Top 4 Link Building Strategies That Work Well in 2018

The Internet evolves and Google protocols change all the time. That’s why SEO strategies that used to be effective last year can become near to useless now. So in order to have your website rank high, you have to adapt, and adopting these link building strategies will definitely do the trick in 2018.

Best Link Building Strategies to Use in 2018

Link Building Strategies That Work Well

Publishing original data and research

The best kind of links is the one from reputed pages citing your website as a source of relevant information. These links do not only boost your SEO but also attract relevant traffic and increase your credibility.

To get these links you’ll need to publish original data and research that others will cite in their posts. This method isn’t cheap, but the rewards are numerous. Choose the topics of the studies/surveys/infographics you found carefully to be sure that they are relevant for the current trends in the industry.

To get more links from your original research you need to not only publish it in relevant journals and on PubMed or similar databases. You should also create and publish complementary content and promote it as you usually do your other posts. A few press releases and guest posts are a must.

Publish interviews (or at least mention influencers)

Leveraging personalities that are popular with your target audience is a great way to attract some traffic. In fact, an original interview with some industry celebrity can boost your traffic so much, you’ll need to prep your servers in advance. Bear in mind that you should stay up to date on web hosting news. This way, you’ll be able to keep your websites hosted at the best servers and get the best plans at discount prices due to the promotions hosting services often run.

If you can’t get an exclusive interview or at least an opinion from important industry influencers, you can some SEO credits for simply mentioning them in a post. Be sure to design your content layout wisely to highlight the personality mentioned. This way, the post will attract traffic from those looking for info about this person.

Post videos

One of the best link building strategies for 2018 is using videos because they currently are the hottest content format. You can cash in links on them in two ways:

Self-host the videos on your own website (again, be sure to get a suitable hosting deal with lots of bandwidth). You can promote them like all your content through social media, guest posts, etc.

Post videos on your YouTube channel and use YouTube Analytics to find websites that have embedded your clip. Contact them to ask for a backlink and establish contact as you can never have too much networking. You can also use backlink checking solutions, like MonitorBacklinks to keep an eye on who uses your videos.

Browse popular blogs for broken links

One of the highly-effective but underestimated link building strategies is surveying popular industry websites for broken links. This method requires a lot of work and offers no guarantees. However, you should add it to your arsenal as it has great potential.

It works like this:

You survey popular posts on relevant websites using tools like Check My Links.

When you notice a broken link, you contact the blog owner to alert them to the problem and pitch forward your own post on the same topic.

This might seem far-fetched, but it gives you a chance to establish a good relationship with a popular blogger as well as get some quality links.

Best Link Building Strategies for 2018: Final Thoughts

You should always strive to use all link building methods you can so that you don’t miss a single chance. However, remember that in 2018 the quality of your links is much more important than their quantity.

2 thoughts on “Top 4 Link Building Strategies That Work Well in 2018”

  1. Hi Ravi, another great topic, loving your points.

    Publishing interviews and doing expert roundups work like a charm no matter what industry you are in. I’ve been publishing such type of contents for a long time and everytime I do that, I get more social shares along with backlinks from new sources.

    Just make sure to focus on asking the RIGHT questions to get quality answers from influencers or top bloggers in your industry. Also make sure to ask unique questions with each interview post instead of asking the same questions to everyone else which kind of makes it boring.

    As you said, broken link building is another great strategy which is still relevant. You need to find out the right blogs in your industry and use tools like SEMrush to carefully analyse their backlink profile and reach out to them if you find any broken links to replace them with your site links.

    Great tips and keep rocking.


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