Top Blogs Not Using WordPress Platform

We all know that WordPress is the number one CMS and Blogging Platform out there. Even U.S. Government Agencies prefer it. But it doesn’t mean everyone uses it. Below are some examples. Below I included some of my favorite and famous blogs that are not powered by WordPress. I arranged them in no particular order.

Not Powered By WP1. Engadget : Engadget is a multilingual technology weblog and podcast about consumer electronics. Engadget currently has nine separate websites, all operating simultaneously with each having its own staff, which cover technology news in different parts of the world in their respective languages. [Platform – Blogsmith]

2. Lifehacker : Lifehacker is an advertising-supported weblog about life hacks and software which launched on January 31, 2005. The site is owned by Gawker Media and covers Microsoft Windows, Mac, and Linux programs as well as time-saving tips and tricks. The Lifehacker motto is “Tips and downloads for getting things done.” [Platform – Gawker Media platform]

3. Read Write Web : ReadWriteWeb is a blog that provides analysis of web products and trends. One of the world’s top 20 blogs, ReadWriteWeb speaks to an intelligent audience of web enthusiasts, early adopters and innovators. ReadWriteWeb was founded on April 20, 2003 by Richard MacManus and is now one of the most widely read and respected blogs in the world. [Platform – Movable Type]

4. Huffington Post : The Huffington Post (often referred to as HuffPo) is an American liberal news website and aggregated blog founded by Arianna Huffington, Kenneth Lerer and Jonah Peretti, featuring various news sources and columnists. The site offers coverage of politics, media, business, entertainment, living, style, the green movement, world news, and comedy, and is a top destination for news, blogs and original content. [Platform – Movable Type]

5. Gizmodo : Gizmodo is a blog about gadgets and technology. Started in 2002, Gizmodo has grown to be Gawker Media’s largest blog, bringing in upwards of 100 million page views a month in traffic. We post about a variety of electronics, as well as all sorts of things gadget geeks might enjoy. [Platform – Gawker Media platform]

6. Auto Blog : is a web site that offers daily weblogs and podcast news and commentary about automobiles and the automotive industry. A weblog that covers the auto industry with test drives and commentary on articles from other sites. [Platform – Blogsmith]

7. Wired : Wired gives you get in-depth coverage of current and future trends in technology, and how they are shaping business, entertainment, communications, science, and politics. It is one of the popular technology blogs out there. [Platform – TypePad]

9. Blogger Buster : Blogger Buster is a resource blog for bloggers, offering hints, hacks, tips and tricks to help enhance your blogging experience. Use the label cloud and search box in the right hand sidebar of you’re looking for specific information, or simply browse through my posts instead. [Platform – Blogger]

10. Seth Godin’s Blog : SETH GODIN is a bestselling author, entrepreneur and agent of change. Godin is author of ten books that have been bestsellers around the world. His most recent titles include The Dip and Meatball Sundae. Free Prize Inside was published in early May, 2004 and All Marketers Are Liars was published in 2005. His books that have been bestsellers around the world and changed the way people think about marketing, change and work. [Platform – TypePad]

What I learned from this?

Content is the king, platform is next! 🙂

Do you know any other famous blog? 😀 Please mention it in the comments…

60 thoughts on “Top Blogs Not Using WordPress Platform”

  1. Hmm.. You sure that all list above not using wordpress? Cheth Studio use the wordpress platform.. please check again.. Thanks..

  2. I am quite surprised to know that some of this blogs are not using wordpress and are in the top of the most red blogs! Interesting stuff! Cheers!

  3. I know a lot of CMS and Blogging Platform out there and the sites listed about are popular sites that don't uses wordpress. But as for now I am going to stick to wordpress because I am comfortable with that and it is easy to learn.

  4. My Friend Asked me to Read your Post Top 10 Blogs Not Using WordPress Platform | HellBound Bloggers on Monday.Your post was Well written.Please Keep it up .I Like reading on books bestsellers.

  5. life hacker and chethstudio is known to me. and cheth is going to wordpress soon, i seen in any where in his blog, i think about us apge ” still the theme is good.

  6. Nice content it would be helpfull for me .I am impressed your website . Its layout is very attractive .Thanks and keep on working.

  7. Yes, WordPress is one of the best blogging platform in the world. Here the themes can be downloaded freely. In this site the user can also design and submit the own theme. The user can also submit articles in this blog. It is a good business directory.

  8. I like LifeHacker the most in the list above but i was not aware that was in Gawker Media platform, that platform itself i heard it for the first time 🙂
    Thanks for sharing the information.
    Few of the blogs are new to me i will go through them , all looks interesting to me.

  9. Wow, wasn’t aware that the likes of ReadWrieWeb, Huffington Post and Engadget were not powered by WordPress…but I’m still a HUGE wp supporter…I once tried joomla and wasn’t impressed.

  10. Wow, it is not so different between a blog using WordPress platform or not. I’ve never aware about that. So noob. haah

  11. Most of sites listed above are tech sites. It has no different either using wordpress or other platforms as long as we know how to bring it to the next level.

  12. for the bigger bloggers with loads of money to spent, they can manage their personal platforms and cms’s but for a regular blogger maintaining a custom cms is not easy, it can get hacked, it will get spam, it will get outdated…

    wordpress has so many plugins and themes that gets updated every now and then for good, having a custom cms will mean expense in every little update…

    though good list, and i follow a few of them and now checking out the rest of those 🙂

  13. Very interesting articles indeed Suneel. WordPress might be winning awards everywhere but these blogs prove that content and marketting is King. Platform is only a foundation.

  14. I am quite amazed to know that this blogs don’t use WordPress. Still some of this blogs are top rated. Thanks for sharing this information.

  15. Everyone wrote about blogs using wordpress. and u stood different. BTW, I can see ads that says contest winners. which contest?

  16. Although these top bloggers may not be using wordpress, it is beneficial to do so when starting out. Prime reason for this is SEO and the way that Google algorithms seem to respect wordpress blog sites differently to any other.

    As we at SEO Manchester suspect, Google has already picked up that WordPress and other blogging platform generated web pages have relatively new fresh content added frequently and recieve a bonus edge in the SERPS (Search Engine Results Pages). The Algorithms have been adjusted to give these wordpress sites a boost.

    Have you ever noticed that upon adding a post the page is cached within an hour of posting? sometimes we have seen post pages cached and indexed within 3 minutes of posting from a WP blog platform.

    Edge or not-we think so, so not to dissuade one from WP but we strongly advise the use of it if anything.

  17. Hi Pradeep. I think Lifehacker is more to “website” rather than “blog”. It’s main page is massive (with lots of links and pictures), unlike a blog. That’s the impression I felt.

  18. I m also not using WordPress for my tech blog, i hope i will also get success like these bloggers with my blogger blog 🙂

  19. @Pradeep, Thanks for mentioning chethstudios. 🙂

    @Sunil Jain Blogger should be used properly and since its powered by google you will get heaps of google search traffic if you know how to harvest it 🙂

  20. This is really amazing dude 🙂
    Still many of them are using blogger blogs because it is 40% SEO optimized when compared to wordpress 🙂 🙂

    • Same here I like their blog a lot. It’s amazing to see that these blogs do not use WordPress.
      .-= NpXp’s last blog…What Is Alexa and Why Is It Important For Your Blog or Website? =-.


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