According to Google, Bounce rate is the percentage of single-page visits or visits in which the person left your site from the entrance (landing) page. In short, it tells how many people who arrive at your website “bounce” out to another site. Keeping your bounce rate to it’s most minimal is important in making the most out of your new visitors. Reduce bounce rate to hold people on your website.
Many people were confused with bounce rate. It is not rocket science guys! See if a page has a bounce rate of 70% means that 70% of the readers/visitors who landed on that page decided to leave your site. The other 30% stayed on your site and performed at least one more click. Below I mentioned 30+ tips to reduce and improve your site’s bounce rate.
If you are trying to optimize your website/blog for conversion rate, then you can check this post,
30+ Tips To Improve Your Website Conversion Rate
1. Good Web Layout And Design : You should be careful when choosing between magazine and normal layout theme. Many recommended Thesis theme for better bounce rate. The look of your site’s design can force your visitors to stay.
2. Relevant Content : If your blog is about Animals, then publish articles related to Animals category alone. Don’t write about Fruits and Vegetables. Because visitors will expect more from Animals category. Each page of your blog should be on-topic.
3. Clear and Proper Navigation : Let the users know where they are. Every blog should have breadcrumb. If not download it right now. Have a proper archives section. Place the navigation menu near the top of the page. Use simple and clear words for navigation options. Don’t use too many links there. Maximum of 7 links recommended.
4. Good and Original Content: Always publish original content. Never publish duplicate content which will affect your blog in several ways. Your blog’s content should be worth reading.
5. Avoid Distractions : Avoid pop-ups, external toolbars and anything similar to that which causes distractions to the visitors. You can also avoid using Text In Link ads. Trust me, it decreases page views.
6. Improve loading speed : Don’t make your visitors wait. Your blog’s page views will automatically increase if the pages load faster and quicker. You can check the tips to improve and increase your blog’s loading speed.
7. Add Relevant Images : Make sure you add relevant and related images to the articles. Provide good resolution and quality images. I made a list of websites providing copyright and royalty free images, you can try that.
8. Avoid External Links : External links on your blog’s main page can make the bounce rate very high. So you can avoid external links on the first page that visitors see when they land on your site. Try to reduce the number of outgoing links.
9. Comparing : Compare the page which gets lower bounce rate with the page that gets higher. Ask your friends and other fellow bloggers the difference between them. This one helps a lot.
10. Analyze Bounce Rate : I recommend Google Analytics for analyzing your site’s bounce rate. Check your site’s bounce rate regularly and see if there is any change. Study the reports. See which page gets the lowest bounce rate and highest bounce rate. You can also check your site’s bounce rate through Alexa. Though, I don’t recommend it much.
11. Ample Content: Try to have minimum 300-400 words of content on your site’s pages. Try to provide sufficient content to your site visitors. Let it be in the form of images, text or videos.
12. Targeted Keywords: Your Keywords should be specifically targeted for the content on your site. Bounce rates are also influenced by wrongly optimized keywords. Consider a post title like this, “Top 15 Twitter Tools for Twitter Freaks”. And you optimize this post title with wrong keywords like “Twitter Hacks” or “Twitter’s New Service”. This makes the users annoy, and they won’t visit that page/site later.
13. Minimize Pages: Try to minimize the number of pages you have on your website/blog. Keep it simple and clear, so that your visitors will not get confused.
14. Optimize With Keywords: Always use the keywords within your articles. For example, I have a post titled “7 Basic Tips For Improving Your Blog’s Alexa Rank”, and then I will use the keywords like “Improve Alexa Rank”, “Alexa Rank Tips” and so on. This will indeed increase the value of the keywords on the search engines.
15. Good and Effective Headlines: Each page’s title should match the content within that page. Don’t try to use misleading page titles. You can refer Google’s “Five Tips for Writing Effective Web Headlines”.
16. Offer subscriptions : You can offer RSS feeds and E-mail newsletters by which readers can easily subscribe and get daily updates. This will help in enhancing your site’s bounce rate because those readers will come back to read more.
17. Good Quality Links :Try to acquire as many good links as possible that points to your blog or blog’s page. Those links should have correct anchor text. You can hook other webmasters to link to your pages by placing genuine content in your pages. Avoid link exchange since there is a possibility of losing PageRank on both sides.
18. Remove Autoplay Videos : This is my opinion. I’ll close the site immediately if it starts singing. Remove the video altogether, or at least have it paused.
19. Popular Posts : You can use Popular Posts plugin and list the top and popular articles in your site’s sidebar.
20. Related Posts : There are many ways to show related posts on your blog. My favorite is Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (YARPP). You can try that. Showing related posts with images/thumbnails also works.
21. Internal Linking : By internal linking your readers can know about other content of your site without having to search for it. Interlink only if it is related to the article and you can also do this to your old articles. Try to link between your old articles as reference.
22. Place Search Box: You can provide your visitors with the option to search on your blog at the top. If they cannot find anything interesting on the landing page, they can use search option to navigate into the site.
23. Page SEO : Provide proper URL, title and keyword optimization. For WordPress users, I recommend All In One SEO plugin.
24. Interactive Articles : Ask questions to your readers and visitors. Your article should be in a reader-friendly manner.
25. Free Downloads : You can easily attract visitors if you provide free downloads like free themes, free wallpapers and so on. You can make them click on that link easily.
26. Use Post Excerpts : If your article is too long, you can use post excerpts. If there is too much content on the main page visitors will get tired by scrolling, and they’ll decide to leave.
27. Eliminate Bad Traffic : If you’re getting/buying traffic from other sites and it is not profitable to you, then you need to eliminate all those sources. Check which PPC keywords are bouncing and shut those keywords.
28. Upper Left to Lower Right : Keep the upper left of your site pretty, pretty nice and attractive. Because visitors will first see that only and that decides whether they need to stay or not.
29. Optimize 404 Pages : Many blogs have ugly 404 error page. That makes the bounce rate to bounce more. Your visitors will leave your site and look elsewhere for the information they were looking for. So optimize the error page. Provide some solutions and suggestions there. You can check HB‘s 404 Error page.
30. Optimize The Sidebar : Remove all those useless and time-consuming widgets from your site’s sidebar and try to include widgets such as “Popular Posts” and “Recent Articles”. You can also use “tag cloud” in the sidebar.
31. Surveys and Polls: This is the best way to interact with your readers and visitors. You can ask them some questions or suggestions. You can check the results, and you can predict whether they will stick around or not.
If you are trying to optimize your website/blog for conversion rate, then you can check this post. If you don’t yet even have your own website or blog, then check out MonetizePros, they have plenty of awesome tutorials that’ll help you to start your Blogging journey within a couple of minutes easily.
So what’s your site’s bounce rate? High? Low? Ahh..
Do you know any other tip to improve/reduce bounce rate? Please share it in the comments!
Bounce rate is very big factor, In my thinking, but many just don’t look towards factors like this, which can hugely effect a website. A very high Bounce rate means, Visitors are not getting what they want (not always, but in most cases) and are leaving website to find more content, which also be called as Pogo sticking, if those visitors click on other search results in Google. Indirectly, We may lose our authority as Google will consider our content as worthless and will take down rankings. So, Bounce rate has lot do, no matter, which niche we are working on, from Blogging to eCommerce, this factors needs to be focused on, if we are really looking to provide good user experience.
Such a great tips. It could be very helpful for us while making a good quality site and also to reduce bounce rate of site.
I have some webpages that have bounce rate over 60%, but it is not bad rate. The pages contain informations that user want to get, he reads and then leave site. If you think more about it, those users can also be valuable…
wow very good post learned lot thank you
Great tips Pradeep …
From quite a few days, I am getting high bounce rate on a particular page… I like your suggestion on adding polls/surveys, Will try implementing it
really good tips, i have my bounce rate as high as 80 on some pages. some of them are mini sites so sometimes it's not really matter.
Hey Pradeep, Great collection of tips. And The most considerable point to decrease bounce rate is Optimization for proper keywords. Because sometimes, your post is ranked for irrelative keyword and it gives substantial rise to your bounce rate… at that time, quality of content doesnt matter…
I am a webmaster for my companies site, and I noticed something the other day… when I took the contact info off the main page, and linked it instead, my bounce rate dropped by 45%. Just a thought for you webmasters out there!
That makes a good degree of sense though, right? If I run a service-based business, most visitors on my site will simply be seeking contact information so by putting it on another page you’ll definitely drop your bounce rate. That being said, you need to balance factors like usability with bounce rate. I bet if you tracked your visitors, you’d find that they hit your homepage, find the contact info and then bounce from your site anyway. Instead of pretending the problem doesn’t exist, build something that will boost engagement and keep your customers satisfied.
80% already known points. 20% innovative points. Thanks for making this a little bit more clear to me! My bouncerate at the moment is 40%. Is this high or low?
That's a perfect %.
My site has a bounce rate of about 93%, I'm definitely going to do something to reduce this percentage. This post is very informative. Thanks for sharing.
useful tips but my blog is getting 70-80% bounce rate.
This is really genuine article and i love it Bounce rate reduction plays an very important role in search engine optimization.
Great Tips. One thing to note is that having too many options on the landing page can sometimes confuse and distract visitors. Try to incorporate only one or two driving spots to other pages. Then, from those pages, one or two more. Keep them flowing thru the site.
My site has a 70% bounce rate, but my top landing page (bounce rate 75%) also has an average time on the page of 2:34. So people are finding great content and reading the entire page but then leaving. I have a number of links on the page to entice readers to another page. Any suggestions??
It will be nice if you can share that page bud.
thank you for sharing a good tip, great job man !!
Yea, Really like this Post thanks for all
Fascinating! This post is almost 1,5 years old but still 100% up to date. Good stuff!
Not all bounce rates are the same. I have a high bounce rate because I have a lot of images in Google. When people do a search on google for images google will display the image in front of the page and that counts as a hit. Then the user leaves the image and you get a bounce so the bounce rate could be higher and if the keywords are the same for web/image then you can't decipher between the two.
Always provide a related article to reduce the bounce rate, or a call to action, to continue reading.
Excellent Points. I am sure, these tips will surely reduce the bounce rate
Thanks sharing this information. I have learned new things in bounce rate
You can also improve your site speed.
Add new services, especially free services that attract audience (ex. free sms,email…..)
it worked very well and my blog bounce rate comes down to 60%
I face same problem. I am using analytic to check bounce rate. 70% is my website rate. I will try to improve by following your tips.
Hi kumar,
I'm a little confuse with this:
Scenario: If readers arrive in a landing pages and read that article for about 10 minutes and leave the site. Does it considered to be a bounce rate? Even he stays longer in your site than the average?
If the readers stay on your site for long, then it may boost your bounce rate.
Thanks for your tips. I hope it can decrease my bounce rate.
Only option is to improve your website look and appearance so people spent more and more time on your website by exploring the whole website. If you website have good appealing look or appearance then surly bounce rate will decrease
only one thing is to stop the bounce rate is, that content should be good and which every one knows about it very well rest are just ordinary tips.
I already removed some of the unnecessary pictures on my page, and run a poll.
My bounce rate is around 75% but 80+% of my traffic is organic straight from the search engines. Bounce rate tends to be higher from these types of visitors…
Nice and true tips.
One more way of doing this is by having “Related Posts” near the top. This way if the initial content on your web page does not interest the reader, s/he can always click on the “related links” thus getting you more page views per visit and reducing the bounce rate. For WP bloggers the YARPP will do this job – use a widget and post the related links to the right.
You did not mean interesting videos. I tried the video option and put an interesting video related to my website in the front page and the bounce rate was as low as %20 (before it was like 60%)
My blog bounce rate looks like stuck. I hope these tips will help me to control it. Thanks
Nice list, by keeping your visitors on the site for longer times, you can increase the number of page views as well your chances of them performing a desired action.
Thanks, this is a really specific article and I can use some of those tricks!
internal linking can also be used for minimizing bounce rate and also useful for spiders.
Yeah, just jump in HBB. Lost of useful information! Just bookmarked this article :-)).
Thanks Vuong. Welcome to HBB.
Very useful tips, this tip is not only helpful for reducing bounce rate but also this is more useful for making a good quality site.
Good content and ample content is very important to keep the visitors coming back. I think another point could be made, ‘Top Commentator’ widget can make more people coming back again and again.
Thanks for such a wonderful article.
I think useful content and its good presentation is most important.
Great list. I have been facing this problem of higher bounce rate on my blog. I think I have to follow all your points to get it reduced. Also, I feel I have to post more and more content related to the theme of my blog. This is an area where I need to work like anything. Thanks for all these great tips.
My Blog's bounce rate is 55.88% Not good i guess. i guess that was because of your interview Thanks for the tips!!
You have covered almost all the points to reduce the bounce rate here. Good Work.
Really bullet points to the beginner bloggers
this is a great break down to reduce the bounce rate.
excellent tips…thanks for sharing….it’s really necessary to have a lower bounce rate for any site..
This is a great list to reduce the bounce rate
I loved this post! It really solidified a lot about what I sort of knew, but wasn’t sure I knew, so didn’t utilize…
I’m going to pay much more attention to all these details, and keep the post as a checklist until every single thing is done…then I’ll go through it again, and again, as time goes by.
Is there anyway for us to check our own bounce rate? I though once they have open your page, that would be okay then.
i will keep all of the points in mind
awsome da..related links at the end of the post..will decrease the bounce rate
Excellent points mate. I need to consider this, since my bounce rate is over 68%. Have to reduce it. BTW thanks a lot for sharing these tips.
What is an acceptable bounce rate in google’s eyes ?
Some really great tips here, plus a reminder that often to many people focus on getting more traffic when it is what they do with that traffic that is most important.
My favorite is number 27 – Eliminate bad traffic.
I used to use PPC but I prefer SEO now.
Currently my bounce rate is 52. Time to work and reduce.
does bounce rate effect your rankings ?
Yes, it does . Your bounce rate is taken in consideration by google on how popular your site is with your visitors. If your visitor spends time on your site, this shows google that you have good content. This is measured by the bounce rate
Reducing your site’s bounce rate is a great way to make more use out of your existing traffic and a lot less work then increasing traffic and getting links. This is a great and informative article. Thanks a lot!
That’s a great post. This may be of help too. One must have trust factors (like visa, mc, ups, fedex etc etc or any other free logo’s that are related to the site. Also a contact number in header, testimonials, and a logo of some kind of Association (like BBB) increases conversions and reduces bounce rate.
Also have links to other pages inside the site on footer as lot of people spend a few seconds and top & then right away scroll down to the bottom. Most people have no footers!
What do you think?
Great list of tips to reduce bounce rate. I completely agree with your suggestion to remove auto playing audio or video files, nothing will make someone leave a site faster!
Wat I do to reduce bounce rate is link to your previous posts inside your posts, this is highly successful if your are writing a series of how to something or a similar thing, placing them close to the bottom of your articles can lead to an increase in click through rate.
Nice Tips! I’ll talk to my web guy to see if I can get some of these things fixed.
Does anybody know what an average bounce rate is?… I’m sure the lower the better, but just an average.
under 30-35% is excelent!
I think the bounce rate of your site is critical for effective access speed of a web page or a blog.Even traffic search engines who have done a search on specific topics, found your post and pleased with your great content.
this is really helpful advice, thank you all.
Right, Loading speed is vital. If your page takes a lot of time to load, then you can loose your visitor before even he reads any of your content.
My bounce rate is pretty high (65%+) since my blog is new..will work on writing more quality posts
I will try to implement on what you have said, so thanks for the instructions.
one more way is to make your contact information / phone visible everywhere. get more contacts
Definitely if we will follow following steps then surely bounce rate would be reduce. Thanks for sharing the info we can reduce the bounce rate with help of these tips..
it needs some contents.. so that the people who are in for a particular content wont go out of it
My best advice is to design your page well. If your page is poorly paginated or lacks any real design dynamism, then you could be unnecessarily turning visitors away.
is it single page visit or certain duration visit. I believe, that bounce more likely “short” visit, not only 1 page visit.
Thanks for the tips. I am a regular visitor of your blog. its the first time I am commenting. I found that you changed your template. What happened to the previous. It was really cute and nice.
Thanks for the tips, lemme try ’em !
Thanks for sharing tips to reduce bounce rate. I am going to apply one by one on my website.
What I suggest is that, set yourself a target to reduce your site’s Bounce Rate by testing a change each week.
Well I never thought about bounce rate seriously. Well I will now pay more attention to it. I will try to reduce it!
Ahh, so that’s it! Now I know why my other site’s bounce rate are high. Thank you for sharing this tips to us, this is really of big help for me. Since I don’t have a lot of knowledge with this kind of stuff I’m in to. But as they say: there’s always a first time!
.-= bret@forex cfd’s last undefined…Response cached until Thu 13 @ 16:31 GMT (Refreshes in 23.81 Hours) =-.
Great list of tips to reduce bounce rate. I particularly agree with your suggestion to remove auto playing videos. Thats an absolute No-No for me too and turns me off!
I’m new now so better not to say here
that will help me a lot. My bounce rate is way too high
My bounce rate is 69% .
I will try to reduce by your method
That was a very good read. Thank you very much for sharing and I will definitely check back for more.
What I like to say is people like to hover, click, drag and generally play with pages. Try experimenting with image rollovers, slideshows and generally engaging the user with the design. This will help in reducing bounce rate.
So kewl Simply the best points and must read by newbie bloggers. Bookmarked !
How to decrease bounce rate of my website? Google Analytics showing 90% bounce rate
This is such an amazing list! I’m gonna try out and hopefully get a positive bounce rate in my site. Thanks!
A proper navigation can reduce the bounce rate of a website. Thanks for your share.
Yes navigation can reduce bounce rate, if your visitors cannot find the information they want they will quickly become frustrated and leave. If you make it easy for them to find the exact information they seek, they are far more likely hang around to see what other tidbits of information you can to provide.
Thanks Pradeep
.-= Srinjini’s last blog…Easter 2010 =-.
nice information, didnt know these types of valuable info will be available in net..
but what about the blog.. is it same? someone pls reply
.-= Srinjini’s last blog…Easter 2010 =-.
Same for blogs and websites Srinjini!
Clear navigation can reduce your sites bounce rate. So better provide good navigation.
Bounce rate is one of the most underrated statistics in your website data
If you have ever been to a fancy website with music or some animation, realize that this will slow the amount of time it takes for the entire page to be displayed.
As our website has increased in popularity due largely to improved visibility on search engines, our bounce rate or single page access rate has increased
The bounce rate is the percentage of users who view only a single page in your website then leave.
Absolutely agree with most of your points. Having a related post plugin doesn’t hurt either
.-= TechChunks’s last blog…Don’t Press F1 If You Are Using Microsoft XP =-.
There are lots of handy tips and techniques to help you reduce bounce rates on your website.
@electronic cigarette
If your sites bounce rate is 1.8%, it means that out of every 100 person who visits my website only 1 leaves without reading additional pages.
By optimising page design one can reduce website’s bounce rate.
I really need help with this, my website, has very high bounce rate, coz used sites like trafficswarm to get traffic. I got traffic but they stood only for 15 to 20 seconds and left for another site, so as to get credits for their own site. I need some fool proof system where i can get traffic, which stays to my site and do navigate through other pages.
Please help me my email: mohneesh17 at gmail dot com
@ Tenerife
Thanks for your informative comment. Where did u get this formula?
The formula used to calculate bounce rate is: Bounce Rate = Total Number of Visits Viewing One Page / Total Number of Visits
I’ll have to agree with you on that one that Text inlink ads cause distractions. That’s the principal reason why I dumped it after some few days of trial
I’ve also recently fixed my 404 error page and included a customized Google search engine, to have them search the site for exactly what they were looking for
.-= Udegbunam Chukwudi’s last blog…Beware Of MMO Blog Setup Services Like This One! =-.
Your new site theme looks good than the old one. What is the name of this theme.
From where can I hire a good Back Link Builder for my blog site?
The page header is an important sign post that helps visitors orient themselves to your website and keep an note on it.
My website has a bounce rate of 1.8 Percent. Is it good or not?
i use a few of these..there are obviously more now that i need to use…i also use a linkwithin wordpress plugin to display links to other posts
Website designs that use many images generally take a long time to load. Hence it must be avoided.
Very good list, so many valuable tips and resources that I’ll be spending some time on.
I think diversifying yourself from others and creating valuable content are probably the two most important aspects of having less bounce rate.
To measure site success, you should count only loyal users who return repeatedly. This will definitely increase bouncerate and page rank.
Thanks for the tips. I really need to clean up my sidebars.
I’m still trying to build traffic to my site. Once I increase the number of visitors then I’ll worry about bounce rate.
Search Engines my bring visitors that stay longer, but I think other bloggers leave more comments.
Excellent tips as usual. My blog’s bounce rate is currently higher than I would like.
A lower bounce rate is better, but bounce rate averages can vary by industry or type of site.
Thanks for the tips. Naturally, if you want visitors to stick around, your content should be worth reading and regularly updated. This also ensures that your content gets linked to from other sites, which will in turn increase your traffic.
I use the yet another related posts plugin to engage my readers! Also, I make it a point to link many words in the blog content with my older articles, so that even they get proper exposure!
Thank you very much. I dont have any idea on websites bounce rate and all. Thanks for your insight.
Is there anyone who have done all of those stuffs? I have done max 10/30 but not always as sometimes I write posts in natural ways
Nice tips.
Thanks for share…
There are lot of ways to reduce the bounce rate of a website. When a visitor arrives via a link they have very little context for your website. So make sure every page is self-explanatory and can be understood without having to read any other pages on your site.
Fantastic list of points and this is complete and thorough, my bounce rate was really high last year when I used Entrecard, and other various programs like CMF Ads and Adgitize which tend to hurt your bounce rating. The YARPP plug-in is excellent.
30 tips to reduce the site’s bounce rate a great post I read on this topic. I will apply these tricks on my site and blog also. Yes this is true that search engines but your site is also good to force the readers to view more and more pages.
Long page loads destroy bounce rates. Try not to have more than 20 page elements that need to load.
This is really helpful..Even ma site has a low bounce rate
keep checking your site and web server and avoid from any malicious script running, or sometime chrome give a alert as a attack site… this is one of the reason for bouncing
the list is quite hectic to do.. simply quite lengthy
Nice post mate! its really important to reduce our bounce rate…. higher bounce rates means that people don’t like our blogs!
Beautiful tips. A high bounce rate suggests that visitors aren’t finding what they’re looking for when they arrive on the site. If you run an online store or internet marketing store, then a high bounce rate is cause for concern.
Well written post. Some fine tips to be applied, you really have a lot of good ideas, Pradeep. Personally, I would adjust #6 for ‘reduce’ instead of avoid but that’s just me. ^^ Shared this post on the fan page, good job on this!
Social/Blogging Tracker
Hey! Thanks for your tips
This is a great article. I’m new to blogging but still learning. Thanks for the great resource. It’s really helpful.
Great compilation of the things to decrease bounce rate. The effective ways to decrease bounce rate are beautiful design/layout, unique content, customize the 404 error page and archives page and reduce the number of http requests
once again good post, and the bounce rate is good i mean ok for my blog this month, when i start4ed it was so high.
First comment for me, nice so far.
Popular posts is HUGE, I’ve had posts last in there for a year or more as more and more comment on them.
Being a complete novice in blog commenting, I find your tips to be fantastic. I guess I was doing a few of your tips by accident. But I will incorporate the list into my daily approach.
Thank You.
I’m lacking in all the above 31.. After seeing this post.. I came to know what is bounce rate.. currently my bounce rate is 43%..
Thanks 4 the share dude!!
Nice tips. Thanks for the share bro.
OMG how many things!
Comment with your about page, you will get another page hit :), am i right Pradeep ?.
Yeah.. Increases Page Views.. !
This is great article and I have to agree all of the reasons. There are so many reasons why websites can have high bounce rates and this article talks about most of them. I never really thought about the 404 pages. But I have an ugly one and need to get that taken care of.
Thanks for the informations. SEO always play a big part
SEO is important everywhere!
That’s an impressive list of tips! especially for a new blogger like myself
Thanks mate. You have compiled a very good tips collection. I have been already following some, I will try the rest too.
I agree with “provamsi @ India365” and others with the importance of search engine. After all search engine juice is very important for any site’s long life.
Kewl post dude!! Very good info. Loved it…… Thnx for sharing.. keep on rocking.
I’ve noticed some sites really overuse those “Text In Link” ads that you mention. I find they make even the most well-written or compelling posts hard to finish, let alone revisit.
You pretty much covered every bit of it, great!
Great Tips Pardeep. Bounce rate is very important, these tips are really helpful.
You left talking anything about the consequences of high bounce rate.
I don’t feel Google fair when it counts bounce out and does nothing with bounce in? But what might be relevancy of bounce in…..anyway…just my feeling.
I run a website and a blog. The bounce rate of site is relatively very low compared to the blog. I think it is natural. Even search engine traffic who made a search on particular topic, found your post and are satisfied with your great content, well explained and their query fulfilled. Now what? They will certainly bounce out to their work. Isn’t it.
Does Google take bounce rate very serious when the traffic are from Search Engines or from other blogs?
I thought everyone knew about the consequences..
Yes Suresh.. Google takes bounce rate seriously and it affects Google search rankings. It is easy for Google to analyze the bounce rate of sites with the help of their crawling/indexing system, Chrome and Analytics.
And, if the traffic is from Google Search Engine.. then they might think for a second.. ! Oof!
Usable design, great unique content and an easy navigation – is my way to deal with high bounce rates!
Great post
I follow all the steps you follow, but still have not a very good bounce rate. Mine is pretty much high!
Excellent tips and a wealth of information here, I will dedicate the next seven days to number 1 on the list. That will improve the looks of my blog in itself, numbers 2, 4, and 11, are next!
Thank you so much.
hey very good and huge list…
Its very much usefull for a new blogger like me
thanks pradeep……
Huge, but a very informative one!
Thanks Pradeep.. so did u mean to say Thesis Theme Increases Bounce Rate? and Magazine theme doesn’t?
Thesis theme improves/reduces bounce rate mate!
My Bounce Rate is 50 %.
But how does it do that? I don’t find any connection with Thesis and bounce rate? Well do you know any other Thesis alternatives/
You can also try Swift WordPress themes or some other minimalist themes mate.
Actually Thesis was developed keeping SEO in mind, it is structured well for Search Engines.
Great advice but I disagree with #8. Outgoing links are important to shed your vanity.
Thanks for your first comment here mate..!
Well.. I too agree.. but for reducing bounce rate.. outgoing links should be minimized (at least) !
yeah outgoing links are necessary but don’t make this so much highlighed so visitor often click them.. I mean dont make this eye catching … if visitor search for it he/she would get it.. otherwise not
Very good article! There are some great tips in here, I really ought to do more on page SEO like you suggest, as I don’t really focus on that.
Really useful tips mate, nice one! I’ve RT’d!
ya true, traffic coming via search engines is very important for any website.
Search engine traffic is the best way to reduce this bounce rate. It’s true that fellow bloggers leave your blog quite quickly when compared to people coming from Search engines.
Ha ha. I second that fact. Majority of the return readers actually contribute to the majority of the bounce percentage. Just have to try to do something to make them click something else.
.-= NpXp’s last blog…How To Write A Good Article – 9 Easy Steps =-.