5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Starting A Blog

When you’re ready to start a blog, all our mind sets would be on theme, design aspects, and making our blog look better, but we ignore certain aspects which must be present before starting our blog. Only when these things are set clear before starting a blog, then it can come out as successful blog. Here are few things that should be taken care before starting a blog.

I am not sure about the statistics, but on a average 10,000 blogs are created per day, but 3 months later only 1% is maintained. So most of the people concentrate on designing the blog rather leaving out the main aspects which makes the blog more successful on the long run. Here are few working methods that would make your blog more successful probably if you keep all these points in mind before starting your blog.

Also Check : 5 Things Every New Blogger Must Know

#1 – Schedule 10 To 20 Quality Articles Earlier

Schedule Posts

Before your blog is live, make sure you schedule some 10 to 20 quality articles which are ready to be published. Many blogs install wordpress and keep it as such with the Hello World post. No one wants to see that, instead a new blogger should produce some quality post and show the ability.

First impressions are the best ones and you should make the reader to come again to your blog. So, work before your blog is alive.

#2 – Changes Should Be Finalized Offline

Working Offline

Don’t work or make changes to the live blog. Once you’ve made live, then only thing you should concentrate is on quality articles over quantity and also promotion. All the changes to the design and other things should be finalised at offline. When you’re branding your blog, design it offline and make it live at once.

Don’t keep changing the design or other things often. The only thing you should concentrate is on content and promotion. For offline working with WordPress, you can install Xampp and WordPress.

#3 – Content Is Nothing Until You Promote It

Social Media

So, you have finalised the design and also started working on content once the blog is live, now how to make people know about your blog ? Content is nothing until you promote it. So, promotion here plays a major role, now starting promoting your blog. Plan for promotional activites before you start a blog. Before starting a blog, get into the social media sites like twitter, facebook etc.

Make some friendship, let them know who you’re. If you’re on twitter, Retweet the post of some bloggers, get their attention, start the conversation with them. Same goes with digg, facebook, and other sites. So now once you’ve got some familiarity with them, it will be easy for promotional activities. When you make your blog live, it will be easy to get some traffic from other sources than search engines.

#4 – Only Passion Can Drive Your Blog With Success

Success Via Passion

Here on the note 4, I would like to focus on 4 points that you should keep in mind before starting a blog. Only passion can drive your blog with success. Many people fail in the first 3 months because of less passion towards work and no patience.

So, the 4 points which you should tell your mind always – Hard Work by frequent update of articles and writing quality content, Patience, Smart promotion of your blog and Communicating with fellow bloggers and readers. So focusing on all these 4 points will make your blog successful. You should also maintain concentration in Blogging.

#5 – Follow The Don’t Give Up Nature

Never Give Up

Apart from design, content, promotion and communication, you should set your mind free and strongly follow the don’t give up nature. Blogging is not quick race, its more like a marathon.

You will be successful only on a long run. So never give up at any circumstances. You may fail, but learn where you’ve failed and come back with a bang. Strictly follow the don’t give up nature, you will be successful one day ! Believe the potential in You !

So these are the factors I think that should be kept in mind before starting a blog. What Say?

34 thoughts on “5 Things To Keep In Mind Before Starting A Blog”

  1. Using the social media can really effect your blog traffic positively. When I started using it my traffic doubled! I am going to start a new blog soon, so i will keep this advices in mind!

  2. Thanks for the very nice tips! I will work on it. It is simply very difficult for me to start a blog.. pfff. But your blogging is helping me!

  3. great stuffs. passion makes it all if we have passion to do something than people will see it in our work.

  4. Planning is very important as well. Make sure you have a good plan in place for the blog and follow your plans as much as possible.

  5. Does a personal blog, that tackles anything under the sun, become successful too in terms of traffic, earnings and rank?

  6. Great tips! What makes the post look good, is the relevancy of the in-content images!

    Nice blog, keep it up! 🙂

  7. Pingback: The unfortunate truth about blogging* « I Found It~! by Eureka Janet (alexander)
  8. I believe that some new bloggers indulged directly into money-making without working on own content. And when they don’t get a dime, they give up. It’s a misconception about blogging.
    Hahaa, one of my blogs is about to fall into no.5 but I’m going to save it so thanks to this post. 🙂

  9. The Point 1 and point 3 is really best and every one should follow that.. I think everyone must prepare the post offline and make every possible changes before putting it online.. .Thanks for sharing this post. 🙂

  10. The 3rd and 4th points are much important. Having the particular keyword in your domain name, usually ranks you higher, even if there are sites with much better content than yours. !!

  11. I like your blog, honestly. But making it Mashable-like; I don’t support it. Previously it looked original and unique. Now it doesn’t…………………….. 🙁

    • Oops off-topic. But it’s ok! 😀

      I didn’t make it mashable alike. Unfortunately, the theme is designed to look like Mashable (Old Theme). Credit goes to Roy from Theme Junkie.

      Yea, I know it looks not unique, but am trying my best to make changes..hopefully very soon..sorry from side.. 😉

  12. #6 Choose the right webhosting provider

    With all the above 5points taken care, you need a reliable source to show your blog to the world!
    Choose a host that is reliable, has proven 100% uptime, good tech support and affordable prices.



  13. All these tips are like “pearls” that decorates our blog if one follow these tips,Thanking you both Pradheep 🙂 and Srivathsan 🙂 …


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