these 2.
Great post, I never heard of most of these services and never considered some of those I use as great tools to track comments.
This is an eye opener.
What I am interested in is if you are using any of there (except Google and Twitter) and how do they perform?
Very nice find buddy…. How do you find all those ???? is cool site, me using the same to track my comments.
Me too. I have found it so long but use it recently.
Very good collections listed out here, i love the 2nd and 4th actually. good job.. go ahead promoted the post.. Thanks
Great list of helpful applications that help in managing comments. However, I may not need this yet in my latest blog as I don’t get more than 100 comments a day. 🙂
Your listified articles are always useful. I have used CoComments and BackType. I must admit that I was not having idea that we can use delicious for tracking comments too.
Nice list buddy, I am a fan of Google Analytics and Disqus, they are very nice tools.
Nice post. Helpful tools. Thanks for this update.
I need one of these, I think commentful suits my needs. It has many features, too.
Useful article.
Most blogs provide a small option to subscribe to comments via email. You can set up a Gmail filter and label and auto archive all the webpages where you have earlier left comments. I do it personally.
Backtype is another one, just love their concept. It’s also useful when you want to know whether anyone else is posting fake comments using your email address.
Really a super cool post 😀
using backtype as it is one of the best way to keep track on comments. some of them are new to me, look forward to check it out
thanks for shairng wonderful resource
all these are very nice ways to track comments.