Top Commentators Award For March 2010

Last month, HBB crossed 5000 comments milestone and now the total comments are around 5600.

Top Commentators - Mar 10
Top Commentators - Mar 10

The Top Commentator of March 2010 is Sudharsan from TechnoSkillOnline.

The second Top Commentator is Sandeep Singh from Sniperz. My best wishes and congratulations to both the winners of this month and for all the commentators who participated eagerly last month.

Kudos to all the lovely commentators of HBB.


1. Brand Your Comments To Drive Traffic To Your Blog

2. HellBound Bloggers – Comments Policy

3. Ad Slots For Top Commentators

Sudharsan was also one among the Top Commentators of January and February 2010.

Since both of them are very active in this community, they will be easily notified regarding this Top TC Ad Slots awards. I request Sandeep Singh to send his banenr asap! πŸ˜€

If you are going to participate in this month’s contest, then you can subscribe to HellBound Bloggers to get the articles as soon as possible.

CHECK THIS : Ways For Respecting Your Beloved Commentators

Why don’t you participate right now by commenting here? πŸ˜‰

27 thoughts on “Top Commentators Award For March 2010”

  1. This post provides a very interesting challenge to us visitors that gives us a reason to keep coming back in order to be on top.The most effective way to drive traffic.

  2. I will definitely be joining this month. I’ve heard about you guys just now but I don’t think it is too late πŸ™‚

  3. Hello Bro, hope you are fine. My blog was in problem and I fixed it right now. And immediately after it, I came here to participate in your contest. Hope I can push myself to win here again.

  4. this commentator round up is really exciting, will go for it this time and comment actively and try compete for the top commentator,
    hope i win πŸ˜›

  5. So what did the winner get ? ;P
    .-= Sourish | WordPress Install Guide’s last blog…Why Choose Our WordPress Install Service =-.

  6. I think 3/4th of the traffic this blog gets is via commentators.

    Next time i’ll be in the top list.
    .-= kothapally arun’s last blog…N933 iphone clone could be a costly April Fools Day prank =-.

  7. Congrats to the winners. Now I am also trying this time πŸ™‚
    .-= Shiva’s last blog…Google’s Pranks and Hoaxes This April Fool’s day =-.

  8. Hey this is a good news.I wish congratulations to all winners and I am glad to know all winners' names.I will also try this time for this month to be top commentator.
    .-= dean graziosi's last blog…Another video is up with a β€œBrando” style offer.‏ =-.

    • ha ha…U are right Geek..

      But i think im going to miss Adspace for next month because My semester Exams are nearing…i have to concentrate more than this…i wish Advance congrats for TC next month
      .-= tricks tips’s last blog…Monthly Roundup and Traffic Report – March 2010 =-.

  9. Congratulations to winners. was nice to see my name on the list πŸ™‚
    .-= GDI Blog’s last blog…Find Good Personal Injury Insurance Rates and Cover Your Business =-.

  10. Congrats to both of you and now the new month begins. πŸ™‚
    .-= Mathew Day’s last blog…PLR Software Ultimatum – Make Your First Ebook, PLR articles Package, or Create a List =-.

  11. Finally i got a Hat-trick …

    congrats to sandeep too….
    .-= tricks tips’s last blog…Top commentator Award – March’10 =-.


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